Doc's Macaroni Salad


1 Box Elbow Macaroni (1 lb)

2.5 cups mayonnaise

½ cup sweet relish

¼ cup Thousand Island dressing (or French)

1 cup shredded carrot

½ large sweet pepper shredded

1 small onion shredded

1 cup sweet corn

1 cup sweet peas

1 tsp. black pepper

1 tsp. Lawry seasoning salt

1 tbsp. sugar


    1. Boil a box of macaroni following the instructions. Make sure not to overcook them.
    2. Once they are cooked, rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process and drain.
    3. Shred onion, carrots and sweet peppers
    4. In a bowl, combine the mayonnaise and the macaroni
    5. Add the thousand islands and sweet relish, followed by the shredded ingredients
    6. Stir in the corn and peas and lastly the dry seasonings
    7. Store in a container with a lid, and place in the fridge.