Yoga - essential oils for

Recently, I went to a Yoga class. Of course, I brought my oils with me. I used Valor to balance and ground myself, Peppermint to wake up before the class, Aromaseiz to relax my tense muscles, and, of course, Lavender to relax. Unfortunately, one oil I did not bring, I needed the most - Release, to let go of stored hurtful emotions. At the end of the practice session, when I was totally relaxed, I had overcome with the painful memories I was not ready to deal with.

I am prepared for the next time, though...

The Science of Yoga and Essential Oils

Practitioners of aromatherapy believe that the fragrances in essential oils, particularly pure essential oils such as Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ oils, stimulate nerves in the nose. Those nerves send impulses to the limbic system, where memories, instincts, and vital functions are controlled and processed. Main bodily functions can be regulated through the connection between the limbic system and other parts of the brain and body, such as digestion, respiration, cardiovascular activity, and stress levels.

Depending on the specific constituents in the oil, incorporating certain oils throughout a yoga routine may lead to increased energy, relaxation or focus, decreased stress, or deeper meditation.

By incorporating the use of essential oils into your practice, you can experience:

    • Refined focus and mental clarity.

    • Deepened mental and emotional grounding.

    • Strengthened body-mind connection.

    • Increased stamina.

    • Reduced muscle and joint tension.

Practical Applications

Essential oils can also be inhaled or applied topically to certain areas of the body to increase energy, relaxation or focus, decrease stress, or deepen meditation. Below is a basic guide of how to use oils during your yoga practice.

Before Practice

    • Purify: Diffusing oils like lemon essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, Citrus Fresh™ essential oil, Thieves® essential oil or Purification® essential oil before or in between yoga class will purify the air while bringing a refreshing, uplifting energy to the space.

    • Cleanse: For cleaning the studio floor, use Thieves Household Cleaner. This non-toxic product is safe for hardwood floors and can also be used for cleaning yoga mats and bathroom surfaces.

During Practice

    • Meditation (dhyana): Diffuse or directly inhale oils such as lavender essential oil, Peace & Calming® essential oil, or frankincense essential oil for a deepened, more relaxed experience.

    • Breathing (pranayama): The pure aroma of essential oils such as frankincense essential oil, peppermint essential oil, and Raven™ essential oil assist in opening pathways to a more emotional state of mind via the pineal gland. Directly inhaling peppermint can help bring more oxygen to the brain.

    • Exercise (asana): Topical application of oils such as Deep Relief™ essential oil roll-on, Pan Away™ essential oil, or peppermint essential oil may help alleviate muscle soreness and tension. Peppermint can also aid to increase focus and mental clarity, and when added to a cool glass of water, can help sooth minor stomach discomfort. Lavender essential oil can also be used to decrease post-practice muscle irritation.

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