U2 vs Bexhill

As customary, a quick report on the first match of the season for the second team last Thursday away to Bexhill.  Though their club has been running for many, many years this is their first year in the Mid Sussex League, so we had no idea who would be playing for them, their list on ECF grading showing a combination of members previously registered with Hastings and Eastbourne. They proved to be very hospitable and their facilities excellent.  We had a surprise in that Artur on board 1, having had a great win in the first team the previous week, had to resign when he found himself a rook down, though I can only guess at a blunder – but that was less than halfway through the match.  Ian Philipson on board 2 was only a little after that and as we were sitting next to each other I could see that he faced from the opening a series of pins and skewers, and eventually he ended up a piece down and resigned under great pressure. So we were 2-0 down a little over halfway.  Ian Archbold on board 5 had a bit of controversy just after that as his opponent made a loud claim that Ian was not recording the match. With the blessing of their captain I assisted and Ian said he had made a mistake so stopped recording at that point, but was unaware that he had to carry on recording.  For the benefit of all, if you miss a move, leave it out but carry on recording as it is a rule of the League and ECF.  You can always catch up later by borrowing your opponent’s record, which is what their captain did with me fortuitously as a sporting example !  Over the two hour mark, Steve’s opponent mysteriously resigned when only a pawn down, and none of us can fathom why, although Steve’s pawn structure was much better. As a captain, I would always hope my team-mate would fight on in that situation. Some time after that I heard Ian A’s opponent loudly offer a draw.  I turned and saw that Ian was now a knight and pawn up.  Wisely he did not accept the draw and some time later his opponent resigned.  So at 2-2 the pressure turned to the captains.  I had come out of the opening with a great position and pressure on my opponent threatening a checkmate or material loss. He defended very well, although with such a complicated position I was always concerned that I might miss a winning combination, so may have done. Eventually he could not hold out to my offer of pawn gains on the queen side, which he should have done as I was able to bring my queen and rook strongly to bear, from which he lost a knight for two pawns.  I was then able to attack and manipulate to gain 4-2 pawn advantage for the sac of my knight for two pawns and although the battle went right to the wire he resigned just before the end of the session.  So the second team starts with a 3-2 win !  I bet Artur and Ian P will be surprised, as they left before the end !  Massive congratulations to Ian A with his first win in competition for the club !