Financial Advisors

This really falls under the category of "food for thought", but also makes a great deal of sense for those who want to take it and run with it.

When I am in the car, I listen to talk radio. On Saturdays, my "default" station has three different Financial Guru shows, along with "The Money Pit", a home improvement show; and a couple of others.

They talk about having $500K to invest... or, having a portfolio of that value for them to manage.

My question (or the question that can be posed) to Financial Advisors is: what are you doing to develop potential clients? What about the people who don't have two dimes to rub together? Or, those who don't yet have the net worth that makes it worth your while to work with them? Yes, the people who are one paycheck away from disaster?

Would it not make sense to have an "offer" that one can begin for less than $100 and incrementally and progressively earn their way to wealth, and ultimately have the resources to be managed by a Financial Advisor?

Then, if this makes sense, our Business Model should make sense to them... and they have the forum (the radio guys) to spread this info... (which is the name of this site).

As you are well aware, there are many, many financial advisors who are not on the radio. This is simply another market to get our information in front of.