how to write your research paper in Japanese legal studies

How to prepare your research proposal in Japanese legal studies

For this is methodology in legal studies with Japanese professor.

1) first of all, write abstract 400- 600 words.

2) your table of contents


Chapter 1 (sub-chapter 1....)

Chapter 2

Chapter 3....

3) get ID at library for newspaper, articles.

4) make copies of bluebook for citation style in your country'e legal citation format and Japan (around 5 pages)

5) send your information regarding deadline for your interim or final paper, and your time schedule with how many

words students in your course will approximately write down.


This is Japanese DV Act.

Bluebook : a uniform system of citation (reserved book in library)

Cambridge, Mass. : Published and distributed by the Harvard Law Review Association, 2010

Article of Japanese DV;view=fulltext

Ex) search engine legal responsibility

Japanese professor would like to learn from you that in your country

1) any statutes to regulate search engine? Specific statute, or general statute applying to search engine ? provision, article No. ?

2) any private person or entity is responsible for comment by third party ? any time period to delete ?

3) for and against governmental regulation of search engine by scholar ?

4) even though there is statute to regulate search engine, effective regulation is implemented by governmental agency ?

5) if not, why ? if yes, how agency by sanction or publication ?

6) is there any other regulation outside government such as self regulation by private companies ?

7) is there any decision at the court or administrative adjudication ? how judges apply statute ?