URL for This Training Site

This is a teachable moment... if you don't already know how this works.

If you note on the address bar (if you are on a computer, not a phone), you will see the address for this page is: https://sites.google.com/site/earningprep/url-for-this-training-site

This site (that you are on right now) is a simple Google Site and it has been forwarded to an address that was purchased for the first year for $2.99. This is a pretty simple process and there are plenty of YouTube videos that walk you through the process, like THIS ONE

The address you can share with others to get here is SpreadThis.info (no link, otherwise it would simply open another session of this site)

Why does this site matter? This site can be a selling tool. When you are speaking with someone about joining our Community, you can point to this site as a resource. You can give them this link and tell them to check it out. And, it will give people the opportunity to see that there is more to what we do than simply "sign up and try it".