2014 FANFH Annual Meeting Minutes

Post date: May 21, 2014 11:27:12 PM

FANFH Annual Meeting Minutes

May 9th, Masonic Hall 6:00 pm

Introduction by Carole Ockert.

Who we are and what we do.

Boundary map showing the area of our neighborhood assoc. and special welcome to our new triangle piece that has been added in.

We are a neighborhood assoc. not a homeowners assoc.

We are sanctioned by the city.

We have a neighborhood plan.

We do not enforce code. We refer that to the city.

We do discuss pertinent land use issues/we are involved in city process.

Recent examples: downtown parking committee

Comprehensive Plan

pre-application meetings

neighborhood survey

We meet first Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8:00pm at the Adult Community Center.

We have a website. You can opt-in to get notification of our agenda or anything else that we post. We post both the agenda and minutes. All are welcome to attend. The meetings are always open to the public.

We host a Candidate’s Night where you can ask the candidates questions. This year is scheduled for Thurs. Oct. 9, 6:30-8:00 at the ACC.

Darrel Condra explained the election procedure for the Officers and the Coordinating Committee. There was a slate. It was opened for additional nominations from the floor and one name was added to the Coordinating Committee. A voice vote was taken with those eligible to vote. A unanimous all in favor, with none opposed.

For 2014-15


Carole Ockert, Chair

Maria Meneghin, Vice Chair

Karl Ockert, Secretary

Dennis O’Neil, Treasurer

Coordinating Committee:

Jim Bolland

Christopher Clee

Darrel Condra

Sharon Gustafson

Andy Harris

Glenn Lowe

Martin Monto

David Rudawitz

Main Discussion, North End Anchor

Maria Meneghin went over maps of area & City investment in property, then went over some basic code for the district that might be applicable. Then the discussion was open for any comments from the floor which included:

-Maybe not appropriate for bar or nightclub because it is close to residential

-‘B’ becoming like ‘A’ - busy - is a concern

-integrated design for both blocks, neighborly feel, small open public use spaces, avoid high volume business, larger residences preferable for families, moderate price tag

-community cultural center in design

-micro park to feel like a small neighborhood downtown, walking feel

-concern about loss of small businesses

-be able to buy everyday things

-small cost like food cart/craft type

-appropriate design for mixed uses, who owns what/dividing line between condos and business, lack of clear definition can cause issues

-small shopping like 2nd St businesses

-continuity between nice development so that it goes with previous block

-street trees continue

-another upscale grocery somewhere in downtown

-don’t max out zoning

-consider impact on surrounding areas ie: view

-remember Rite Aid site will eventually redevelop to street

-code change before RFP?

-more condos in LO

-single-level condos

-the development shouldn't drive traffic to level "F" (failing) at A or B Avenues

Head Count at 7:00 was 45