FAN^FH Neighborhood Association Coordinating Committee Meeting

Post date: Oct 16, 2012 5:54:52 PM

October 3, 2012

Committee in attendance:

Carole Ockert, Karl Ockert, Dave Rudewitz, Jim Bolland, Glen and Donna Lowe, Peter Sweet, Sharon Gustafson, Maria Mennighin, Darryl Condra, Chris Clee, Martin Monto

Guests: Mike Buck, Syd Smither


1. Lake Grove bond

a. Buck and Smither:

i. 97034 has done a good job re-building itself, need some of that for 97035

ii. Bond measure will kick start change for Boones Ferry Road

iii. Spreading word of importance, this is one city and Lake Grove needs support of the rest of the city

iv. Boones Ferry is most accident prone area in LO according to LOPD, gets 20-25,000 cars per day, needs to be re-worked

v. Task force 2003-2007 formulated plan to City

vi. City approved in 2008, but waiting for the plan to be implemented, needs funding

vii. This is the best opportunity to address the situation in one phase, widening Boones Ferry 70’ to 90’


Is the $5M + Tax Increment financing enough to cover the costs?

· Need the $5M to get started. Right of way study being done currently

· Tax increment financing will supply about $23M but may need more on top of that

Can we finance this project with other than Urban Renewal District? There are other projects going on with private development so why is public money needed?

· Other funding alternatives are general obligation bond for whole project cost, no other methods

Scope of the project is elevating the cost, why not concentrate on the fundamental infrastructure?

· Safety pedestrian friendly aspects are necessary and best to get all the work done at once

Other funds are coming in that could be diverted

This projects has been ignored by last few city councils, money was wasted on projects and consultants for things that have been shelved. Perhaps with a council change new opportunities will appear.

2. Neighborhood grant (C. Ockert)

a. City sent out grant proposal form, came 9/21 due 11/2

b. Money must be spent by end of June 2013, up to $5k

Motion unanimously passed to submit grant request for enhancing the annual meeting with an ice cream social with goal to increase attendance.

3. Reports

a. C. Ockert: Parking task force report

i. Fine tuning recommendations to City Council in November

b. P. Sweet: Foothills citizen advisory committee (CAC) report

i. E. Howard, consultant, ran meeting 10/3/12

ii. Staff want to have a public presentation on Foothills in October 24 and present to council on November 20th

iii. All this being done and pushed through before plans and codes are approved and met

iv. Should we allow this be called “citizen involvement”?

v. Affordable subsidized housing being discussed ahead of City comp plan and pushing for up to $11.5M in public financing

vi. City staff wants to use “full faith and credit” to back up the urban renewal money

vii. Metro is not asking for density but for employment areas, should Foothills be developed for business instead of residential?

viii. Can we slow down this process and let information to be collected?

1. Motion made and unanimously passed for a letter from FH^FAN (Sweet to write) asking that the process be slowed down to collect and process information

c. M. Monto: Tree reports

i. 9th and C street pre-applicant will now save a maple on their lot

ii. Current Process: Applications are sent by City to Monto to comment on, he drives by and sees whether he thinks there are issues and will forward for feedback to tree committee for comment/advice

iii. Should these go onto website? Clee will post simple listing of tree permits with MM as contact

iv. Hazard tree permits, fast process (14 days), interested in checking the records and see if there is a pattern for hazard trees.

Martin will draft a letter to City with concerns. Motion made and passed.

d. C. Clee: Comp plan update (CAC)

i. Email sent to committee regarding ½ mile zoning, response is that intention is to let property owners upzone to higher density. This encourages spot zoning. Current language requires “retaining zoning”, new language enables considering rezoning and higher density

ii. Committee approved letter from Clee protesting the new language being considered

4. Other business

a. Candidate night (Mennighin):

i. Candidate Night at ACC Monday October 8th starting at 6:00pm

ii. Everything arranged, planned, all candidates planning to be there.

b. Allied Waste update from LONAC (Bolland)

i. Questions on composting plan, Portland residents did not ask for this service and it has not been well received.

ii. Competitive bidding process was advocated by LONAC and recommended to Council

iii. City voted to extend contract for ten years with no bid process

Meeting adjourned, 8:40pm. Next meeting at ACC on Wednesday, November 7th at 7:00pm