매뉴얼 번역

매뉴얼 번역1

Tires, tubes, rims, flaps, rubber hammers, and other tools are required for tube mounting.

Tire (ban), tube (ban dalam), rim (pelek), flap (ban perut), palu karet, dan alat-alat lainnya dibutuhkan dalam pemasangan tube.

Take the tube and the flap from the boxes.

Ambil tube dan flap dari dalam kotak.

Be careful not to damage the tube and flap when taking them out of the boxes.

Berhati-hatilah agar tidak merusak tube dan flap saat mengeluarkannya dari kotak.

Check the appearance of the tube and flap are okay.

Periksa kondisi tube dan flap, apakah baik-baik saja.

Check the appearance of the tube and flap.

Periksa kondisi tube dan flap.

Check if the rim size is correct and examine the rim and the lock ring for any defects.

Periksa apakah ukuran rim sudah benar dan periksa apakah ada cacat pada rim dan lock ring (cincin pengunci).

Make sure the size of the tube and flap matches the size of the tire.

Pastikan ukuran tube dan flap sesuai dengan ukuran tire.

Ensure if the rim size is correct and examine the rim and the lock ring for any defects.

Pastikan apakah ukuran rim sudah benar dan periksa apakah ada cacat pada rim dan lock ring (cincin pengunci).

Check that the size of the tire and rim is correct, and check the rim and the lock ring for any defects.

Periksa apakah ukuran rim sudah benar dan periksa apakah ada cacat pada rim dan lock ring (cincin pengunci).

매뉴얼 번역2

