Secrets of Success

I am excited to share with you my notes of D. Gary Young teaching Secrets of Success seminar in Teaneck NJ on March 9, 2013.

Primary goal of this seminar was to teach us the protocol to be used for any problem we might have in life, be it successful as a business person, or overcoming an illness.

Please read Gary Young's blog about being successful in life.

D. Gary Young educational background

  • 1990 D. Gary Young lived in southern France where he studied the art of distillation with Henry Viaud (over 5 years), the world’s foremost distillator of essential oils, a scientist. Henry Viaud was distilling wild crafted plants.

After 5 years of studying Gary finally got invited to a dinner with Henry Viaud, where the scientist asked Gary what the essential oils

meant to him. Gary's automatic response was " the closest tangible substance to God on earth " The next morning Gary was

invited to Henry Viaud's home to see the distillery. For the next 2 weeks Gary stayed with his teacher and learnt. Gary was the only

person personally taught by Henry Viaud.

  • D.Gary Young also studied with Marcel Espieu, who was a fourth-generation lavender distillator and the president of the Lavender Growers Association of France for twenty-two years. Gary was the only person he taught (for 4 years).

For example, Gary learnt that the harsher the soil is (rockier), the better it is for lavender - it has to grow deeper routs.

Quality of essential oils

For high quality essential oils, you need to certify every single part in the process of making oils.

Less than 1% of essential oils on the market are pure. There is a lot of adulteration. More info here.

Going forward, Young Living oils will be classified as genuine, since doTerra stole all the names and recipes from Young, providing inferior quality oils.

People get injured by poor quality oils, because they are not whole.

There is no standard that the essential oils producing companies need to adhere - there is no monitoring agency. Gary Young was the first person in the world to create Therapeutic Grade Essential OIls standard, and adhere to it. Two of his labs and one independent lab verifies the contents of his oils. If 2 or more markers do not co-inside with his standard, the oils are not sold.

Going forward, Gary is working on having a low, charging companies for false advertising.

World peace process

Gary is planning a peace caravan to follow the Frankincense trail, from Jordan to Jerusalem and is requesting all the military in the area to stand down for the 2 weeks..

Anyone is welcome to join.

I look forward to reading Gary's book "The One Gift", a historical fiction " about the journey of the frankincense trail in ancient times. Why was frankincense more precious than gold in the ancient world? Can frankincense really calm you and lift your mood? The insights and history into essential oils are presented as never before in this wonderful story. D. Gary Young learned of the power of essential oils through a profound personal experience that led him on a worldwide odyssey to learn about essential oils and their importance in our lives. The One Gift is his gift to you and the world." posted on


Gary's personal story

People usually undergo transformation, when they go thru some very traumatic health experience. Mine was watching my mom, my girlfriend and my father suffer. I did not want the same to happen to my family or friends.

Gary was in a logging accident, which left him in coma for 3 weeks, 6 weeks of amnesia. He was on morphine from pain caused by broken spine, bones, and head injury. 3 times he tried to take his life, because he did not want to live paralyzed. After the last suicidal attempt in the hospital, his father told him to be a man, and grow up. This made him angry and motivated to fight for hi life.

What followed was 3 years on Morphine and Prozac, pain killers and anti-depressants. He was taking 7 meds - 3,4 times a day.

Success Protocol

Blue Spruce Regenerates Spinal Chord Tissue