August 2018 Committee Minutes

Post date: Aug 29, 2018 10:45:49 PM

FANFH August Coordinating Committee Meeting minutes

Meeting held 8/16 6:30 at the ACC

Attending: Carole Ockert, Kathleen Wiens, Linda Rudawitz, Miles Haladay, Suzanne Meckle

-Finalize plans for Annual Meeting on 9/11 Working on finalizing resource panel. Carole will keep everyone to 5 minutes.

-Candidate Night possibilities ACC 7:30 - 9:00 - Looking for a night.

-Tree mitigation issue at 4th and C Looking to take down diseased trees. FAN unlikely to oppose mitigation options if there are options.

-discussion on changes for Guidelines for Citizen Involvement Trying to update notice requirements with “modern” technology.

-Short Term Rental survey by city Online survey for input on short term rentals.

-NEP approval/plans Neighborhood grant, festive front porch light, annual meeting and landscaping at Stanford common.

-Pre app for 25 unit minimum apts. at 21 D D ave, above car wash. Trying to sell the property 25 unit apartment. 12 units on a floor. Units 1,100 sq ft. goal of 2 parking spots per units.

Pre app for lot on Andrews Road across from Tryon Creek entrance. Looking to split two lots but frontage is 20 too short.