Creating an "About Me" Site

We are in the relationship business. As such, we have a tool to fast-track getting to know each other as a part of our onboarding process. You will find that site HERE.

However, as a part of your sales process, you will want to have a site ABOUT YOU. This will enable others to get a sense of who you are, what they can expect from you as a mentor and coach... even if "what you offer" is someone connected to a Community with answers to most, if not all questions. As you gain knowledge and skills (which will add to your confidence and credibility), you can update this page... as you become more and more of an authority in the home business arena.

This can be worked through with your mentor. Again, there are many sites on YouTube that teach how to build a basic site in Google Sites (this site is built in Classic Sites, not the new version). There are other free resources as well, but I encourage you to stay in the "Google Lane" as we teach and duplicate common knowledge and tool use.

As the Founder and Author of this site, you can see my site HERE. You can see how I use it by sending a blank email with "Community Member" in the subject line to This is an auto response that will shoot you back an email within a minute or so. You will also note that there is also an About Me section on the BLOG, which was written when I was still in Higher Education in a Management role.

The point here in providing my "stuff" is to provide context for how the pieces of the puzzle fit together.