Eastbourne 2 v Uckfield 1

Eastbourne- 2 1/2, Uckfield 1- 2 1/2

First match of the season, away to Eastbourne 2, who have a very spacious and comfortable venue.

Chaski on Board 1 took control of the centre and then used his advanced pawns to create some winning tactics, 1-0.

Mark on Board 2 got a bad position from the opening, then a position that looked winning, then blundered into mate,  c'est la guerre, 0-1.  A suitable position for 'white to play and lose in 1'.

Brian and Michael on 4 and 5 looked to each have slightly better chances in pretty solid draws.

Which left Simon on Board 3 with an exchange for 2 pawns as the time control approached.  The players agreed to stop playing at that point and during some analysis it was clear that Simon needed to be careful, though it looked like a draw.  I think as much because of the match position as anything the players agreed a draw, something both sides seemed reasonably happy with. 


Simon about to move a pawn.