Wholistic Health


We are a part of the Universe.

Wholistic health and living means living in balance with nature.

Positive thinking, eating fresh organic or better produce (not processed), getting fresh air, sun, and moving - all these constitute a healthy life-style.

I actually applaud FDA for not wanting us to use medical terminology like Cancer, Flu, Ulcer, Bone Spur, Allergies, Asthma, Arthritis, GERD. I never liked all these labels anyway, which only carry fear, a lour of unknown, and finality about them.

If instead, these are thought of as the immune system being out of balance, accumulation of toxins, cells needing repair, colon needing cleanse, muscles needing exercise, or emotions and stress needed to be supported, then the beast does not look so scary, does it?

I have had time and time again, very good results repairing and getting totally back to normal, as this is what our live body is meant to do! Just provide it with what it needs!