SECTION 3 - Week 2


INtro - Section 3: Week 2

Make sure you watch the weekly intro.

It has info on:

  • Q1 and Q2 Grades + Make-up and Extra Credit info

  • Assignments

  • Shout-outs! C.J. McWhorter and Eva Chevalier!

Week 2 - What to do when sports injuries happen?

Health assignment:

section 3: Week 2

In your flipgrid this week along with the Daily Themed Workout include what R.I.C.E. stands for and give me an example of an injury when you would use it.


REstore and REcover

This week we will focus on Dynamic Stretching as a warm-up.

Watch the clip (5 min) and then pick 5 of your favorite stretches to focus on and do for your Monday workout.


Strength, CORe and cardio

follow the instructions in the video

We are combining these this week for a A.M.R.A.P. workout - if you want to do additional cardio - swim, bike or run is always an option.


Sports Specific


Throwing to a moving target.