Color Therapy

I had more than enough sadness in my life. So every day I strive to enjoy what I have, and to be happy. A bench covered with flower petals, birds (little composers), a look of surprise in my dog's eyes, personal stories - all warm up my heart.

I love colors. Red has always been my favorite. When I dress up, if I am not in a rush, I pick the color that looks pleasant. I even bought a color lamp and change colors to my liking, and even mix colors.

Whatever makes you happy - just do it (as long as you don't hurt anyone else, of course.)

Since everything has energy, colors are healing too. Please read below for more information.


Love always,


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Color therapy is a very effective way to heal internal and external disorders. Stanley Burroughs recommended the use of a halogen lamp or applying the color directly on the afflicted area. Other ways to incorporate color therapy into your daily life are to wear the colors and create a mood by introducing the colors into your environment by painting or decorating with the colors. He recommends the use of Twelve Colors for healing.

They are:













Green is the master healing color and most treatments begin with green

It prepares the body for the most effective results when used with other colors

It is very effective against cancer growths, open sores, cuts and bruises

It stimulates the pituitary gland, which is the master gland

It builds cells, tissues and muscles

It dissolves blood clots in the head and body

It relieves fevers and burns slightly more than turquoise

It relieves itching and irritation

It produces a peaceful effect and sound sleep

It is a vitality builder

It is the color of the spirit

It is an analgesic – relieving pain and swelling

It is a sedative producing a deep sleep

It stops internal bleeding, hemorrhages and nose bleeds

It is an antibiotic

It is an astringent which tightens, firm and tones the skin

It decreases the activity of the thyroid and stimulates the parathyroid

It shrinks an enlarged heart

It stimulates the brain and gives clarity

It activates the thymus gland

It heals, builds and harden soft bones

It loosens and eliminates mucus and congestion

It dissolves calcium and lime deposits

It relieves tension

As with green, it is used before treatments for all disorders

It stimulates and builds the heart

It balances the blood pressure by lowering or raising it

It stimulates or soothes the veins and arteries for normal function

It stimulates or calms the kidneys and adrenal glands

It builds, strengthens, and intensifies the aura

It soothes and balances the emotions

It stimulates the lungs and thyroid glands

It decreases the activity of the parathyroid

It relieves a spastic colon and sluggish intestines

It relieves gas in the digestive system

It alleviates convulsions and cramps in all parts of the body

It lowers the blood pressure relieving pressure headaches

It slows the heart beat and relieves pain

It decreases overactive kidneys and adrenal glands

It reduces blood flow in the arteries

It is an excellent color for deep meditation

It is excellent for calming and putting children to sleep

It reduces sex drive

It stimulates and builds the red corpuscles in the liver which are stored in the bone marrow

It can also be used to draw poisons to the surface.

It stimulates the automatic nervous and circulatory systems

It builds and stimulates the five senses

It is beneficial for back pain, lumbago and arthritis

It stimulates sluggish kidneys and adrenal glands

It increases the heart beat.

It raises the blood pressure

It relaxes the veins

It is a depressant which relieves headaches, pressure and induces sleep

It is excellent for the relief of pain from burns, scratches, sores and infections

It is very effective in breaking fevers

It is very cooling and relaxing.

It calms, relaxes and soothes the muscles and nerves controlling the heart

It relaxes, calms and soothes the nerves

It builds the white corpuscles in the spleen to strengthen the immune system

It decreases the action of the lymphatic glands

It suppresses the appetite

It gives relief from diarrhea and dysentery

It is an antibiotic

It is the color of creativity and motivation

It stimulates the lymphatic glands, liver and gall bladder

It stimulates and strengthens the eyes and ears

It builds the pancreas better balancing of sugar

It depresses the spleen and parathyroid gland

It stimulates the nervous system

It increases the appetite