Getting To Know... Templates

Please read this entire page before attempting to make these yours.

Get the Getting To Know Each Other template HERE (used after enrollment)

Get the Getting To Know You Template HERE (used as a part of enrollment)

This process of creating and sharing these is perhaps the most "dense" thing that you will need to learn and master in the "first steps" stage of getting up and running.

So let's start with how it works. When people fill out a form on Google Docs, the data renders to a spreadsheet... a Google Sheet, which is also on your Drive.

To make a copy for your own use, you need to do so from the edit function of the form. This is done like any other Google Drive document. File > Make a copy... You can understand it better by watching THIS VIDEO. This is a teacher sharing her form... but all of the steps do not vary. One other option is to click on the three stacked dots in the upper right corner of your screen. From that menu, you will find Make a copy... Do so, rename it, make it yours!


You will discover in the taskbar of the data spreadsheet, there is an extra task named Form. It is from here that you get a "sharable link" to put in your correspondence and to insert in your automated correspondence. Click on Form and see the dropdown menu.

And one last thing, at the risk of you asking what time it is, and me telling you how to build a watch... you may find this video about Google Forms beneficial, especially if you want to customize either of them, especially the Getting To Know You form. You may want to tailor this one a bit more to reflect how you choose to interact with people.