Codfish Creek Falls

Codfish Creek Falls

Placer County, California


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An easy, flat trail leads back to this waterfall located northeast of Auburn. This a nice early season waterfall to visit but if you're here in late-winter to spring be aware of ticks (as with any lower elevation waterfall in California). When I was here with my wife and dog, multiple ticks seemed to appear on my dog's back while we were enjoying the waterfall.

Codfish Creek Falls: 38.9971 N, 120.9555 W

USGS Topo: Greenwood


From Sacramento, take exit #130 (#131 from Truckee) off of I-80 at Applegate, then follow Paoli Lane north to Ponderosa Way. Turn right onto Ponderosa Way and follow it for ~5.2 miles all the way down to the bridge over the North Fork American River. Park off the side of the road where available. Ponderosa Way may be a problem for low clearance cars (bumpy in some places). The trail starts on the northern side of the river and heads southwest. The trail reaches the waterfall after ~1.4 miles by first following the river and then turning north along the eastern side of Codfish Creek. Watch out for ticks while on this trail and at the waterfall. One of the little buggers jumped from a tree branch onto the back of our dog while we were there.