Talk to a Professional (TaP) Service

Interested in the field of Technical Communication? Want to learn more about specific areas? TaP into the vast amount of experience and resources available among the STC NY Metro members.

You are invited to interview a professional Technical Communicator to learn more about the field in general or a specific area of interest (online help, instructional design, editing, graphic design...). For a small fee, you can purchase quality time with one of our volunteers, experienced members.


Click the link below to participate in the program:

TaP Participation Fee - $20.00

Received from a recent mentee (Aug 2014):

"I spoke with [my mentor] on Thursday evening, applied some of his tips to a cover letter and resume sent the same day and was contacted on Friday for a job. My interview for the [..] position is tomorrow. The TaP program got results. Thank you!"

Willing to share your years of experience? Become a TaP mentor.