Ad Copy

  1. Find the link for this and other ads HERE.

  2. When you go there, you can "Make a Copy" and put this file on your own Google Drive. Then you can manipulate it with your own information. See: File > Make a Copy

  3. Then, when you have an ad populated with your info, you will use Screen Capture software like Jing (you will need to download this app) and "capture" a picture of it and save it to your hard drive on your computer. You can then post anywhere, once it is a picture. Most typically, save it as a PNG file.

  4. To learn how to use Jing, go to their site > Resources Tab > TechSmith Academy (videos)

FYI: Most of the following content was created in NotePad. Therefore, it is unformatted. The value is in what is said, not how it is presented. You will need to copy and paste and play with the formatting.



Anxious about life?

Fearful of the future? Drained of hope?

Living paycheck to paycheck? Got it. You are not alone.

There is a whole new industry that didn't exist even a year ago.


and it could be your answer.

Facebook and PayPal do it on their platforms.

As such, it has been market tested, proven to be legally compliant and every indication is that Peer-to-Peer Fundraising is now mainstream and here to stay.

To be clear, our platform is designed specifically to enable anyone to raise money for any purpose in a structure of smart, practical, and leveraged growth.

Our overall business model supports skill acquisition, mindset modification and positions you for your best shot at success.

We build trust. We build community. We build people and their value to others (and the marketplace). From this, we build bank accounts. It all happens in this order.

At the outset, simply be open to learning. Understand who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

We exist to help you. You will be treated as a client until you earn your way to being a Partner Professional. We pay it forward so you can do the same - to be blessed, so that you may be a blessing.

This is special. Don't let this one pass you by.

Send me a PM for details.



I teach the systems and processes to


for any purpose.

Money for Money's Sake

Use It for What You Will

New, technologically advanced, proprietary platform enables peer-to-peer aggregation of funds, mirroring the same capabilities on Facebook and PayPal. Legally compliant, worldwide rollout in multiple languages, with current translations in Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Russian and all the relevant languages you would expect when operating at this level.

Optimized for both desktop and mobile, the platform is the product. Some call it Software as a Business (SAAB).

Don't miss this one. It is the perfect complement to any primary source of income. First timers to seasoned Pros will be in a position to be blessed so that you may be a blessing to others.

It is dawn at a new era of making money. Get up. Get after it.

PM me for details.



Simple in concept. Common sense appeal.

Deadly effective in getting results.

Money for Money's Sake

Use It for What You Will

The Platform is the Product

Peer to Peer Crowdfunding

our platform mirrors the functionality of Facebook and PayPal

Credible, mainstream, socially accepted and powered by cutting edge technology.

Don't let this one pass you by. A perfect complement to any primary business or source of income. Be blessed so that you may be a blessing



I work with a Peer-to-Peer Crowdfunding platform (P2PCF) driven by a Learning Community that teaches how to customize strategies tailored to your time and talents. This is a great, noncompetitive complement to any primary business or source of income.

P2PCF is now supported by Facebook and PayPal which gives credence to its legitimacy - this form of income generation is now mainstream. The difference: P2PCF is our only focus.

Our platform is worldwide, now in 130 countries and the content has been translated into multiple languages including Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese), Russian and those remaining you would expect from a worldwide, world-class platform.

Our Marketing Group (Learning Community) utilizes a proprietary approach that is highly intensive and results-driven; greatly reinforcing individual success. At this early juncture, I simply invite you to learn more about who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

Decisions are a function of information [d = (f) i]. Learn, assess, formulate tough questions and then engage with me to determine if this could work for you.

PM me for details and links.



Sidebar: our business is a great complement to any business or primary source of income. Therefore, this "note" is intended for Network Marketers who may have organizations in place, for business who can re-monetize their existing customers, etc.


I work with a Peer-to-Peer Crowdfunding platform and am spreading the word to those who have a natural constituency to work with. This is a great, noncompetitive complement to any primary source of income. Diversify with this. Message me for details should you have the interest to learn more.
