Marketing Funnel Explained

There is a method to the madness. This method is called a Marketing Funnel.

Different people describe funnels in different ways in terms of their components, but they all describe the same basic process. This process involves the utilization of tools to transact the process. Our Learning Community exists to guide you through the process of choosing how to tailor a Marketing Funnel that fits with your time and talents, and based on this, yours may vary slightly from someone else's. In other words, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach here - although the basic process is universal. At the end of the day, it has to be tailored to you and how you will conduct your business.

You will find an introduction HERE.

When you have gotten to the point of identifying your business building strategy, the components that support each stage of the funnel will become obvious. The tools required will vary slightly, depending on your strategy. All of this will be worked through with the support of your enroller and our Community. The components of the funnel you will find under "Using Tools".