PMS of essential oils

from The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple by David Stewart, Ph. D., D.N.M.

Here's how PMS theory works, where P = Phenol or Phenylpropanold, M - Monoterpene, S = Sesquiterpene. When you receive a variety of oils by inhalation, orally, or through the skin, that includes these three classes of compounds, what happens is thought to be as follows:

P- First, the phenolics clean the receptor sites,

S-Second, sesquiterpenes delete bad info from cellular memory,

M-Lastly, monoterpenes restore or awaken the correct information in the cell's memory (DNA).

The PMS Paradigm is a useful working hypothesis that provides practical guidance for mixing and applying oils in an effective, therapeutic way....

Our disease or condition was the consequence of miscommunication between cells and erroneous information within the cells that caused them to malfunction. When these basic errors have been corrected, as is possible with PMS, the problem disappears. It can take time, like days, weeks, or months, but it can also be instantaneous......

Regardless of how long it takes, once the exterior cellular miscommunication and interiour cellular misinformation has been fixed, you are healed. Furthermore, it can be a permanent healing because the root conditions in cellular memory have been corrected. And what is even better, you don't need those oils any more because a true healing has taken place.

To understand ... you need to realize that essential oils act as channel between the physical body and the body's electromagnetic field, a fact that is recognized and applied in raindrop tecunique.....

After a true healing, the disease or condition won't return unless we continue to engage in the life style, life style, thought patterns, emotional state, bad habits, toxic environments, or other activities that brought that disease or condition upon us in the first place.

Finding and creating PMS Oils

The best way to create a PMS oil is to blend several oils to provide a proportion of all three classes of compounds....

A therapeutically effective PMS proportion seems to be in the range of:

10-50% Phenols/Ketones/Alcohols

10-60% Monoterpenes, and

3-20% Sesquiterpenes.

...For example, tea tree oils is fairly well balanced as a PMS oil with 33% phenols, 52% monoterpenes, and 17% sesquiterpenes, which maybe a reason for its popularity as an oil with universal applications. ...

Keep in mind that some compounds fit more than one class and can play dual roles. ...

Most blends of oils contain a balance of all three PMS - which is one reason blends are often more effective that using single oils....

The Chemistry of Raindrop Technique

...Except for Marjoram, the essential oils used in raindrop are not PMS balanced individually, but applied and layered in sequence, as they are, they constitute a PMS anointment with amazing healing capabilities - physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Phenols in essential oils are thought to be antiseptic and antibacterial, and may boost the immune system in various ways. Oils containing phenols have also been used in support of the nervous system and in treatments for depression. Phenolic oils cleanse cellular receptor sites.

Oils rich in phenols are/or phenylpropanoids include thyme, oregano, clove, mar joram, cinnamon, cassia, calamus, fennel, anise, basil, and tarragon.

The Power of Being Small

You don't have to be able to smell an oil or an oil constituent for it to bring you benefit. In fact, you don't need to have a sense of smell at all. All you need to be able to is breath. All essential oils are aromatic - some faint, some mild, some strong, and some more pleasant than others.

All essential oil molecules are volatile because their dimensions are small and their atomic weights are all less than 500 amu. In fact, most are less than 300 amu. Any oil with a molecular size less than 500 can penetrate human skin, follow nerve paths, traverse the meridians, pass through the blood-brain barrier, and administer therapy at cellular levels, including the level of cellular memory or DNA.

Plant Metabolism and Nourishment

Essential oils have been called "the life blood of a plant." They circulate through plant tissues and pass through cell walls, carrying nutrition into cells and carrying waste products out.

When essential oils are applied to people, they do the same thing, carrying oxygen into cells and carrying waste products out. In fact, essential oils are one of nature's best body cleansers. They can cleanse our cellular receptor sites of pharmaceutical drugs, petrochemicals, and other disruptors of intercellular communication. They can also chelate heavy metals and other toxins, helping to remove and flush them through the liver, colon, sweat, lungs, and kidneys.

Regulators of Plant Functions

Essential oils act as plant hormones, regulating plant functions and orchestrating the production of vitamins and enzymes. They act as messengers and supervisors within the plant that help coordinate and initiate vital plant activities. Essential oils can also do the same when applied to humans. They can act as neurotransmitters, peptides, steroids, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and other message-carrying molecules (called ligands) which intelligently assist our bodily functions and help to restore or maintain wellness.

Essential oils possess homeostatic intelligence. Homeostasis is that state where every vital biological process within a living organism is functioning as it should...

To say that an essential oil works toward balance, and homeostasis means that the same oil can work in different directions depending on the needs of the plant or person. Oregano oil will kill hostile microbes while nurturing those that are friendly. Angelica oil can stimulate a uterus to contract or to relax depending on the need, Myrtle oil is an adaptigen that can stimulate an increase or decrease in thyroid activity depending on a person's condition. Drugs are incapable of such intelligent discriminations and act only in preprogrammed direction, like robots, whether beneficial or not.

Oils are Smarter than Antibiotics

What Oils Do in Living Plants

Shields from Sunlight and Heat

Solar Amplifiers

Healing and Repair


Applying pH to Essential Oils

... they increase the alkalinity of the body, not because oils are alkaline, but because of how they respond to acids....

The aggressive parts of an acid are the three hydrogen ions H+ that cause bodily damage wherever they circulate.. When a therapeutic grade oil enters the body, its molecules willingly sacrifice themselves to the acid, engulfing and neutralizing the H_ ions, so that you don't have to suffer their mischief anymore. With a reduction of H+ ions in the body, pH is raised toward a healthier alkaline line near acid in and of themselves...