Building Assets

Let me preface what I say here with this. If you have read any of the WPNM blog, you will find many references to the assertion that the most important asset you build in your business is a loyal and committed following. Businesses are built on customers and clients. That said...

You now need to think about everything you touch in regard to your business as an asset. On Social Media... how you posture yourself, the professional "persona" you create, the way you describe and refer to yourself... how you interact with people...

Each of the Social Media platforms you interact on is an asset. The number of followers or friends you have is an asset... and of course, the number of email contacts you have on your list is an asset.

Then, as you develop and build out tools, these are all assets.

No need to drone on about this. Simply know that everything you do going forward should be intentional and thoughtful, knowing all the while that in sum, you are building a business that has very real assets - and the higher quality they are - the more valuable they will be over time.

File this under Professional Posture.