Interesting games

May 23

Position from online blitz..Ameet Ghasi vs Mark (I'm tuppyglossop here, one of Bertie Woosters friends).

I'm black, my opponent has just played Be3 which is a serious what is the one really good move here?  Don't look.  I might have found it in a longer time control, but then, he wouldn't have played Be3.

Bh4..threatens the rook and the knight is hanging.  Bf2 looks to defend everything, but ...Bg5 wins something.  Neat.

January 23

Not much coming in from elsewhere, but this is quite nice.  Bullet game, I am seriously losing and in this position my opponent made a mistake that (I think) allows me to force a draw by stalemate.  Take with the rook and I can chase the king around the board and not be taken because it would then be stalemate.  The final position is on the right.

October 22

Another bullet game, white, playing up the board.  I have a Queen versus a Rook's pawn.  Given time I might have been able to work this out, but with only 5 seconds left, we drew.

September 22

This happened to me in an online bullet game recently.  I lost on time in this position as black, playing up the board.  It is obviously a practical draw since my opponent cannot mate me with his bishop and king and I am not going to be able to promote my pawn without it being taken by his bishop.  I wondered at the time why this wasn't an automatic draw, but it is possible to construct a position with my king in the corner in front of the pawn and the bishop giving mate.  I then wondered if I could actually get into that position atall ..and I can by sticking my king in the corner and then pushing my pawn up to it..but from this position on the board you can't actually get there without it being stalemate. With any other pawn except a rooks pawn a mate cannot be constructed, so it would be a draw then anyway, but here I think this should have been an automatic draw because it is not possible to get into a mating position from here.