Vacation Response Template

The content for this email is simply a starting point for how to set up your "free" auto response.

You will find a video that explains how to set this up HERE There are other videos. Simply go to YouTube and enter, "Set up Gmail Vacation Response".

This is important to get done and there is more information about this topic on the Using Tools tab.

You will simply copy and paste the following into your Gmail email... then edit it to your liking.


Thanks for finding your way here.

This is about more money lubricating your life. Right off the top, let me tell you this: we are a Community of grown-ups tethered to reality and who very consciously choose to participate in business together. Everything is smart, practical and geared to improving our finances. We are simply inviting you to evaluate if what we do, could work for you.

You will "see it", or you won't. It's all good. We do not want to be perceived as all things to all people. Our goal is simply to be genuine and earn a smidgen of your trust and start to form a relationship.

We create goodwill through practical, thoughtful information and the rest takes care of itself. If you are willing to learn new things - and engage in tweaking your lifestyle to build a business, you can make money. How much is up to you - and I am here to help.

There are a couple of things to consider. The first is me as a potential business partner. The second is the business itself. To get a better sense of me, I encourage you to read my site: It explains how I think and my perspective on "what it takes" to be successful in a home business. As well, there will be other ways to get to know me which I will share if we move forward together.

Also, you should know that for this to work, I will need to get to know you... what keeps you awake at night, how you structure your life, whether you are really ready for change and what you have done to think that through. I want to work with people who are in the express lane for change. Hopefully, this is what you are looking for. In any event, keep this in mind as my frame of reference. I am looking for people who are seriously driven and committed to changing their life and circumstances.

So, on to specifics:

The business we promote is a Person-to-Person Crowdfunding platform designed specifically for this purpose. The name is Impact101. Like PayPal, Facebook and GoFundMe that (all) now promote Personal and Family Fundraising, Impact101 is sophisticated technically and leader in this new way to make money. To learn about it, I encourage you to slow down and take the time to watch the videos you find here:

If you are on your phone use my Mobile Site. (you will need to go to your Impact101 site and get the link)

If you are on a computer use the Website Version.

And last, please know this is about a sincere commitment to helping change peoples' lives. Take the time to test drive everything you find here and see if it steers straight. The goal is to be in the same vehicle for a long time on a long trip together.

All the best with the decisions you make.

To contact me directly use this email: We can exchange phone numbers via email. Send me a note and let me know what you are thinking and we can find a time to talk.