
Marketing is about getting your message in front of people for them to evaluate. In general terms, Marketing is one to many and can be accomplished through advertising, Social Media posting, etc. There are many, many ways to do this.

Prospecting, on the other hand, is one to one. Some call it belly-to-belly, or face-to-face. Our model is (initially) more prospecting focused. As you grow and become profitable, there will be time to add other marketing methods. The first short-term goal is for you (and those you train) is to gather a short list of resources and "be in business". These tools and this strategy will be covered on the next tab. "Using Tools".

So, before we get to that, let's talk mindset. One of the most important things you need to understand is that your belief in what you are doing is critical. Throughout our marketing, we talk about credible, honest, real... and we mean it. You can (need to be) proud about the fact that you are genuinely helping people by inviting them into a community where people help each other earn money. THIS IS A GOOD THING! So, why would you hesitate in sharing the message?

Frankly, we don't encourage you talking with family and friends initially, unless you KNOW they will be supportive. If they will commit to reading through this site, look at our mini-sites and want to help you, then great, tell these people.

Our best advice is to wait telling people you know until you are in profit and have at least doubled your money. You will then not be marketing a dream, a hope or a notion, but a viable path to make money. You will then be able to show them what you have done, not tell them what you plan to do.

Please scroll up and read, "Using Tools".