About this Site

First, let's talk about appearance. This site was started in 2014 with a very basic, free tool. It is built with Google Classic Sites. As such, it is plain and simple, but functional. Keeping it was a conscious decision to demonstrate function over form. In other words, the value here is in what is said, not how it is presented.

As such, the 50 pages or so of content provide insights into how to go about structuring your thinking in terms of the tools and tactics necessary to navigate the journey to success... however you may define it.

Typically, success is defined as a dollar value (which is one metric), however, as you will note throughout what is presented here: monetary success is tied to your ability to impart value. To teach. To mentor. To lead. To share what you have learned.

Therefore, this site is the digital equivalent of a Dead Sea Scroll but serves as a metaphor for what is necessary at the root, basic beginnings of learning. Think of it as ancient truth. That is, to read and apply what you have learned with the goal of teaching others, in the same vein as oral tradition and the maintenance of culture over time. Our focus IS the establishment of culture with the outcome being the more people you teach, the more money you make. It is that simple.

We wish you the best in consuming and integrating these tools and skills into how you function as Home Business Owner - with the hope that your income goals are met through the application of the knowledge you glean from this site.