Worthing v Uckfield 2

We took a heavy beating at Worthing last week.  We were facing a very strong and experienced team with two top Juniors. Unfortunately Nathan found his queen trapped and had to sacrifice a knight for a pawn to free it, and Artur had trouble with marauding minor pieces and lost the exchange.  Neither despite a fight could recover the deficit and get back in their games, so eventually succumbed.  It was great to see Steve back playing for us again and at a point roughly halfway through the matches I felt sure that both Steve and Michael were moving towards wins.  My game against an England Junior had been neatly poised with again me having a slight advantage.  I felt with the match position I had to pursue the win and came close but under time pressures at the end I made another slight false move which my opponent so highly trained capitalised on to victory.  Unfortunately Steve’s good position had also melted away to a loss, and Michael’s advantage also disappeared, petering out to a draw.  So we matched the first team’s last with a debilitating 0.5-4.5 loss.