Diplomacy - the art of letting someone else have your way.

This is what our job as salesman is all about, for we all accept that a good salesman does not appear to sell his product. He creates, in the mind of the prospect, a desire to buy, then helps the prospect to complete his purchase.

“High Pressure” selling is a very hackneyed phrase used to denote the salesman who, due to his lack of skill at closing, is seen to be visibly “pushing” the prospect into a decision. We must, of course, use pressure ourselves but the right time to do this is when trying to get an appointment for an interview. This is when we need to be very persistent and sidestep all objections.

When face to face with the prospect we must then create the desire to buy which can only be achieved by asking questions. Many salesmen take a long time to master this fundamental point.

Now comes the problem! The prospect states an objection, and the sales man immediately begins to argue with him. Exerting his superior knowledge and rhetoric, he proceeds to show the prospect the stupidity of his objection, and eventually wins a crushing victory. This does wonders for his ego, but unhappily the inappreciative prospect never buys.

When an objection arises, treat it carefully and firmly, no matter how stupid it sounds. It is important to the prospect, otherwise he would not have mentioned it. He is expressing doubt that exists in his mind, and you cannot make further progress until you have satisfied his query.

But before proceeding further, it is necessary to establish whether the objection is genuine, or whether it is a false one hiding the real objection.

For example, the man who says he has no time to talk to you may be telling the truth - in which case an appointment should be made for another time or he may be reluctant to admit to you and himself how painfully inadequate his insurance arrangements are.

So we come back to asking questions to probe how genuine the objection is. When the real objection has been uncovered you can proceed. Put yourself on your client’s side and acknowledge the objection with, “That’s an interesting point you make Mr. Prospect, but ...”

After all, you are trying together to decide what is best for him, so he can eventually buy from you. Give him all the help you can!
