* «Circus is a fairy-tale»* Sergey Avdeev

«Circus is a fairy-tale»

Sergey Avdeev

Circus is a fairy-tale. And there are fable heroes and magicians at the circus like in every fairy-tale.

Both people and animals can become show stars in a circus performance. So animals get the help of their tamers in order to become show stars and become fable heroes who make children and adults happy. The audience rewards animal-actors with the applause. Tamers are both nannies and teachers for these animals and birds…

Nickolai Karpovich Pavlenko is one of the world’s famous tiger tamers.

His methods are more characterized by caress and kindness than punishing. The punishment is disgusting and unpleasant both for the one who punishes and for the other who is punished.

Nickolai Pavlenko got his success in making tigers excellent actors by working hard and by loving them and being kind to them.

His show known as “Sumatra’s Tigers” is a great and spectacular performance with the tigers’ roar filling the building and muffling the orchestra music. Sumatra is a remote island in Indonesia where these tigers were born.

This is a unique show appreciated in our country, in our world of beauty and arts. The show is included in the Golden Fund of Russian Circus Art.

Nickolai Pavlenko is the only tamer in the world who is able to work with 14 tigers at a time! And he had been working with 19 tigers at a time before. He always works without any arms only with a cane which is as short as a conductor’s stick.

Pavlenko teaches his pets to learn and make beautiful tricks – for instance to jump through the fire-ring, to roll the ball, standing on it, to run over a narrow beam, and to walk on their back feet and even jump over each other also on their back feet.

By the way, Pavlenko trains not only tigers but nice and mere doggies – white snow japanese spitz-dogs.

It is very difficult to become a tamer. Nickolai Pavlenko started his career looking after animals. Only after many years of being a worker with tigers he began to work with tigers as a tamer. He taught his tigers many interesting tricks and began to make shows around the world.

Tigers lead a happy life near the tamer Pavlenko. Even tiger-cubs are being born to them!

And when they grow-up they become big strong smart and dangerous tigers.

That is why even Pavlenko himself can’t come up to them because they can hurt him hard with their big fangs and claws and swipe him with their paws.

The only tiger that was really tame near Nickolai was the tiger named Tad. He could take Tad for a walk and he stroked it and even embraced it. So once they had to go upstairs to the 17th floor. They couldn’t use a lift as it turned out that Tad was afraid of using the lift!

Pavlenko gets on well with doggies and tigers. And with his four legged actors he gives audience happiness, by making very beautiful performances that are made with skills, kindness and beauty.

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