Understanding Change

The Biggest Obstacle

Stay with me here. You may think you have heard all of this before. We provide a very gritty perspective on the notion of change. Change is what kills futures. More specifically, people's inability to adapt to and integrate change into their lives is what kills futures.

No change. No forward progress. No forward progress, no change in circumstances, lifestyle, income… But what does change really mean?

On a very practical level, you need to understand that your life will be different if you are operating a business. You will need to engage in activities today that you did not engage in yesterday. This is change. You will need to find people to do business with. This requires effort and will inherently take away from other things that used to occupy these hours. This is change.

Here’s the reality. The majority of people can not cope with change and do not have the self-discipline to focus on new things in their lives. No change in behaviors begets no change in income and lifestyle. The alternative: work until you die (or are unable to work for whatever reason). But then what? There is a lot riding on this notion of change and adding new behaviors to your life.

You can, and you will. Or, you won’t. We know that most people can't handle the disruption and would rather choose to stay the way they are. We can’t help them. However, if you have no “Plan B”, we encourage you to have a long look in the mirror and have an “If it is to be, it is up to me” conversation with yourself. It is completely up to you.

There is another dynamic at play here worth mentioning. This is your "self-concept" versus "the impact" you can have on others. Many people can not get out of their own way and take the leap of faith that they can make a difference in other people's lives. Their self-concept is to play small ball... to live their go-to-work, and survive status quo lives. You need to believe you are a difference-maker. You need to understand that you are a part of something that can truly have a positive impact on other's lives. If you remain more concerned about your self-concept (and this carries more weight than the impact you have), you will not progress.

And one last thing, we don’t need or want anything here to be groundbreaking, revolutionary, "taking the world by storm", ground floor or any of the other “ism’s” you may have been exposed to in the past. We just want to be honest, real and serious about helping people make a decision about their future. If this seems a bit boring, so be it. We are not looking for flash-in-the-pan artists. We are looking for people with a long-term view and how long-term income is supported by the notions of culture, community and building relationships with people who share common values, skills and aspirations.

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