Parker Creek Falls

Parker Creek Falls

Mono County, California


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We made an effort to get a closer view of this waterfall after seeing it from US-395 between Mammoth Lakes and Lee Vining. Two creeks join immediately upstream of the main section of the waterfall. The USGS topo map marks three separate waterfalls--two on the southern branch--but we could only see two of these. The water falls over 1,800' from the top of the first marked waterfall to the base of the main one and it looks pretty impressive even from the highway. The best place to view this waterfall, without getting near the base, is from the ridge east of Parker Lake, but this requires navigating a rough dirt road and crossing a spring. If you can make it, the wildflower display at the end of the road next to another tributary spring it gorgeous in the summer.


Parker Creek Falls: 37.82774 N, 119.18524 W

USGS Topo: Koip Peak


From the northern US-395/CA-158 (June Lake Loop) intersection, follow CA-158 southwest for ~1.4 miles and turn right onto Parker Lake Road (dirt). Follow this southwest for ~1.2 miles and turn left onto a secondary dirt road. Only continue if you have high clearance and decent tires. If not, continue to the Parker Lake Trailhead (end of Parker Lake Road), hike along the Parker Lake Trail, and then turn onto a secondary trail just before reaching the lake to climb the ridge to the east-northeast. If you have high clearance and good tires, follow the secondary dirt road uphill and south, passed a junction with a little viewpoint over Grant Lake and then downhill to the south-southwest. Turn sharply to the right at an intersection (straight dead ends in a short distance at another viewpoint over Grant Lake) and quickly cross over a tributary to Parker Creek to the west (do NOT attempt this in the spring or during any moderate to high flow). The road then climbs to the west and southwest for ending at a trailhead in a grove of aspen (~3.0 miles from the Parker Lake Road). Branches block a route straight ahead just before the road turns slightly to the right and ends. A trail leaves from the southwestern end of the cul-de-sac and quickly crosses another tributary of Parker Creek (stay right where a trail splits off to the left before crossing the creek on a little trunk) before turning to the north to climb the ridge and descend to join the Parker Lake Trail. At the crest of the ridge we followed the ridge line around the mountain mahogany to the southwest to get better views of the waterfall.
