About Community

In any community, people form and build relationships. Our relationships are based upon an understanding of interdependence and taking responsibility for learning... then teaching… and in the process - earning money. Your success will depend upon your ability to share an idea and having a firm grasp of what it takes to form and run a business. Then, pass along what you have learned to others.

In order to accelerate the process of Relationship Building, we have a tool and site named Getting To Know Each Other. This is meant to blast through the superficial layers of tepid politeness and get down-to-business. Ultimately, it will be best if you can copy and build a site like this of your own. This will be discussed as a part of your strategy development. For now, however, it can be used in conjunction and coordination with your team. You should try to get through this with your enroller/mentor/partner as soon as you can, but definitely within the first 30 days.

Let me also say this in the context of Community. If you have been duped in the past, lost money and been disappointed by people making big promises, you are in a very large club. Most everyone has at some point in their life. Hopefully, you will find this site refreshing and pragmatic. Our goal is to educate and set a tone of candidness with complete respect for your time and money - in regard to what you currently have, and for the amount you want (need) to earn. Our goal is simple: be realistic and respect your time and money.

Please scroll up and read, "About Business".