
Nothing beats reading books than personal experience, which I had when I got broken ribs:

The most important key to successfully dealing with pain (or anything else in life) is your attitude and beliefs.

For example, last time when my tooth hurt, I decided that I was keeping it. This gave me strength to continue fighting for my tooth, and I won!

When I get sick, I remind myself that I am not sick - just in a temporary imbalance, and that I will be ok tomorrow. My body always responds favorably.

The next step is to address:

posted at

There are many Young Living essential oils for pain. However, it is important to differentiate pain. Pain can be caused by injury, toothache, back pain caused by a spasm, chronic health condition, etc.

There are many balancing and stimulating essential oils and blends. I am only listing a few here. Please keep in mind when choosing an essential oil product, that additionally, each oil/oil blend has so many other beneficial properties!

Rotate essential oils to get the maximum effect. If you did not get pain relief quickly, try another essential oil.

If pain is caused by a chronic health condition, it's important to identify the emotional problem, address body alignment, and obviously the health condition itself.

It is interesting to note that some people like hot oils, and some prefer cooling ones for the same type of injury. For example, my husband prefers hot oil for a sprain, while my friend likes a cooling one.

Valor is amazing at balancing energy, so I start with it.

PanAway blend is excellent for injury and spasm relaxation (it has Helichrysum), for pain. I was fortunate enough to help a friend of mine , who injured her spine & was given narcotics for pain. I layered the oils in the PanAway blend to help her with pain, and it worked quite well she put the medication aside.

Deep Relief blend roll on - many people like it. It is a cooling blend.

Deep Relief feels cool. If you want a hot effect, apply Wintergreen or another oil.

What I do, depending on the effect I am looking for, I apply that oil, even though Deep Relief has them all. For example, if I want it for the bone pain, I would add Wintergreen afterwards.

Releave It - great for spasms. It works on my husband's tense neck muscles, and thereby helps his headache go away.

BLM formula combines powerful all-natural ingredients, such as type II collagen, MSM, glucosamine sulfate, and manganese citrate, enhanced with therapeutic-grade essential oils.

Don't forget to handle the emotions - Trauma Life, Valor, and Harmony, or any oil you prefer the smell of. For example, at times I love to smell Rosewood, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang or Peppermint.


Gary has been combining Palo santo/Frankincense/Balsam Fir for his broken back

and has no pain - is snowmobiling! Remarkable Healing Trio; Magical Trinity.

Here is Gary's Pain Formula (from

20 drops Valerian

20 drops Vetiver

10 drops Helichrysum (sub Elmi or Palo Santo)

5 drops Clove

5 drops peppermint

10 drops Idaho Balsam Fir

For a bruise - Lavender is great

For a tooth ache

    • Clove or Thieves will numb the pain for a while; RutaVala and Peace and Calming oil on location will calm the nerves.

    • Start with Valor - use all oils on location

    • Peace and Calming (or whatever oil works best to calm your nerves)

    • Copaiba (for inflammation)

    • Frankincense, Ocotea, Roman Chamomile, Myrrth (alternate) for inflammation

    • Don't eat much, take probiotics (from personal experience)

    • If you get tired of dripping oils in your mouth, try Longevity on the outside of your mouth. Don't forget to use vegetable oil afterwards (or with, if you don't like the burning sensation). You can also try AromaSeiz blend afterwards to relax the jaw.

Here are my personal toothache stories :

For spasms: Aroma Seiz, Peace and Calming, Relieve It

for Ligament injury - Lemongrass, Palo Santo

wound - Helichrysum can be applied directly on

For Sinus pain - I like to use Deep Relief roll-on followed by Breathe Again

For pain inside your stomach caused by acid - Ocotea, or Myrrh, or Helichrysum

For pancreatic pain, I take Endoflex on pancreas (3 drops), DiGiae on my stomach (3 drops), Ocotea (1 drop under the tongue), and Peace and Calming for relaxing the stomach muscles. It works within minutes. If it hurts again, I repeat the above sequence. Usually, after 2 applications, I am saved!

For a twisted stomach, I use Valor on my feet, shoulders, and stomach, while laying down in a body balancing Yoga posture, and take Ocotea for the internal pain. Please read more here.

Pain can also be caused by Candida.

For knee cartilage - Palo Santo

To calm down - RutaVala (a mix with Valerian) is amazing, Peace and Calming, Lavender, Peppermint, Tranquil and Stress Away roll ons

Migraine Headache - a drop of Cinnamon or Christmas Spirit, which has enough Cinnamon in it, on the back of the neck

a drop of Thieves on tongue, and push against the roof of the mouth

For other suggestions, please read my Healing Stories. For women, Progessence Plus Serum has been reported to help due to balancing of women hormones. One of the Young Living distributors shared that she is the first female in her family not to get migraines (her mother & grandmother suffered from it).

Blue Spruce Regenerates Spinal Chord Tissue

Palo Santo:

Muscle Relaxation - Deep Relief; Idaho Fir; Relieve It; Aroma Siez (works best for me); Cypress (circulation), Marjoram (nerves), Oregano (hot - brings more blood into the area)

Arthritis - Deep Relief and PanAway - read more here

For structural spine problems, do Raindrop.

For brain and head related problems, do NAT

Aroma Life - chest pain - gone in 2 minutes

For frozen shoulder: PanAway, Rosemary, Raindrop sequence, Lemongrass

Peppermint + Wintergreen together work great for pain relief.

Try Clove + Wintergreen + Peppermint

or Clove + Wintergreen + Peppermint + Copaiba

Nancy Weber:: capsule of Valerian and Vetiver (16 drops in each) + 1 drop of Peppermint & clove

In the EDR, under Analgesic

Singles: Helichrysum, dorado azul, palo santo, elemi, wintergreen, lavender, copaiba

Blends: PanAway, Aroma Siez, Deep Relief roll-on, Thieves, Inner Defense, Brain Power, Relieve It

Pain Relief Blends: Equal part wintergreen, spruce, and black pepper

For slides from presentation by Marc Schreuder, Vice President of Young Living research, please click here (slide 93).

Note: For magnified effect of the oils taken, add Capaiba

To get to the bone - Wintergreen

For all the oils to work together - use Peppermint at the end

For more information on inflammation please read here:

for Disc Deterioration – Raindrop and Valor are invaluable!

Helichrysum, Balsam Fir, Wintergreen, Frankincense (carterii and sacra species), Vetiver,,Cypress, Deep Relief, PanAway and Relieve It .

Ortho Sport and Ortho Ease daily. Supercharge your massage oil by adding Cypress

Gary's own formula for reducing pain and regenerating nerve impulses

resulting from herniated disks at L4, L5 and L6, blended together and

applied on location:

Vetiver: 20 drops

Idaho Balsam Fir: 6 drops

Peppermint: 5 drops

Gary suffered from two serious accidents this last year, a severe

abdominal injury from jousting and a serious compound fracture of his

right arm while searching in the mountains on his horse for a lost

12 year old Boy Scout.

He took this internally for pain in an 00 capsule:

Valerian: 19 drops

Clove: 2 to 3 drops or

Peppermint: 2 to 3 drops.

Two (2) capsules at night are good for about 5 hours of pain relief.


Gary also gave us this formula for someone who had just undergone a

serious hernia and strangulated bowel resection, taken twice a day:

Berry Young Juice: 2 oz. (now called NingXia Red)

Georges Always Active Aloe Vera: 2 oz.

Sandalwood: 5 drops for DNA repair

Myrrh: 5 drops for DNA repair and anti-infection

Detoxzyme: 3 capsules

Liquid Acidophilus

This elderly individual was released to go home in only 4 days and took

no pain medication.

Gary's son Jacob also suffered a serious facial cut.

Rather than go to the hospital for stitches Jacob was treated with Frankincense,

Helichrysum, Sandalwood, Myrrh, a butterfly bandage and Tender Tush.

Completely healed and no scar.

BLM for osteoarthritis. Restores bone density 30% in 1 year.

The essential oils in BLM act as nutrient transporters and catalysts.

Please refer to the pages attached below for complete information.

From: Sarah



Hi Folks,

The below came from my upline and I thought I would share.


All of us have injuries from time to time – from the minor bumps and bruises to major accidents.

What is the FIRST thing to do when there is ANY kind of injury?

For me, I always reach for LAVENDER first. (other alternatives are Helichrysum on the spot and Cypress, which can be applied anywhere on the body)

  • Lavender will stop bleeding, both externally and internally so swelling will be minimized and body restoration process can begin immediately

  • Lavender brings oxygen to the cells, a critical factor in healing

  • Lavender can be dropped directly into open wounds

  • Lavender relaxes the injured person – and everyone else too

NOTE: NEVER APPLY ICE as ice will slow down the circulation. This will extend the time for healing. (finally, someone says what I've been saying all along)

After the bleeding is stopped, I like to use HELICHRYSUM directly in in the wound. If there is a joint sprain or a broken bone, I would reach for SACRED FRANKINCENSE next. (other alternatives are Lemongrass and other oils mentioned above)

When the injury is to a joint or bone?

My first choice is still LAVENDER immediately to minimize swelling and bruising. It is truly amazing how little bruising there is when Lavender is applied immediately after an injury. (totally true!)

Next, layer the oils of RAINDROP COLLECTION + COPAIBA directly over the joint or bone injury. It takes only a few minutes, and the oils will minimize pain as well as accelerate healing. Continue layering the oils from Raindrop Collection multiple times a day. (good choice, as Raindrop covers all body systems. Copaiba, on top of its healing effect, will magnify the healing effect of Raindrop times 6! Another alternative is Deep Relief and PanAway)

When I had my spinal fracture, I had the oils of Raindrop Technique layered over the injury morning and evening and used what I call my “Magic Oils for Pain” as often as I needed them – even every 30 minutes if necessary! I found them to be absolutely amazing both for pain relief AND for healing the fractured bone. (agree 100%. I would still add Helichrysum, or PanAway, or Deep Relief, or iterate)

“Magic Oils for Pain”


Numerous times I was told, “At your age, bones don’t heal!” and “At your age, muscles atrophy” and “At your age, tendons and ligaments don’t heal” . . . and on and on . . . Well, MY bones healed in record time, and I have no residual challenges! (Of course! Our bodies regenerate, as long as they are provided with the right nutrition, and, if injured, with the effective support for inflammation and body repair)

Dr. Peter Minke says VALOR is the first thing that is used for any injury at his home. In fact he said that his children don’t ask for “Mommy” or “Daddy” – they call out for “VALOR”! (Agreed - Valor is my favorite!)

What is the FIRST oil used in Raindrop Technique? VALOR!

Marc Schreuder said that he feels the most important oil to use after an injury or for pain is STRESS AWAY. Pain is magnified when we are tense and fearful. (Other choices: RutaVala, Peace and Calming, Valerian, etc. - whatever works best for you).

Is it possible to use ALL of these oils?

Certainly! I still would use LAVENDER first because I have had such great success with Lavender over the years – and I always have it with me because it is such a versatile oil.

The wonderful thing is that you can layer a number of oils safely. When you layer a number of oils, there is a very good chance that you will give the body exactly the perfect combination of molecules to come to balance – and BALANCE is what creates health and wellness.

What other oils would be appropriate for various injuries or for pain?



  • LEMONGRASS (great for tendons and ligaments)


  • MARJORAM (perfect for muscles)



  • PEPPERMINT (wonderful anti-inflammatory)

Remember, Gary Young always says, “If you don’t have the oil I suggest, then use what oils you have!”


If the pain is from disease or illness, it may be quite important to CLEANSE and ALKALIZE the body. Inflammation causes pain and compromises immune function.

For any chronic condition – from arthritis to gout . . . to eczema and autoimmune diseases, the body must be cleansed, alkalized, and supported nutritionally.

How do we do this?

  • NINGXIA RED: 180ml/day diluted in 180ml water

  • LEMON: 30-40 drops/day in capsules or in water

  • JUVACLEANSE: 1 drop over liver morning and evening and 3-7 drops in capsule at night (or under tongue)

(Read my protocol, Get well with Young Living

“The Morphine Bomb”

Gary Young gave a formula for pain of any type. He called it the “Morphine Bomb”. Just put 5 drops each of SACRED FRANKINCENSE, BALSAM FIR, and COPAIBA into a capsule (5 drops each). This can be repeated as often as necessary.

I personally find that layering these oils topically is extremely effective for me. They are actually the oils that I used in my “Magic Oils for Pain” minus Deep Relief.

There are many other essential oils that can be beneficial, but these are the very basic ones.

Broken Ribs - Quick Pain Relief and Healing with therapeutic grade essential oils

Painkillers or Healing With Therapeutic Grade Essential OIls?

Pain from radiation

Hi, PineHillers,

What oil besides lavender will protect a person who is having radiation

on her thyroid. She's in pain from the procedure. What oil can ease the

pain from radiation?


Be well,Jeannie


This formula I made for myself but, several people have used it

on their loved ones when they went to Heaven. And everyone said

that their pain left and they had the most peaceful cross over

they ever seen. Some even had a smile on their face. Also one

gentlemen used this blend on the area for Radiation and he did have

any side effect let alone being nausea. Dr. Penoel used Melaleuca on the

area for 7-10 days before and after radition and that he said really

worked. I hope this helps. Nancy

Magic Relief

Great for muscle, tissue bone regeneration and pain

8 spruce

8 sandalwood

7 Idaho Balsam Fir

5 hyssop

4 lemongrass

5 helichrysum

4 wintergreen

2 german chamomile

1 blue tansy

1 oz. V-6

Put the oils in the order they are listed or it will change

the action of the oil blend. I made this for myself when

I was told many years ago that my hip joint was wearing

out and I would have to have surgery. That I did not

want as my grandmother suffered from a lot of pain with

her surgery plus it didn't help. Also my arm was pulled

out of the socket and I did not go to a doctor thinking it

would get better. After 6 mo of still not being able to use

it and in pain a chiropractor told me that it was out of

place and the muscles had healed in the postion. After

putting it back in I used this Magic Relief and no more

pain and I can use my arm and lift it over my head.

Before I could not even do that let alone carry anything.

Nancy Sanderson.


My son had a tumor root go up and wrap around the

kidney and other parts of the internal organs. They couldn't

operate because it was to big. So they did chemo. He used the

oils of frankincense and this Magic Relif along his spine and his

lower tummy. When he had his chemo he did not get sick from

the chemo at all nor did he loose his hair.

Nancy Sear


Here's Deanna Wangler's testimony

When I first started or a couple of years

after, I am thinking in 1996 not sure but my son,

Kade Weigum came to me with a swollen finger. My first

assumption was a spider bite so I put a little purification

on it after I learned while I was in Turkey with Gary that

this was good for bites. This mind you consumed his whole

finger. The next couple of days passed and the tip of his

finger literally turned side ways so I took him to our small home

town Doctor ( who did eventually sign up may I add). His

assumption of 99% was that he has austio militias and

gave him a prescription of a heavy duty substance to

ward off this so-called bacterial infection of the bone. Kade

had x-rays every other day. Finally I called up Nancy

Sanderson, my up line. She said to try her recipe of Magic

Relief. If you want this I can mail it to you? This Nancy

made this formual for herself and Blaine her husband.

So I tried it and within a couple of days Kade had a

very strange bump on the side of his finger with uniformed

dots. Wesaw the Doctor he asked me what I was doing

knowing I was into the oils. I went and told him but I also

stated that he was still on his medication, the doc's

main concern. That evening of the visit Kade got very

very ill and I suspected detoxed to the point of dehydration.

I took him to the emergency ward and there the rehydrated

this poor child. The next day the swollen

finger was down. Kade felt good.

This I thought was the end. The next week however

without my knowledge of what happened Kade showed

me a swollen finger on his other hand. I did not hesitate

I made another appoint ment in the larger town nearby,

Casper WY, where his pedestrian resided. We went right up .

I grabbed the x-rays from our town doctor, hoping that this

would be sufficient. When we got there and he examined

Kade's finger he assumed the same but had to have his

own x-ray he took one of both hands. When they came

back he did not even discuss anything with me but made

an immediate appointment with a specialist a very good one

I might add. So we were rushed out of his office even with

out paying which is unheard of in that office. At the specialist

while we were waiting I wrote exactly what I was doing for Kade

in Nancy's formula as I had a bit of time. When we were there

with the new x-rays the Dr. informed me that kade's new swollen

finger was in fact broken. He had been playing a finger testing

game with someone larger then himself and failed to inform me

of this. Now for the original finger he s howed me the x-ray and

asked what exactly I was doing. I actually saw where the bone

had being eaten away from what the Dr. stated was possibly

at that time a new strain of virus going around he said he suspected

it was something to the tune of caffey virus. What was amazing the

last few x-rays showed the bone was regenerating, I saw this. He

said well keep doing what you were doing and if need be come back.

We didn't have to! This made a believer in me let me tell you I have

never been with out the oils since and as Gary has stated many

times carry them on your person-that I do every day and every

day I do find a use for our God Given Products.

Deena Wanger mother of Kade Weigum


Did you know that he oils are the catalyst of the delivery system within the


God Bless, and Have a Great Day,

Nancy Sanderson

Though for The Day:

"To get something you never had,

you have to do something you never did."



Don't expect the same results unless you are using Young Living Therapeutic

Grade essential oils and supplements. Also each person is different so they

may not work as well for you as it does for others so try another oil or


that would work better for you.

Essential oil testimonials are an effective way of learning and sharing.

With this

knowledge, we can take control of our own personal health. However, we are

required by law to state:

"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and

techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent

any disease."

Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical


Consult with the health authorities of your choice

To your health!




Health Essentials LLC.

Young Living member# 1128387

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