Activity Tracking

Again, this is where the rubber meets the road. You will utilize this tool, or you won't. We strongly and emphatically want to emphasize that you do. At the end of the day, it is your business.

You will find a template that you can customize HERE. Again, to make it your own, File > Make a copy...

This is your report card at the end of the week, month and year. The numbers don't lie. You will have good numbers, or you won't. The growth of your business and income are in the balance.

If you follow any of Ray Higdon's stuff in Rank Makers, you will glean that he is BIG on accountability. That is all this is. It is a way to track and hold yourself accountable.

Obviously, this is used in conjunction with your calendar and other planning tools. If you get to the point of integrating a CRM into your business, you will have the functionality of running reports on your activity...

But for those just getting started, this tool is a great mirror... it will reflect the success you are having based on business-building metrics. Some call it activity... some call it exposures, some call it "showing the plan".

Bottom line is this: the more people you get your information in front of, the more money you will make. There are smart ways to market to "high propensity" prospects, but nonetheless, the adage holds true that you need to "do the numbers" until you figure out the level of activity it will take to sustain a growing and profitable business.