Feather Falls

Feather Falls

Butte County, California


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Until relatively recently Feather Falls was thought to be one of the top 10 tallest waterfalls in the US at 640'. However, it has since been proven to 'only' be 410' leaving it nowhere near the top 10 of tallest waterfalls in the US (640' wouldn't be in the top 10 either, it would be tied for 136th; Harrison Basin Falls, MT is currently listed as the 10th tallest in the US at 2,320' according to the World Waterfall Database). Despite this let down, Feather Falls is still a spectacular waterfall and one of the best in CA north of Yosemite. The viewing platform for this waterfall can be reached in as little as ~3.45 miles or as much as ~4.6 miles from the trailhead depending on if you take the lower (former) or upper (latter) trail. The brink of the waterfall is accessible from a side-trail that intersects with the main trail just above the viewing deck. However, be extremely careful at the brink and don't be another person to not respect the power of moving water. See the Feather Falls hike description for more details.

Feather Falls: 39.64319 N, 121.27415 W

USGS Topo: Brush Creek


See the Feather Falls hike description for complete directions. From the trailhead the first loop junction is met at ~0.3 miles. The right (upper) trail reaches the viewing deck in a further ~4.3 miles (~0.45 miles past the second loop junction) and the left (lower) trail reaches the viewing deck in a further ~3.1 miles. The upper trail is recommended for going to the waterfall and the lower trail is recommended for coming back out.
