Play NY Metro Communicator Quest

What is it?

It's NY Metro's active member game, and it's the perfect way to show your spirit.

We have a vibrant and thriving community, and we can prove it!

NY Metro Communicator Quest recognizes members who are consistent in their activities to help make the chapter a success.

It's a special, professional distinction.

Will you be an active member? Your involvement makes our chapter stronger.

How do I play?

Participate in chapter activities. Whatever suits your interests.

We’ll keep score.

You get points, badges, and prizes.

For details, check the guidelines.

Where am I on my quest?

Check these leader boards. We update them monthly.

To protect your privacy, we don't index your name, so it is not available to search bots.

Board members cannot win prizes--President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Board Secretary, Immediate Past President, and Advisors.

Google Spreadsheet
Google Spreadsheet