Social Media

Your Social Media presence is an asset. It is like a truck to a contractor or a set of sharp knives to a chef. You pay for it with sweat equity in building friends and followers (your audience). Then, along with other strategies, you share "what we do" with this network, and beyond.

Suffice it to say, Social Media (should) be integrated into your marketing mix. It is simply a good and smart skill set to have (and teach). If you have a big following (a lot of friends/followers) then you are probably savvy enough to make the decisions about how you want to leverage your network of contacts (on a personal level).

The rest of everybody else who has limited "weight" or "influence" on FB and other social media (Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest...) this is not really at that much of a disadvantage. However, at some point, you will weigh the cost/benefit of investing time and effort into social media. Like anything, it all requires skills and knowledge to achieve the most leverage from these activities.

Facebook can be used in many ways. There is utility in joining groups and posting content, especially due to the kind/genre/flavor/appeal of what we do... because what we do is very different from most of what is "out there".

Also, as you progress in attaining skills and knowledge, you will want to be familiar with a Messenger bot called ManyChat. It automates how you interact with people on Facebook. Please know, however, that this is "just one" tool that can automate tasks and one that makes sense early on in the process. There are many others.

Should you be new to Social Media you will initially want to build a following on Instagram. Instagram is owned by Facebook and is therefore integrated on a platform level. Whether you are a newbie or are relatively seasoned with Social Media there are always new things to learn. One of the courses that I benefitted from greatly is Todd and Leah Rae Getts course (training) on Instagram. Full disclosure, I am an affiliate this program and you can find my link to their webinar HERE. It is worth watching, even if you don't purchase the course. It is packed with great content and will open your eyes to the possibilities outside of Facebook - and how it works with FB.

One last ditty... Instagram is a powerful platform technologically... and at the same time, this power enables its simplicity. To get a sense of the flexibility and utility, watch the VIDEO on this page by Ray Higdon. This may open your eyes to the vast world of possibilities on Social Media... and this is just one little trick.

And, a word on how we operate in terms of business ethics, if I am not your direct sponsor, please check with your enroller to see if they own and are an affiliate of any course you find on this site, or if they intend on purchasing it. If so, coordinate, and do what is fair and makes sense to both of you. Ultimately, maybe they may purchase from you if they are not ready to pull the trigger. In that case, feel free to use my link. Make sense?

In any event, this is all about synergies and shared knowledge... increasing your personal and professional value by offering more tools and guidance in helping others build their business. Again, the more value you offer, the more money you will earn - as you grow and mature into a Professional Affiliate Marketer.