Learning to Earn

Here is a fundamental fact: you need to learn - to earn. Let me break this down for you. You need to learn new ways of thinking. You need to learn new skills. You need to learn how to use new tools. You need to learn how to integrate change into your life. You need to learn - to earn.

Nothing magically happens. Everything requires effort. Effort involves an investment of time, energy and focus. As we have said before, this causes a disruption in the status quo of your life. Things NEED to be different. You will embrace the differences, or you will fight them. Your success or lack thereof is in the balance.

We want you to understand something very simple. You have to make a commitment to becoming a new person. What this means is that you will need to commit to changing the way you spend a percentage of your time and engage in business activities. This will change your life on an hour by hour basis regarding the choices you make to invest your time - if you expect it to change your life by adding income to your bank account.

There are no short cuts unless you already have some of the skills, knowledge, and behaviors firmly in place. If that is the case, then you probably have not read this far.

Please scroll up and read, "Understanding Change".