Mac Update - Almost There!

Post date: Dec 3, 2013 2:54:05 AM


It was a bit more difficult than expected, but CrossMgr 1.90.4 is now running on a Mac (see screenshot below).

The Mac version will be for Intel, 64-bit, OSX=Mavericks (I wish I could support the older PowerPC Macs, but I can't get the tools on that platform).

All the features are working, including OS-specific stuff like Printing, Print-Preview and Help.

There may also be a few minor issues.

Help Search still does not work quite right, as the Mac has the search right on the menu. CrossMgr Help Search works fine. This is not critical, but it would be nice to figure it out and clean it up.

I have been able to make a stand-alone install, but I am stuck on one last problem - how to make a package file for install.

I am sure there is a solution out there as all Mac software installs this way, but it has been such a struggle to figure it out.

Stay tuned for an announcement when I get the slick package install...