Bad Bags/Good Bags 01 >

Frankfurt, Deutschland

Mehr zu dem Projekt sowie die kompletten Texte der Künstler zu ihren Arbeiten, findet man auf Reinhards Wanzkes Homepage oder in der Facebook-Gruppe

Jörn Budesheim

Erörterung der Frage, warum es die Welt nicht gibt, Acryl auf Backgammonspiel

Die These, dass es die Welt nicht gibt, vertritt der deutsche Philosoph Markus Gabriel und ich folge ihm darin. Ich vermute, eine Weltreise ist eine der anschaulichsten Möglichkeiten, die Wahrheit der These, dass wir in einer unendlichen Pluralität leben, zu erleben.

Robert Cristinetti

Mehrwert Added value, Material: Kunststoff, Marker Plastic, marker

The work refers to the proposition, that the adaption of a product in terms of simulating the well-known adds value – regardless of the initial function of the product and the actual costs for production and materials as well as the local context ...

Birgit Dunkel

madonnen /madonnas, Color-Laser-Print on Paper, size max. 18 x 28 cm

The madonna series is a photographic project which reflects the astonishing discrepancies of the role and conditions of real motherhood on one hand and the influence of the christian madonna icon on our thinking on the other ...

Maren Flößer

„eat me – feed me“, Mixed media, size variable,

Floessers „eat me – feed me“ (2016) assemblage is in a nutshell a metaphoric reference to Bruce Nauman installation «Anthro-Socio» from 1992 ...

Horst Hamann

Mind transponder, Acrylic on HP-Laminate, Spiritual Egg, hidden in a cardboard box, 8,0 x 10,5 x 18,5cm

Subject: Learning to listen to how memetic waves quickly gain influence in the world. Experiencing that one is capable of triggering such memes oneself ...

Thomas Kampe

‚I travel with you‘, Dances that migrate through time, a task box for a yellow phone, Material: one smartphone, instructions for dance, London, 2016

Here is one of the 5 tasks that you can work with, Task 1 : Dancing from Photos Have a look at all the images of Gertrud Bodenwieser and her dancers ...

Dagmar Sippel

“A votre service – auch auf Reisen…!“, L’autoportrait dans un verre à l’eau-de-vie,

"If you have a stomachache or after fatty food a little schnaps will work miracles. So it is sort of a tour kit from your good old friend Dagmar from Paris."

Stephan von Borstel

Ligning in the Course of Arranging, Wooden bowl, two hiking compass,

The compass has given us a verified orientation on maps and pieces of paper on drawings boards for centuries ...