Uckfield 1 vs Brighton 3

Our last match of the season and nothing much at stake except personal satisfaction..and some of us got a measure of that, some of us didn't.

Chaski overpowered his opponent and was the first to finish with another fine win.  Mark played poorly in the opening and then spent a lot of time grovelling, holding onto a draw in the end.  Brian's game went to 60 moves, with his opponent playing on increment in an essentially lost position.  It was tricky though and the computer has shown that his and the teams final move of the season, was a losing move.  Happens to us all, but a real shame after playing a good game.  Benedict put up a tremendous fight against his opponents attack, but in the end it was too much and Benedict had to concede defeat.  Unusual for Benedict to be playing so late,  Stephen on Board 5 had the better of a game that ended drawn.  So overall we snatched defeat from the hands of victory (again).