About Me

How I became a Young Living "believer"

I am truly passionate about living foods nutrition, Aromatherapy and teaching piano. I love people and love sharing what I know.

Being close to nature and being with children gives me tranquility and joy.

I successfully passed the examination in expert knowledge in international Aromatherapy by the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy with the cumulative grade of A, got certificates for completing Raindrop training, NAT, attended seminars given by Gary Young, and many other lectures.

I also got the Certificate of Achievement for Distinguished Completion of the one week intensive class, Living Foods Essentials at Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute, Inc. Since I have learnt and done living foods for many years before going to institute, this class gave me a complete picture.

(To sum up, in this class I learnt self-sufficiency by doing; got training in growing, sprouting, and preparation of living foods; application of their healing properties; wheatgrass therapies; connecting and working closely with nature; balancing the body, mind, and spirit; internal cleansing; mental clarity, longevity, and prevention of all illness.

Most recently, I attended a 12-hour course French Aromatherapy Metabolic Pathways and Strategies in Aromatherapy by the well known Dr. Daniel Penoel, MD..

I share my hands-on experience and knowledge about essential oils and healthful living on this web site and in my blog.

I became a Reverand and am on a spiritual jorney

I used to be a computer professional, working for a big corporation. The best part of my job was creating, supporting/advising, and being dependent on.

However, with the birth of my son, nothing was more important for me than "my little belly button". I became a multi-tasking mom- piano teacher, aromatherapist - the flagship of my little family.

Short Intro


Today, I Celebrate Myself!

3/26/2013 - Update

3 years later, I am more dedicated to Young Living than ever.

I have updated my web site to include a lot of personal experience and knowledge. You can find some information in my healing stories, my blog, and through out this web site.



I've been using many wholistic therapies for many years, including juicing, reflexology, urine, raw living foods, homeopathy, Reiki and others. However, my latest enchantment is with therapeutic grade essential oils. I have never used anything more effective and quick acting as Young Living essential oils. Thanks to these oils, I healed my son's Asthma practically overnight, was able to balance my stomach from twisting, helped my husband recuperate from anesthesia, most recently, saved root canals of my 2 teeth, got rid of bone spur in a short time, am able to get well from a sore throat in 1 day, quickly fix a sinus problem , stopped pain of a friend who severely injured her back, and on and on...

The most eye opening experience for me was caring for my mother-in-law, who was dying from Cancer.

I practically pulled her out of death: from laying in bed with her eyes closed, she transformed into a physical therapy goer! If I did not see it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it.

Unfortunately, her cancer progressed too far by the time we found out, plus her daily dose of ice cream did not help her get better. However, I am happy I made her last days comfortable, unlike my parents'.

Using Young Living products helps me achieve healing results quickly and almost effortlessly.

Besides, I use their products for cleaning, body, bath and shower, rejuvenation, nutrition, and family health every day.

I have my Candida and stress under control, released a lot of my emotional pain stored in my body and am able to take care of my family's health wholistically. I am a happier and calmer person. My aspiration is to help others, and share my knowledge and experience with anyone who wants to know.

I am so enchanted with the Young Living oils that I dedicate a large part of my life to studying aromatherapy, reading and using essential oils for myself, my family, friends and anyone else who shows interest.

Years ago I used to work as a Computer Analyst, Database Administrator and Business Consultant , System Administrator and then System Consultant. I left all that to raise my son.

Having a background in music (piano) and teaching, I started giving piano lessons, substituting in school and babysitting (I love being around kids and feel a need to be around them).

My life was great for the longest time, until my parents, my friend, and then my son got sick. Naturally, it effected my health as well in a major way. I directed all my energy to learning about wholistic medicine.

I have become a raw vegetarian for many years since my parents and friends have died of cancer (2002). Looking for alternative ways to stay healthy and help my family, I've extensively studied nutrition and have been using juice therapy, reflexology, Reiki, yoga, urine therapy,acupressure, homeopathy and meditation and other wholistic techniques to battle my family's health problems like sinuses, bronchitis/asthma, constipation, bone spur, ulcer, a twisted stomach, rotator cuff injury, shingles, Candida overgrowth, enlarged appendix, warts and basal cancer. I started learning Aromatherapy using commercial organic essential oils. However, the results became apparent only after I started using therapeutic grade Young Living essential oils.

I have used many of Young Living's essential oils for my family, including my dog: for serious respiratory problems, emotional issues and immune system support. The results were quick!

I also discovered that my dentist, vet, naturopath, acupressure & reflexology specialists, and the farmer all have been using Young Living essential oils and products. I’ve heard about Young Living from customers at Whole Foods, my friend’s friend has been using these oils to help her son who has had leukemia for many years.

I learned the reason why Young Living essential oils work better than others - they're purest from the moment the seed is put into the ground to the moment the oil is extracted. I've been using Lavender & Thyme on my son's stomach to help him fight infection, Peppermint & Eucalyptus to help him breath at night, & also have used combinations like Thieves (for immunity),Raven, R.C. & Basil (for lungs), Peace & Calming (before the test), Believe, Valor, etc.

To learn more about the oils I took a 2-day hands-on CARE seminar on APPLIED VITAFLEX and RAINDROP TECHNIQUE. Additionally, I studied Kurt Schnaubelt's Aromatherapy course for international Aromatherapy certification. I try not to miss any seminars given by Young Living, constantly read, analyze and experiment with so many oils I bought.

Learning about and using Raindrop technique on my family has been a God sent. It helped my son get well from asthma over-night, and brought my husband from anesthesia in no time. Read more here.

"For 2,200 years until 1805, medicine was practiced exclusively according to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC), the founding father of natural medicine. He taught that the first and foremost principle of medicine must be to respect nature’s healing forces, which inhabit each living organism. Hippocrates considered illness a natural phenomenon that forced people to discover the imbalances in their health. He strongly believed in good food and related the course of any ailment to poor nutrition and bad eating habits. He stressed, "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food"–advice that, to this day, has not lost its validity" by Siegfried Gursche, MH.


Someone asked me a great questions last night: how I became a vegetarian, got involved with Young Living, and why I trust the Young Living company.

The answer to the last question can be found at this link:


As far as the 1st question, I don’t mind sharing info on my transformation and learning process over the years. By sharing my years of learning, I hope you would have a much shorter learning curve.

If you’re not interested in the whole story, which is understandable, here is the bottom line: ”We are what we think”, or as James Allen wrote "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." There are many great books and videos on this subject, like “The secret”, “What the Bleep Do we know?”, “The secret life of plants”, books by Louise Hey: “Heal Your Body A-Z”, “You can heal your life”, “The molecules of emotions”,” The Intention experiment” and many others.

Some people smoke and eat bad food, and yet they are still relatively healthy and live a long life. The truth is that it is all in your attitude, though I still prefer food without chemicals.

In the end, it is all about energy - energy over matter.

In 2002 I lost my mom. In the end, she suffered from pain and indignity like no-one I ever knew. There went my trust in traditional medicine. I am totally convinced now that my mom caused her own sickness – by not forgiving herself, by not being strong enough to make a change in her life, and by caring more about others than herself. It is interesting, that I think similar to her. However, I try to change. I forgive myself for my mistakes I made in the past, because I never mean harm to anyone, and if I hurt anyone, or do anything wrong, it’s because I am not perfect. However, I strive to improve myself. I still care about others more than about myself. However, I do things for myself as well.

The next challenge rolled when my little son started having constipation. I remember even going to consult a GI doctor. All I carried out from that appointment was that constipation was very detrimental to your health. We saw a young boy hooked to all sorts of machines. The doc explained that the child suffered from constipation.

Interestingly enough, guidance this time came from our pharmacist – he suggested for me to make oatmeal water for Joseph and eliminate pasta and bread. That was a good start. And the results followed quickly too. Another great benefit of not eating bread for me too – and I consciously made that choice – it made me tired and affected my parenting. It robbed me of my energy.

Then one day I talked to the Whole Foods (Whole Body) representative about my stomach bloating after eating. He explained to me that most likely I had Candida & needed to change my diet and take a few things to combat the condition. I followed his advice. Since then, thanks to Evelyn Turkell from the same store, who initially suggested the right books for me to read, I read books about nutrition, Reiki, juicing, energy, raw living foods, etc. You can check the titles of some of them on my web site:


Then came another challenge – after my father passed away in 2008, my son got very sick. This time I used my own version of Reiki. Every night I would come into his room and try to heal him with the energy of light. A few interesting things happened. First of all, I was able to see and experience the fears stored in my son’s body 8 years ago! Every time I drew these fears out of my son, he would improve considerably.

For 3 years my son had what doctors label “asthma”. It was caused by many factors: emotional and physical. It was pretty severe at times. One year he missed months from school. I was devastated, but not willing to give up. I tried everything to help him – remedies, doctors, Buteyko. But there was no improvement. The best cure for him was when we would go to Florida. Within days he would be healthy. However, back home he would get sick again.

And then, I heard about Young Living from different people here and there, praising the oils for recovering from bronchitis… I think you all know the happy ending…

Now I want to share my experience using the therapeutic grade essential oils. First of all, this is the first time my husband became a believer and a user of the Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils. You can read the Healing stories about my helping him feel well by using the Raindrop. So the oils work. However, it does not mean that you can’t get sick again. What’s great about the oils is that you can use them for any condition:: from physical to emotional.

Vallea Rose

To Me

Oct 6

Good Morning,

I love your posts on Pinehill!

They are so supportive, positive and so loving and kind.