Long Falls


Long Falls: 39.5769 N, 121.5856 W

USGS Topo: Oroville


Take CA-70 and turn right onto Cherokee Road, ~6.7 miles northeast of the intersection with CA-149 (north of Oroville). Follow Cherokee Rd for ~5.8 miles to the trailhead parking lot on the right (northwest), shortly after climbing the hill west of Oregon City. From the trailhead head west towards Hollow Falls. About 3.25 miles from the trailhead you'll reach Crevice Falls (as described here). From Crevice Falls head SW, following the rim of the canyon and reach a viewpoint of Long Falls from the northwest ~0.25 miles from Crevice Falls. This viewpoint is from below a tree that is very the near the edge of the canyon. However, the entire waterfall is not visible from here. An alternate viewpoint exists that offers the entire view but it is much more difficult and dangerous to access (travel at your own risk). I found this alternative viewpoint by making my way WSW of the traditional viewpoint by walking over a couple of razor thin pathways. You can also view Long Falls by hiking to its base from the railroad tracks to the WSW. Obviously, it is possible to make a more direct path to this waterfall from the trailhead but you'll have to take into account getting around or through the deep hollow. One option may be to parallel the Cherokee Rd southwest of the parking lot until you are almost directly east of this waterfall and then make a Bee-line for it.

Long Falls

Butte County, California


Description to come.

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