Quartz Point Falls

Quartz Point Falls

Sierra County, California


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This waterfall is named after the peak that is near where its creek originates. The pictures I was able to take of this waterfall only show the lower portion. Although the lower section along with the river is pretty, there are at least two more tiers a little ways upstream. I could see these two tiers from across the river but they were heavily masked by surrounding trees so I didn't take any pictures. If I could have made it to the other side of the river, I think I would have found some pretty impressive falls. Therefore, I'll have to come back in the future and try to get across the river (not recommended for others) to see these tiers and to see if there are any more upstream.Location

Quartz Point Falls: 39.5584 N, 120.7588 W

USGS Topo: Downieville


From the bridge over the Downie River in Downieville, follow CA-49 east for ~4.5 miles. Park in the pullout area off the southern side of the highway and walk down to the side of the river. This waterfall is across the river from here.
