Network and Affiliate Marketers

If you are to believe the statistics, most Network Marketers are not successful. Therefore, offering them an alternative with the support and guidance we offer can be appealing.

Also, what we do is COMPLETELY non-competitive and is a great complement to any primary source of income... for those contending they are "content" and having success with whatever they do.

In marketing through Social Media, I think it is important to keep both of these points top-of-mind and create ads that speak to either of these points.

Also, there is the approach of reverse marketing these folks (meaning that you respond to their ads) and assess their interest in what we do... or you can Google different companies and see if you can find Distributors online that you can call directly.

Here is a list of the Top 100 Direct Sales Companies should you want to pursue any of this. You will DEFINITELY run into these people if you market to Biz Opp Groups on Facebook and other Social Media.

Again, if you want to save this to your Drive: File > Make a copy...