Blueberry-nut pie

Original blog post:


2 prepared pie crusts

For the filling

5 cup frozen or fresh berries

1 teaspoon lime or lemon juice

¾ cup sugar

¼ cup cornstarch

¼ cup flour

1 pinch salt

For the topping

½ cup almonds

½ cup cashews

2/3 cup brown sugar

½ cup flour

¾ cup oatmeal

1 tablespoon cinnamon

6 tablespoon soft butter

Egg wash

1 egg

¼ cup milk

Brown sugar


    • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees
    • Roll out the bottom pie crust and place in a pie dish, cut off any excess edges. I made mine in a tart pan and cut off the edges
    • With the top pie crust cut into equal ¼ inch (or less) thick strips and braid the 6 longest pieces in the center into three braids, keep the other pieces as strips
    • Place all the crusts in the in the refrigerator to keep cool

For the streusel topping

    • Blend together the almonds and cashews into bread crumb sized pieces
    • In a bowl combine the cashews, almonds, brown sugar, flour, oatmeal, cinnamon and soft room temp butter
    • Mix together until all the ingredients absorb the butter and turn into a crumble

For the fruit filling and assembly

    • In a bowl combine the blueberry, lemon juice, sugar, cornstarch, flour and salt
    • Stir and combine
    • Fill the bottom pie crust with fruit filling, but set aside 4 – 5 single berries
    • Place the braided pieces in an equal triangle framing the center, place the other strips along the edges parallel to the outside of the triangle
    • Place a bottle cap in the center fill the open gaps with streusel, packing it in tightly and pushing it down
    • Make sure not to get the streusel on the crust
    • Remove the bottle cap from the center and place the 4-5 berries in its place
    • Beat the egg and milk together and brush the crust sprinkle with sugar and bake for an hour
    • After about 30 minutes I rest a piece of foil over top lightly just to prevent the top from over browning
    • Remove from the oven after an hour and allow to completely cool for 5 hours before slicing
    • This allows it to set. Overnight is best but at least 5 hours

Greedy tips:

    • see the link here for a good pie crust
    • If you use frozen berries make sure to wash and defrost them (naturally don’t heat) and pat very dry
    • Using fresh berries just wash and dry