

This file has grown in size over time. I collected a lot of valuable info, including my E-mails I send.

Brief overview of the wholistic approach to cancer.

1. Your body isolates toxins by sealing them in a tumor

2. Therefore, the logical solution is to cleanse: body, mind, emotions. Additionally, you need to repair and restore.

3. I prefer using essential oils (therapeutic grade), and have witnessed their effectiveness (Dr.Penoel compares them to a magnifying glass focusing sun's energy).

4. Raw living foods are necessary to detox, nourish and restore

Steps to cleansing, restoring and repairing your body, mind/emotions and spirit

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils To Beat Cancer

By using the Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils and therapeutic grade essential oils infused products you can quickly and effectively achieve the following:

1. Repair DNA with Frankincense and other oils

1.1. Address inflammation (Frankincense, Thieves, Inner Defense, ImmuPower, and many others)

2. Keep Candida under control (Melaleuca Alternifolia (tea tree), Thieves or Inner Defense)

Keep in mind that Candida is often a big culprit that needs to be addressed. By the way, both cancer and Candida feed on sweet.

Ocotea and Slique Essence, which contains Ocotea, lower blood sugar.

3. Address emotional health; releasing old trauma, resolving the emotional cause of your sickness, and having the right attitude is the key for recovery

Present, past, buried emotions, emotions from an accident, muscle memory - they all need to be addressed.

4. Address entire body and mind with Raindrop technique on the spine reflexes and the spine itself. Use Neuro-Auricular Technique to jump-start and reconnect all of the synapses of the brain and upper spine, particularly in the locus ceruleus and vagal ganglia.

There are 8 or more essential oils used in Raindrop to address every system and problem in the body, and to re-align the spine

5. Read pages from the Essential Oils Desk Reference attached at the bottom for complete information on many therapeutic grade essential oils used for different cancers, environmental cleanse, hormonal health, etc.

6. For individual oils/products, please check Products folder

For citrus oils, read Citrus Oils' cell protection; increased production of liver enzymes

If you need additional information, please Contact me

7. Support a healthy function, balance internal organs, and protect from environmental toxins

Wellness: How Hormones Can Impact Your Sex Life (from Suzanne Somers)

Colon Cleanse (i.e. Slique Caps)

Thyroid (Myrtle)

Kidney Health (Juniper)

Hepatitis (Liver Disorder) (JuvaFlex, JuvaCleanse and others)

Wellness: How Hormones Can Impact Your Sex Life (from Suzanne Somers)

Detoxing From Vaccinations with Young Living Essential Oils

For liver cleanse, Young Living has a few powerful blends: JuvaFlex and Juva Clense. Helichrysum, essential oil detoxes heavy metals, and is one of the key ingredients in these blends. There are 3 other "Juva" blends: JuvaPower, JuvaSpice, and JuvaTone. Coriander is also known for chelation of mercury and lead.

Adrenal support

Cleanse lymph (Lemongrass, Purification, Longevity)

8. Products to use if you had a surgery, are undergoing chemo and/or radiation:

Chemotherapy After A Mastectomy

For pain:

9. Research


Exciting Cancer Research with Orange Oil (testimonies)

10. Proper nutrition and incorporating therapeutic grade essential oils

Fresh Wheat grass juice and wheat implants are very healing for cancer

Note: I believe in going raw to speed up the healing. Enemas, juicing, detox, followed by juices and raw living foods.

Gary Young has recipies for meals, if you're interested, in the Essential Oils Desk Reference.

11. Sea water and and the beach are very healing (as long as you avoid the times the sun is strong).

12. Testimonials are included at the bottom of this file

If there is any information you don't find, please let me know.

13. Books on cancer and health

My favorite holistic books

I used Frankincense and many other powerful Young Living essential oils to help my mother-in-law, who had skin cancer, which ended up enveloping her heart. I lifted her off death bed. Read more here.

Basal Cell Carcinoma - What Worked Best

13. Drink enough to flush the toxins out

Please browse this web site for more information on cancer in the "Search this site" button above right.

I also have information on my blog, i.e. Cancer - The Forbidden Cures

Please read this entire file, as I update it.

Good luck!


P.S. If you decide to purchase these products, I would appreciate it if you use my Young Living member# 1128387 .

The procedure to purchase the products is outlined here:

Caution: only with high quality therapeutic grade essential oils you can get results I write about on this web site!

Please read more... Only Young Living carries Frankincense, which repairs DNA (extends your life and cures cancer) Read more...

Address emotional health and do colon cleanse first, then Raindrop,etc.

If you need help, please Contact Me

Eugeniya Hilzinger

Health Essentials LLC.

Young Living member#: 1128387

Dear Deborah,

I just looked at my web page, and did not find info about emotional part of cancer. I send a lot of E-mails, but not always have time to update my web site.

Here is the info from the book by Louise Hay Heal Your Body A-Z:

Probable cause of cancer:

“Deep hurt, long-standing resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds, “What’s the use?”

New thought pattern:

“I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself.”

A few words about Louise Hay:

Her husband was dying of cancer, and doctors could not help. Louise was searching for answers, and finally understood, that it was the emotional stress her husband was going thru that was the cause of his cancer. So, one night he meditated before going to sleep, and the next morning he felt a great improvement. 18 years later he is still here.

I totally believe in this. I translated it to Russian for my cousin.

Please refer to the 2 files I scanned for you from the book.

Start tonight!

Good luck!!!


Hi Deborah,

I just want to say that I know how you feel – I was there. And I was helpless, waiting for the doctors to help.

However, now I have a totally different perception.

Just a few facts I wanted to share with you:

  • According to doctors, if someone’s liver is more than 5% good, it re-generates itself

  • Many people (believe it or not) get well, even after given a death sentence

  • I have a lot of information on my web site I collected to help my chiropractor (she does not know about my intent).

  • If you have access to Veria channel on TV (on Verizon), they have a show about people sharing their survival stories - I believe in being positive

  • I personally know people who recovered from cancer

  • I am totally convinced that Young Living essential oils are very effective. I know it from experience.

  • Young Living also has a clinic in Ecuador, where they treat people with oils intravenously and use other intense treatments

  • Changing diet and releasing emotional issues is extremely helpful. In fact, it complements the treatment


I am giving you a lot of info, and I can give you even more. However, I think it is important to absorb some of it first.

Here are links to my web site:

In the link below, in item #12, I wrote about taking care my mother-in-law

And here is info about the Raindrop technique:

It’s great that you care about your sister. Your strength and emotional support is invaluable.

Be strong,


Attached is information by Gary Young about cancer.

From my personal experience of losing my parents and friends, I am 100% against modern-day medicine, except when you need to put a broken bone back together - but only for that part of the procedure. Read my post Think Twice Before Undergoing A Biopsy

Remember, your mind is your most valuable and powerful medicine!

Here is Info on cancer from the Essential Oils Desk Reference for 2003


NOTE: No cancer treatment should be undertaken without consulting a

licensed medical practitioner. The essential oil applications listed here can be

used to complement the effectiveness of conventional cancer therapies.

These essential oil applications should continue until the cancer is in


Groundbreaking research slated to be published in 2004 at Brigham Young

University for the first time identified essential oils which effectively kill

cancer cells while being non-toxic to normal cells (non neoplastic cells).

Some of the most effective oils studied included sandalwood essential oil

which inhibited growth by up to 90% of several different types of cancer

cells (cervical, breast, skin and prostate) while having little or no harmful

effect on normal cells. Sandalwood showed excellent action even at very

small concentrations (100 ppm). Tsuga, thyme, grapefruit, and thyme

linalool also showed low normal cell toxicity and strong anticancer action.

Oils rich in limonene, such as lemon, orange, tangerine, and Idaho balsam fir

have been shown in clinical studies to have potent anticarcinogenic effects.

According to a study at the University of Indiana12, "monoterpenes

would appear to act through multiple mechanisms in the chemopre-vention

and chemotherapy of cancer." Studies using 1-15 grams a day of limonene

in very advanced cancer patients resulted in almost 20% of the patients

going into remission.

To enhance the action of essential oils, strong cleansing and nutritional

building programs are required. The three programs below can be tailored to

fit your particular needs and can have a profound effect on any cancer


1. Intensive cleanse with Cleansing Trio and JuvaTone.

2. Modified Burrough's Cleanse using cayenne pepper,

lemon juice, and agave nectar. (See Cleansing and Diets, Chapter 25)

3. The Essentialzyme Ramping Program (see box below).


Essentialzyme Ramping Program for cancer

This program should be monitored by a health care professional:

Phase 1: Start with 3 tablets, 3 times daily. Increase

amount by 1 tablet every day until nauseous. At this point,

discontinue Essentialzyme for 24-36 hours.

Phase 2: Start again with 4 tablets, 3 times daily.

Increase daily amount until nausea starts again. Stop and rest for

24-36 hours.

Phase 3: Start with 5 tablets, 3 times daily. Increase

amount by one tablet every day until nausea starts. Rest for 24-36


Phase 4: Go back to the amount taken before nausea

occurred the third time. Continue this amount for 6 weeks.

Phase 5: Start enzyme saturation again.


How Pollutants Contribute to Cancer

The pollutants to which we are exposed accu-mu-late in tissues such

as the breasts, thyroid, ovaries, and uterus. Some of these

chemicals can mimic or imitate natural hormones, thereby activating

hormone receptors that over-stimulate glands. This can increase the

risk of hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast and uterine




All cancers are best treated in the early stages by alternating and varying

the essential oils used each week, so the cancer cells do not build up a

resistance to the treatment.

The following are regarded generally as anti-cancerous oils:

Single Oils:

Helichrysum, lemon, orange, tangerine, ledum, sandalwood, lavender, clove,

thyme, Idaho balsam fir, tsuga, frankincense, myrtle


ImmuPower, Longevity

When people suffer terminal illness, their minds can be fractured, and they

can have difficulty focusing and collecting their thoughts. The Valor,

Gathering and Grounding blends promote greater focus and the ability to

gather feelings and deal constructively with emotions related to cancer.

Another simple anti-cancer recipe:

• 12 drops frankincense

• 5 drops lavender

• 6 drops helichrysum

EO Applications:


NEAT or DILUTE 50-50,1-3 drops applied directly on skin

cancers or cancerous nodes, 2-5 times daily

VITA FLEX, 1-3 drops neat on foot reflex points relevant for internal


RAINDROP Technique, 2-3 times monthly, substituting

anti-cancerous oils for the five optional Raindrop oils (see

Chapter 21)


CAPSULE, 00 size, 2 capsules, 2-4 times daily


RECTAL, 3 times weekly, using 20-80 dilution

Dietary Supplementation:

ImmuPro, VitaGreen, Super C Chewable, ImmuneTune, Essential Manna,

Power Meal, Thyromin, Exodus, Sulfurzyme, Mineral Essence, Essential

Omegas, Rehemogen, Berry Young Juice, Royaldophilus

Gary Young's Daily Anti-Cancer Program

• Master Formula: 4-6 tablets daily

• VitaGreen: 8-10 capsules daily

• Super C: 8-10 tablets daily

• ImmuPro: 6-10 tablets at night; 4 morning and


• Power Meal: 2 scoops, 3 times daily

• WheyFit: 2 scoops daily

• Essentialzyme: 2-6 tablets, 3 times daily accord-ing to

blood type

• Thyromin: Start 1 before bedtime and increase as


• Exodus: 6-8 capsules daily

• Sulfurzyme: Begin with 1 tsp., 3 times daily and

increase to 1-3 Tbsp. daily

• Royaldophilus: 2-3 capsules, 3 times daily for good

digestion and assimilation

• Super B 2-4 tablets daily. Super B is a good source of all

B vitamins including pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). Many cancer patients

evidence a deficiency in vitamin B5

Brain Tumor

Single Oils:

Frankincense, grapefruit, clove, tsuga, blue cypress

EO Applications:


NEAT or DILUTE 50-50, if needed, 2-4 drops to temples,

forehead, mastoids and back of neck, 2-6 times daily


CAPSULE, 00 size, 2 capsules, 2-4 times daily

Dietary Supplementation:

ImmuPro, Berry Young Juice, Longevity Caps

Brain Tumor regimen:

• Take 15 to 20 tablets of ImmuPro, 15 capsules of

Exodus, and 10 tablets of Super C Chewable daily.

• Maintain a concentrated carrot juice diet. Potas-sium is

critical. Drink plenty of dan-de-lion tea (diuretic) and yellow dock tea

(iron), and take milk thistle for the liver.

To increase blood flow to the brain:

• Mix 4 drops frankincense and 5 drops ImmuPower and

massage 3-5 drops on the neck 3-5 times daily.

• Mix 15 drops frankincense and 6 drops clove in 1/2 oz.

V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base and rub 5-7 times daily on the brain

stem (spine at base of skull), temples, mastoids (behind the ears),

forehead, and crown (top of head).

• Put 10 drops frankincense and 1 drop clove in diffuser.

Sit in front of the diffuser and breathe vapors for 1/2 hour, 3 times daily.

If you get a headache or feel nauseous, reduce to what is tolerable, but

do not quit.

• AlkaLime: Take 1 tsp. in a glass of distilled or purified

water 1 hour before or after each meal to help restore pH balance.

Bone Cancer

Single Oils:

Frankincense, sandalwood, clove, tsuga



EO Applications:


DILUTE 50-50, massage 4-6 drops on location and on spine

2-4 times daily

NEAT, apply 2-3 drops each of frankincense and ImmuPower

along the spine, 3 times daily


CAPSULE, 00 size, 2 capsules 1-3 times daily

RICE MILK, 4-6 times daily

Bone Cancer blend:

• 15 drops frankincense

• 6 drops clove

• 1 Tbsp. V6 Oil Complex

Massage 4-6 drops on location 3-5 times daily

Dietary Supplementation:

Cleansing Trio. Longevity Caps, Berry Young Juice, Essential Omegas

Breast Cancer

The use of topically applied natural progesterone (20 mg per day) can

dramatically reduce the risk of breast cancer. (See Progessence Cream,

Chapter 11) Eighty-five percent of all breast cancers are ductal cancers, and

natural progesterone has been shown to slow the growth of ductal cells that

promote cancer growth. In addition, new research indicates that some

essential oils can dramatically inhibit cancer growth while leaving normal

cells unharmed.

Studies at the Young Life Research Institute of Natural Medicine show that

ledum, Idaho balsam fir, tsuga, lavender, clove, and frankincense may be

effective in treating breast cancer.

For a cancer preventative, dilute up to 20 drops of either orange,

sandalwood, myrtle, or tsuga in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, put in 00-size

capsule and take one daily as a dietary supplement.

Lignans in flax seeds have also been shown to prevent breast cancer growth.

Single Oils:

Orange, sandalwood, frankincense, ledum, myrtle, clove, lemon, orange,

tangerine, tsuga


Brain Power, Present Time

EO Applications:


DILUTE 50-50, apply 4-10 drops on location daily

VITA FLEX, apply 1-3 drops to breast

Vita Flex points (see location in breast cancer regimen below)


CAPSULE, 00 size, 1 capsule 2-4 times daily

RICE MILK, 2-4 times daily

Specific breast cancer regimen:

A. Massage 1-3 drops frankincense on breast Vita Flex

point on feet, which is on top of the foot at the base of the three middle

toes. Continue massaging the Vita Flex areas after applying the oil (see

Vita Flex Technique in chapter 20).

B. Layer on location 15 drops frankin-cense, 10 drops

lavender, and 3 drops clove. Apply oils and massage daily for 4 days,

then rest for 4 days. Repeat as necessary.

C. Put 6 drops of frankincense and 4 drops ledum in a

00-size capsule, fill remainder with vegetable oil. Take 1-3 capsules


D. Diffuse frankincense and Brain Power for 15 minutes

2-5 times daily.

Dietary Supplementation:

Cleansing Trio, JuvaTone, JuvaPower/Spice, Longevity Caps, Power Meal,

ImmuPro, Essential Omegas, Amino-Tech, WheyFit, Super Cal, Coral Sea,

Berry Young Juice, BodyGize

Topical Treatments:

Cel-lite Magic, Progessence Cream


1. Keep lymphatics open with deep breathing exercise and


2. Have a body massage with Cel-lite Magic, once per

month to work the lymph nodes in the abdomen and the thoracic region.

3. The soy in BodyGize helps balance estrogen hormones.

Take 2-3 Tbsp. BodyGize with water or juice 1-2 times daily.

Note: Do not use for estrogen-receptor positive cancers.

4. Discontinue use of antiperspirants (not deodorant) and

monitor calcium levels.

Cervical Cancer

The use of topically applied natural progesterone creams can dramatically

reduce the risk of cervical cancer, especially in postmenopausal women. In

addition, new research indicates that some essential oils can significantly

inhibit cancer growth while leaving normal cells unharmed.

Single Oils:

Tsuga, thyme, galbanum, patchouly, sandalwood, Douglas fir, hyssop,

nutmeg, sage

EO Applications:


CAPSULE, 00 size, 2-4 times daily


TAMPON, 3 times per week

Dietary Supplementation:

(See listing under main Cancer heading)

Colon Cancer

To enhance the action of essential oils, cancer requires strong cleansing and

fasting programs. Cancer is best treated in its early stages by alternating

and varying the essential oils used each week, so the cancer cells do not

build up a resistance to the treatment.

For a cancer preventative, mix up to 20 mg of these essential oils in 1

tablespoon of vegetable oil, and put in 00 size gel caps. Take one per day.

The gastritis associated with H. pylori infection is closely

associated with gastric cancers.13 Highly antiseptic oils can kill

Helicobacter pylori that causes the infection. These oils include

oregano, mountain savory, tea tree, and thyme.

Single Oils:

Clove, frankincense, ledum, orange, tsuga, lavender

EO Applications:


CAPSULE, 00 size, 2-4 times daily

RICE MILK, 2-4 times daily

Colon Cancer Regimen:

Day 1: Put 10 drops of frankincense, 10 drops tsuga in a vegetable cap-sule

and swallow 3-4 times daily.

Day 2: Mix 16 drops frankincense and 3 drops clove, and put in vegetable

capsule. Take orally 3-4 times daily.

Day 3: Mix equal parts frankincense and lavender in a vegetable capsule and

take 3-4 times daily.

Day 4: Take frankincense capsules 3-4 times daily.

Days 5-8: Repeat the above 4-day cycle.

Days 9-12: Rest for 4 days.

Day 13: Restart the regimen.

Dietary Supplementation:

EssentialZyme, ComforTone, ICP, Detoxzyme

Supplementation Regimen:

1. Begin with EssentialZyme to digest toxic waste.

2. Take 2 capsules ComforTone, 3 times daily. Increase by

one daily until the bowels move. Then begin reducing. If diarrhea occurs,

reduce amount of ComforTone used and increase ICP fiber beverage.

Drink plenty of purified or distilled water.

3. ICP fiber cleanse: Begin with 1 Tbsp. in water, 3 times

daily. Increase to 2 Tbsp. 3 times daily or as needed until bowels are

moving regularly.

Hodgkin's Disease

Reed-Sternberg cells are a hallmark trait of lymphatic cancers of this type.

Single Oils:

Clove, lavender, frankincense, cistus



EO Applications:


NEAT or DILUTE 50-50 on location 2-4 times daily or as



CAPSULE, 00 size, 3-5 times daily

Dietary Supplementation:

(See listing under main Cancer heading)


Single Oils:

Frankincense, clove, lavender.


Thieves, Longevity.

EO Applications:


VITA FLEX, 1-3 drops on soles of feet 2 times daily

BODY MASSAGE, apply very gently, do not do deep tissue


Dietary Supplementation:

Longevity Caps, Rehemogen, Super C, ImmuPro, ImmuneTune, VitaGreen,

Berry Young Juice, Longevity Caps

Supplementation regimen:

Take the following daily, for 30-40 days:

• ImmuPro: 10 tablets before retiring; 2-4 tablets

morning and afternoon

• Rehemogen: 3 droppers, 3 times daily

• Super C: 12 tablets daily

• ImmuneTune: 15 capsules daily

• VitaGreen: 9 capsules daily

• Longevity Caps: 3 capsules 3 times daily

• Fresh carrot juice: 1/2 gallon daily

Liver Cancer

Cleansing is extremely important since an optimally functioning liver is

necessary to rid the body of toxins. Anger and hate affect the liver and cause

extreme toxicity, eventually triggering disease.

Single Oils:

Frankincense, lavender, lemon, orange, tangerine, thyme


JuvaFlex, JuvaCleanse

EO Applications:


NEAT or DILUTE 50-50 if needed, 2-6 drops over liver area

2-4 times daily

COMPRESS, warm, over liver area nightly

VITA FLEX, massage 1-3 drops on liver

Vita Flex points of feet


CAPSULE, 00 size, 3-5 times daily

RICE MILK, 3-5 times daily

Liver Cancer blend:

• 30 drops frankincense

• 20 drops lavender

• 10 drops tsuga

• 10 drops ledum

• 4 tablespoons castor oil

Apply 20-30 drops of this mixture over the liver area, then cover with a

warm moist towel for 20 minutes as a compress, 5 nights per week.

Also, fill 00-size capsules with this mixture and take 1 capsule 3-5 times



JuvaTone, JuvaPower/Spice, Essential Omegas, Berry Young Juice, alpha

lipoic acid, Ultra Young

Lung Cancer

Single Oils:

Ledum, orange, frankincense, Idaho balsam fir, ravensara, sage


Raven, R.C., Longevity, ImmuPower

Lung cancer blend #1:

• 4 drops frankincense

• 3 drops sage

• 3 drops myrrh

• 3 drops clove

• 2 drops ravensara

• 2 drops hyssop

Lung cancer blend #2:

• 6 drops R.C.

• 5 drops clove

• 4 drops myrrh

• 5 drops frankincense

• 2 drops sage

EO Applications:


DIFFUSION, 15 minutes 3-5 times daily


CAPSULE, 00 size, 1 capsule 3 times daily


RECTAL, nightly, retain for 8 hours

Lung Cancer Regimen:

Day 1: Diffuse frankincense and R.C. for 1 hour three times a day. Make a

rectal implant by diluting 10 drops of each of these two oils with 1 tbsp V6

Oil Complex and retain overnight.

Day 2: Same as day 1, using frankincense and R.C. in rectal implant.

Day 3: Same as day 1, using frankincense and lavender in rectal implant.

Day 4: Same as day 1, using 20 drops frankincense in a rectal implant.

Rest 2 days before continuing. If no improve-ment is detected, omit rest

days and begin again.

Alternate oils for retention enema use (add any one of the following oils to 1

teaspoon of olive oil):

• Eucalyptus globulus: 10 drops

• Frankincense: 10 drops

• Peppermint and frankincense: 5 drops

• Idaho balsam fir: 20 drops

• Cypress: 10 drops

Diffuse regularly during the day the same oil combinations (neat) that are

used in the retention enema for that night.

Rub ImmuPower up the spine, daily. Apply warm compress on back and

chest twice daily.

Dietary Supplementation:

Super C, ImmuPro, Super Cal, Coral Sea, Berry Young Juice, alpha lipoic

acid, Essential Manna, K & B

Supplementation regimen:

Take 10 to 20 Super C Chewable daily, dandelion tea, raw lemon juice, red

clover tea, and K & B.

If edema is a problem, include: Super Cal, Coral Sea, Essential Manna, Berry

Young Juice, Mega Cal, or organic bananas.

Lymphoma (Cancer of Lymph Nodes)

Both Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's disease are characterized by

swollen lymph gland nodes, generally first appearing on the neck, armpit or


Lymphoma may be caused from petrochemical pollution in the air and water.

After prolonged exposure, toxins such as benzene, styrene, and toluene

begin to accumulate in the lym-phatic system, eventually triggering cellular

mutations and cancer.

Symptoms for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

• Generally ill, loss of appetite, loss of weight, fever, and

night sweats

Symptoms of Hodgkin's lymphoma

• Fever, fatigue, weakness, itching

Single Oils:

Frankincense, myrrh, clove, sage, sandalwood, lavender



Recipe 1:

• 10 drops frankincense

• 5 drops clove or myrrh

• 3 drops sage

Recipe 2: (for massage):

• 15 drops frankincense

• 6 drops clove

EO Applications:


NEAT or DILUTE 50-50 if needed, 2-4 drops on swollen nodes

2 times daily. Rub along spine 2-3 times daily

BODY MASSAGE, 2-3 times weekly

Raindrop Technique, 2 times monthly


RECTAL, nightly, will bring faster results than topical


Dietary Supplementation:

ImmuPro, ImmuneTune, Super C, Vita-Green, Cleansing Trio

Supplementation regimen:

• ImmuneTune: 4 capsules, 3 times daily

• Super C: 6 tablets, 3 times daily

• VitaGreen: 6 capsules, 3 times daily

• ImmuPro: 3 tablets, 4 times daily.

Follow this program for one month, then gradu-ally reduce. If lymphoma

goes into remission, continue program for another month, then gradually

reduce. It is best to eat a total vegetarian diet. O-blood types, who need

more protein, should eat fresh stream trout or wild Arctic salmon.

Melanoma (Skin Cancer)

Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer. It tends to aggressively

spread and metastasize, quickly colonizing the lymph nodes and internal

organs. It has a high rate of fatality.

A sudden change in the appearance of an old mole or the appearance of red

lesions, may indicate melanoma. If you suspect that you have melanoma or

any skin cancer, you should immediately contact your physician.

Single Oils:

Sandalwood, orange, blue cypress, tangerine, myrrh, lavender, Idaho tansy,

tsuga, tea tree, lemongrass


Longevity, Release, JuvaFlex, JuvaCleanse, EndoFlex, Purification, Thieves

Melanoma blend:

• 3 drops lavender

• 4 drops frankincense

EO Applications:


NEAT, apply 2-5 drops on location 3-5 times daily


CAPSULE, 00 size, 2 times daily

RICE MILK, 2-4 times daily

Dietary Supplementation:

ImmuPro, Essential Omegas

Basal Cell Carcinoma - What Worked Best (my testimonial)

Ovarian Cancer

Single Oils:

Sandalwood, lemon, orange, blue cypress, myrrh, frankincense, geranium


Protec, Longevity, ImmuPower

EO Applications:


NEAT, 3-5 drops up the spine, on the feet, just below the navel and

on the throat. Do this application 1-2 times daily


CAPSULE, 00 size, 3 times daily

RICE MILK, 2-4 times daily


TAMPON, nightly

Daily Regimen for Ovarian Cancer:

• Mix the blend below and use in alternating rectal and

vaginal retention. Use vaginal retention with tampon one night and rectal

retention the second night, and so on.

• 15 drops frankincense

• 5 drops myrrh

• 6 drops geranium

• 1 Tbsp. V-6 Oil Complex

• Rub 3-4 drops ImmuPower up the spine, on the feet,

and on the throat, daily.

• Rub 1/2 tsp. Protec topically over each of the following

locations: abdomen, ovaries, the reproductive Vita Flex points on hands

and feet.

• Use Protec for nightly vaginal retention. Start with 1/2

tsp. and build up to 1 Tbsp. If irritation occurs, discontinue for 3 days

and start again with a smaller amount.

To increase Protec's strength, add extra oils and use in alternating


• NIGHT 1: Add 3 to 4 drops of frankincense.

• NIGHT 2: Add 3 to 4 drops of clove.

• NIGHT 3: Add 3 to 4 drops of myrrh.

Dietary Supplementation:

ImmuPro, BodyGize, Essential Omegas, alpha lipoic acid, ArthroTune

Prostate Cancer

Many prostate cancers may be testosterone-dependent, so it may be

necessary to avoid taking anything that can raise testosterone levels, such

as DHEA or androstenedione. Research by Dr. John Lee, MD, suggests that a

quality progesterone cream may be the most potent therapy for preventing

prostate cancer. Neurogen and Progessence creams provide natural


Single Oils:

Orange, tangerine, ledum, Idaho balsam fir, frankincense, myrrh, cumin,

sage, tsuga


Protec, Mister, Longevity, Juva Cleanse

EO Applications:


DILUTE 50-50, 1-3 drops between the rectum and scrotum

1-3 times daily

VITA FLEX, 1-3 drops, neat. on reproductive points on feet

(sides of ankles)


CAPSULE, 00 size, 3 times daily

RICE MILK, 2-4 times daily


RECTAL, nightly

Prostate blend Regimen:

The blend below helped to reduce PSA (prostate spe-cific antigen) counts

over 70 percent in a 2 months period:

• 10 drops frankincense

• 5 drops myrrh

• 3 drops sage

1. Mix the above oils in 1 Tbsp. V-6 Oil Complex for rectal

retention, nightly

2. Rub 1-3 drops of the above blend, neat, on the Vita Flex

reproductive points (ankles) on both feet, 2 times daily.

3. Dilute the blend 50-50 and apply 2-4 drops on the area

between the rectum and scrotum 2 times daily.

Also, use Protec for nightly rectal retention. Start with 1/2 tsp. and build up

to 1 Tbsp. If irritation occurs, discontinue for 3 days and start again with a

smaller amount.

To increase Protec's strength, add extra oils and use for alternating


• NIGHT 1: Add 3 to 4 drops of frankincense.

• NIGHT 2: Add 3 to 4 drops of clove.

• NIGHT 3: Add 3 to 4 drops of tsuga.

Dietary Supplementation:

Super B, ProGen, ImmuPro, Cleansing Trio, JuvaTone, JuvaPower/Spice

Topical Treatments:

Neurogen and Progessence creams. Apply 1/2 tsp 2 times daily to the area

between the scrotum and the rectum.

Uterine Cancer

Environmental pollutants become lodged in tissues, such as the breasts,

thyroid, ovaries, and uterus. Many chemicals mimic or imitate our natural

hormones and can fit the hormone receptors, thus tricking and

over-stimulating these organs. This can become a major source of cancer of

the breast, uterus, ovaries, and lymph nodes.

(Same program as OVARIAN CANCER above.)


12. Crowell P. Prevention and therapy of cancer by dietary

monoterpenes. J Nutr. 1999 Mar;129(3):775S-778S.

13. Uemura N, Okamoto S, Yamamoto S, "H. pylori

infection and development of gastric cancer," Keio J Med 2002 Dec;51

Suppl 2:63-8.

©2005 Essential Science Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this CD may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without

permission in writing from the publisher

I also found the following links informative:

posted at


Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:37 pm (PDT) . Posted by:Stanlee Palmisano

To Pinehill Oilers,


Jeffrey Lewis and Gailann Greene shared this testimonial taken from Carrie

Boatman Solorzano's facebook page:

"My platinum upline has a personal friend who had a softball size tumor on his

colon and was ready to have his colon removed. He started drinking this

(Frankincense Resin) water and within 2 months, it completely disintegrated - no


Frankincense Resin Water:

Frankincense resin #4881

Put enough Frankincense resin to cover the bottom of a glass quart jar. Fill it

to the top with boiling water and cover with a glass lid or plate (nothing

plastic) and let it sit overnight. Strain the next day and drink this 32 oz of

Frank water over the entire day. It is NOT recommended to drink it all at once

or it may cause a bit of nausea - the detox may be too much for some people all

at once. Each night, add more hot water to the resin and maybe add a few more

pieces of resin as they begin to dissolve. Many people drink this one quart of

water every day with great results.

Frankincense resin can also be chewed like chewing gum.

Code 4881 Wholesale Price: 14.75

Love and Light,


Monoterpenes: Essence of a Cancer Cure

Cancer World Summit

Do You Eat Food With Any Of These 9 Cancer-Causing Chemicals?

posted at

Stomach and Colon Cancer Testimonials

Below is the protocol for stomach and colon cancer. To enhance the action of essential oils, cancer requires strong cleansing and fasting programs. Cancer is best treated in its early stages by alternating varying the essential oils used each week, so the cancer cells do not build up a resistance to the treatment. For a cancer preventative, mix up to 20 mg of these essential oils in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oils and put in 00 size capsule and take one per day. The gastritis associated with H. pylori infection is closely associated with gastric cancers. Highly antiseptic oils can kill Helicobracter pylori that causes the infection. These oils included Oregano, Mountain Savory, Tea Tree and Thyme. Single oils to use are Clove, Frankincense, Ledum, Orange, Tsuga and Lavender. EO Application Ingestion: 00 size, 2-4 times daily. Rice Milk 2-4 times daily.

Colon Cancer Regimen:

Day 1. 10 drops of Frankincense, 10 drops Tsuga in a capsule and swallow 3-4 times daily.

Day 2. 16 drops Frankincense and 3 drops Clove in capsule. Take orally 3-4 times daily.

Day 3. Mix equal parts Frankincense and Lavender in a capsule and take 3-4 times daily.

Day 4. Take Frankincense capsules 3-4 times daily.

Day 5-8. Repeat the above 4 day cycle.

Day 9. Rest for 4 days.

Day 13. Restart the regimen.

Dietary Supplementation: Essentialzyme, ComforTone, ICP, Detoxzyme

Supplementation Regimen:

1. Begin with Essentialzyme to digest toxic waste.

2. Take 2 capsules ComforTone 3 times daily. Increase by one daily until the bowels move. Then begin reducing. If diarrhea occurs, reduce amount of ComforTone used and increase ICP fiber beverage. Drink plenty of purified or distilled water.

3. ICP fiber cleanse: Begin with 1 tablespoon in water, 3 times daily. Increase to 2 tablespoons 3 times daily or as needed until bowls are moving regularly.

Single Oils: Frankincense, Lemon, Orange, Clove, Cistus, Tarragon

Researchers have linked most degenerative diseases to lack of nutrients in the body. Minerals and trace minerals play a large part in nutritional deficiencies. Cancer requires a strong cleansing and nutritional building program.

Dr. Gary Young, from the Essential Oils Desk Reference (p.234) suggests doing an intensive cleansing program with Cleansing Trio and JuvaTone (colon and liver). He also suggests the Burrough's Cleanse using cayenne pepper, lemon juice and grade C maple syrup and The Essentialzyme program. Start with 3 tablets, 3 times a day. Increase the amount by 1 tablet every day until vomiting starts. At this point, stop Essentialzyme for 24 to 36 hours. This is to break loose and break down the tumor. Then start again with 4 tablets, 3 times a day and increase the amount until vomiting starts again and then rest again 36 hours. Start again with 5 tablets, 3 times a day. Increase until you vomit. Rest again and go back to the amount taken before the vomiting offices. Continue to take the regular dosage for 6 weeks. Then buy every enzyme Young Living has and use it when you eat. Avoid red meat and white sugar and breads. Eat everything fresh and as many greens as possible. For further knowledge about cancer programs, check the Essential Oils Desk Reference Book by Dr. Gary Young.

Anyone struggling with cancer needs to have knowledge! You can stop cancer or slow it way down. Many factors are involved and all need to be considered for the desired outcome of wellness. Use Raindrop Technique for emotional clearing as well as healing the physical body. Use all the oils that are prescribed in the book. Do the cleansing program without fail. EVERYTHING must be taken into account and done.

I would second the motion on what Jessica states here. Maybe use Rehemogen as well, as it is a good blood cleanser. If you could obtain apricot kernels, that would help too. They have been proven to kill cancer cells. Keep oiling and oiling. There are many ways to defeat cancer, from what I have read. I've heard several testimonials from people extolling apricot kernels, Esiac tea, flax seed oil and cottage cheese - Budwig Gerson diet and cleansing of colon and especially the liver, which we all know is important. Raw juices and lots of water and wheat grass, artificially lowering the blood sugar down into hypoglycemic levels to starve the cancer cells, (done with physician's supervision), hyperbaric oxygen, as 02 kills cancer, jumping on a rebounder, as it moves the lymph and pulls 02 into the cells.

1923, Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the reverse connection between 02 and cancer - The more oxygen, the less of cancer and the less oxygen, the greater probability of cancer. If it is already present, cancer regresses in the presence of 02 and gains in strength with its lack. Therefore, cutting off circulation to the tumor is wrong, as this decreases oxygen. You want to improve circulation everywhere, including to where the tumor is. An example is cayenne pepper. It is an effective cancer fighter, because it increases circulation, thus delivering more oxygen to the cells. This is what you want. Emotions are the most important of all. Negativity is death. Being positive and upbeat is life. Praying is very effective. People must be supportive and positive and upbeat - no matter what the therapy is. Norman Cousins defeated his cancer watching funny old movies. He laughed his way back to health. See "Anatomy of an Illness". This is one reason why liver cleansing is so important because it helps to release negative emotions, because anger and hatred and grudges are stored there. Letting go of all bitterness and anger is very important. Love defeats cancer. Hate makes it grow. Smiling, loving and forgiving are devastating to cancer cells. The oils help tremendously in releasing negative emotional patterns. Imaging or imagining your body's immune system routing and destroying the cancer cells has also been shown to be very effective.

Jeff Kaplan

My 35 brother was in stage 5 colon cancer. He had an 18 inch tumor removed. But it had spread into his kidneys, liver, lungs, testes and lymph nodes. He was given 2 weeks to live. We got him on the 21 day cleanse and a Royal Rife machine. Today he is 100% cancer free and back at work. The doctors, of course, are dumbfounded. No one else has ever recovered in their programs. Do the cleanse. Good luck.


Some years ago I took very aggressive chemo for a colon cancer that had escaped the colon wall. It was not known whether or not the cancer had spread, because there was no evidence that it had, just that it had eaten through the wall. So I took a year of aggressive chemo, causing dreadful side effects. It totally wrecked what was left of me. One day, when I was so tired I couldn't even bathe myself (would just go sit in a tub of water and hope some of the dirt would soak off) I got an advertisement in the mail. It said, "Are you tired, blah blah blah, take our pills for renewed vigor and energy." Well I figured it was another fraud, but I was desperate. So I sent off the order thinking that I was buying another few weeks of hope until the pills got here and I found they didn't work. When the pills arrived, I eagerly took one, expecting nothing. Within 15 minutes I felt LIFE returning to my body. I don't get such a kick from them anymore as I don't need them so terribly. What it was, was a tiny little 15 mg pill of Co-Enzyme Q-10. Co-Q-10 is needed for the respiration of every cell in the body and while found abundantly in nature so that the doctors never think you could be short of it, chemo ROBS THE BODY of Co-Q-10. That was when I went whole hog on alternative medicine and nutrition. I have almost recovered my health. Not quite. I still have the diabetes precipitated by six weeks of intravenous glucose in the ICU because of blood clots due to chemo. That is another thing to watch out for in chemo patients. You are so devoid of energy you don't move enough and too nauseated to drink enough water and you get clots and embolisms. So give her some Helichrysum and Cloves, etc, to try to prevent the clots. Those wonderful shots they give you in ICU to dissolve clots cost over a thousand bucks apiece. And then they fill you full of heparin to prevent more and then you have to take coumadin pills ever after (scary). So try to keep her blood thin and make sure she is taking big doses of Co-Q-10. The cheaper kind of Co-Q-10 is not soluble in water so you have to be sure to ingest it with fat. If she is too nauseated to eat any fat stuff, there are expensive water soluble Co-Q-10 pills for sale. They told me that chemo would not work unless you are gaining weight and with the nausea, that is some trick. I accomplished this, however, by keeping a jar of peanut butter out on the counter and every time I passed taking a half teaspoonful as I could keep a tiny amount down. Those nausea pills they give you are worthless. They keep you from throwing up, but they don't kill the sensation of nausea and throwing up is welcome when you are feeling like that. I have heard marijuana kills the nausea but unless you live in California you can't get it. I asked my oncologist to prescribe some of the THC pills made from marijuana for chemo patients, but the little Christian was so shocked, he almost didn't recover. NEVER, he said, would he prescribe marijuana pills to any of his patients although I believe they are available by prescription in every state. I will pray for your sister-in-law, Frank. Be sure she is getting good nutrition also. Juices, if she can keep them down. Wheat grass juice, carrot juice, etc.

Blessings, Ann

posted at

for more testimonials, check

I had great results using Sacred Frankincense & Copaiba, with Thieves oil (for Candida) on my mother-in-law, who had Melanoma around her heart & in her lungs. I also used many different oils for emotional release, as well as the Vita Flex on her feet, and JuvaFlex and EndoFlex. I started her treatment with Frankincense and used Cypress on her extremities. I also used a small piece of chocolate to get her awake the first time.

There are many other essential oils I used on my mother-in-law - I always brought everything I had with me. For example, when she was hot I rubbed Peppermint on her back, I let her smell Ylang Ylang, Peppermint when she was sleepy, En-r-gee, rubbed Myrrh, Sacred Frankincense and Copaiba close to her heart, in front and back. She really enjoyed all the oils.

What also is a good cancer treatment is wheat grass juice and suppositories, as per Ann Wigmore, who cured herself of colon cancer. Fresh aloe is incredible for cancer and generally.

If you worry about your estrogen being too high, please use other oils instead of these: Fennel, Clary Sage, Melissa, Lemongrass, Lemon Myrtle and Geranium.

Please see all the pages attached on the bottom for more information.

Here is the note sent to me by Stanlee Palmisano.

Hello Eugeniya,

Nancy Sanderson ... sent this protocol for colon cancer. Young Living Essential Oils have been a God send to so many people. NingXia Red Juice is a powerful anti inflammatory which is the basis of all disease.

Love and Light,


God Bless, Nancy Sanderson


Colon Cancer:

Single Oils:

Frankincense, Lemon, Orange, and lavender

When taking essential oils internally, always dilute- 1 drop of oil

in 1 tsp. of vgetable oil.

Esential Oil Program:

Day 1: Put 6 drops of frankincense in a capsule and swallow 3 to 4 times daily

Day 2: Mix 6 drops of frankincense and 3 drops cloves, diluted in vegetable oil,

and put in capsule and take 3-4 times daily

Day 3: Put equal parts frankincense and lavender in a capsule and take 3-4 times


Day 4: Take frankincense capsules 3-4 times daily

Day 5: Rest for 4 days and restart program.

Supplement Program:

1. Begin with Essentialzyme 4 to digest toxic waste

2. Take 2 capsules ComforTone, 3 times daily. Increase

by one daily until the bowels move. Then begin reducing. If diarrhea occurs, reduce

amount and increase ICP. Drink plenty of purified or distilled water.

3. ICP fiber cleanse: Begain with 1 Tbsp. in water, 3x's daily. Increase to 2 Tbsp., 3x's

daily or as need ed until bowels are moving regularly.

4. Drink NingXia Red 6-8 oz's daily



Our American diets create an over acidic condition in our blood. Meat,

sugar, white flour, cheese, ice cream, are just a few of the foods that

create this over acidification of the blood and tissues, which systemically

poison and destroy the cells of the body. My goal was to get rid of the

acidity in my blood. I read everything I could about this! I learned that

yeast, fungus, bacteria, mold and viruses can only survive in an acid base

but cannot survive in alkaline base. I realized that everything I had eaten

was causing this acid blood. I knew that if I were to heal, I would give my

body everything positive to heal it with. If I gave my body the right power

principles of nutrition and cleansing, I might have a fighting chance to

heal myself.

I went on a regimen of herbs and vitamins and I drank a lot of wheat grass

juice to get my body into an alkaline state. It took me eight months to

dissolve the tumors and get into remission. For 10 years I have enjoyed

fabulous health, rarely, ever being sick.

ALKALIME #3199 $27.50 DIST., $31.84, Preferred customer, $36.18 customer

Why does illness return:

Even my daughter's mole came back. Even my cancer tumors came back. Why? It

is because we are acid when we should be alkaline. I KNOW! I have spent the

last year laboriously trying to keep my body alkaline to keep the tumors away from me!

So many times we read a testimonial and try to apply it to ourselves and it doesn't

work. Why? It is because the acid is surrounding our cells to such an extent that even

the oils have a difficult time. Dr. Young tells us repeatedly that oils will not work "as

well" in an acid state. What the oils do is be like a scrub brush to the acid . It goes in

and neutralizes the acid away, but if we keep eating acid foods (meat, sugar, white flour,

dairy) the acid keeps coming back, therefore the problem keeps reappearing. As long as

we use stays away! Well, shouldn't we be using the oils for enhancement and

not dependency? Just a thought to encourage you all to go and learn all you can

about acid/alkalinity so that we will never get cancer or moles or headaches or

lupus. This is an over simplification of a very detailed and serious state of health and a

process to remedy most of our health challenges. I only state these things to encourage

you to learn more. Chris Anderson



1.. ImmuPro

2.. Dried Ningxia Wolberries

3.. Essential oil of Balsam Fir

4.. NingXia Red

Essential oils with the broadest spectrum anti-cancer acitivity

(Breast, cervical, skin, prostate , etc.), Oils are ranked according

to their potency.

1.. Thyme

2.. Sandalwood

3.. Grapefruit

4.. Hyssop

5.. Tarragon


The link between cancer and inflammation ha been strengthened in

recent years. It is well known that the salicylatd in aspirin which

have highly anti-inflammatory effects reduce the risk of colon cancer

dramatically. The natural salicylated found in the essential oil of

wintergreen are very close in structure to athe acetyl salicylic acid

found in aspirin. According to Erica Leibert of Harvard University,

wintergreen oil is 40% stronger than an aspirin equivalent with very

similar anti-inflammatory properties.

Clove has been researched as a potential chemopreventive agent for

lung cancer, because of its powerful anti-inflammatory effects. The

biochemical alpha humulene, found in balsam fir essential oil and copaiba

essential oil, has als been shown to have significant cancer prevention

properties through its anit-inflammatory action.

Boswellic acids found in Frankincense gum resin also have powerful anti-

infammatory effecfs. Myrrh gum has been studied for its ability to combat

various cancers, included breast cancer.


1.. Wintergreen

2.. Frankincense gum resin

3.. Myrrh gum resin

4.. Clove essential oil

5.. Frankincense essential oil

6.. Myrrh essential oil



Ningxia wolfberries vs. human cancer cells

88% inhibition of human gastric cancers

73% inhibition of human cervical cancers

One of the more amazing attributes of NR is the effects that the wolfberry has on human cancer cells. A study done by the China Academy of Traditional Medicine found that consuming the wolfberry would decrease certain types of cancers.

Ningxia wolfberry lowers the risk of cancers by this %.

Researchers at the Osaka Medical Center in Japan, found that Food supplemented with just 2%

limonene cut cancer risk by 50%.

Remember that Orange and Lemon oil are two of the highest sources for limonene. This study is a powerful

example of how important it is that we get limonene in our daily diet. Researchers found that by consuming

foods that were only supplemented with 2% limonene cut cancer risk by 50%.


Over 50 clinical studies on the anti-cancer properties of limonene

-Institute of Life Sciences, India (liver)

-Purdue University, Indiana, USA (breast)

-Nagoya City University Medical School, Japan

-Dept. of Oncology, Karolinska Hospital, Sweden

-University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

-American Health Foundation, New York, USA

-Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, USA

.Orange oil is 91% limonene

.Lemon oil is 65% limonene

Essential oils, the unique YL angle.

No one else has oils and they certainly don't have YL therapeutic-grade oils. Oils are packed with concentrated super nutrients like limonene. d-Limonene is the major component of the oils extracted from citrus rind. When citrus fruits are juiced, the oil is pressed out of the rind. This oils is separated from the juice, and distilled to recover certain flavor and fragrance compounds. The bulk of the oil is left behind and collected. This is food grade d-Limonene. After the juicing process, the peels are conveyed to a steam extractor. This extracts more of the oil from the peel. When the stam is condensed, a layer of oils floats on the surface of the condensed water. This is technical grade d-Limonene.

Studies have shown that limonene have anti-cancer effects. Limonene increase the levels of liver enzymes

involved in detoxifying carcinognes.

Internal consumption of essential oils is one of the most powerful ways we can benefit from their cancer reducingproperties.

Studies came from the following University's

University Hospital of St. Radboud, Netherlands

University of Arizona, Tucson USA (skin)

Institute of Life Sciences, India (liver)

Ohio State University, Columbus USA (lung)

University of Texas, Houston USA

Purdue University, Indiana USA (breast)

Nagoya City University Medical School, Japan

Dept. of Oncology, Karolinska Hospital, Sweden

University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA

Institute Henri Beaufour, France (lung)

American Health Foundation, New York USA (breast)

Medical College of Ohio, Toledo USA

University of N. Carolina, Chapel Hill USA

So you can see how important it is to have NingXia Red as

a supplement as It contains the orange and lemon

oil as well as the highest antioxidant ningxia wolfberries.

Frankincense kills bladder cancer cells

United Press International


OKLAHOMA CITY, Mar 17, 2009 (UPI via COMTEX) -- Enriched extract of the Somalian frankincense herb

Boswellia carteri has been shown to kill off bladder cancer cells, U.S. researchers said.

H.K. Lin and his team at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and Oklahoma City VA Medical

Center evaluated frankincense oil for its anti-tumor activity in bladder cancer cells.

The study authors investigated the effects of the oil in two different types of cells in culture: human bladder

cancer cells and normal bladder cells.

The study, published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that frankincense oil is able

to discriminate between normal and cancerous bladder cells in culture, and specifically kill cancer cells.

Gene analyses were performed to determine how frankincense oil affects bladder cancer cell survival and the

researchers found that the oil suppresses cancer cell growth by arresting cell cycle progression and induces

bladder cancer cell death by activating multiple cell death pathways.

"Frankincense oil may represent an inexpensive alternative therapy for patients currently suffering from

bladder cancer," Lin said in a statement.



I have used a blend of Young Living's PanAway mixed with Aroma Siez directly over the

colon area on a client with stage 4 colon cancer. He states that within 2-3 minutes of

application his pain subsides. He also inhales peppermint oil for the nausea/vomiting

after chemotherapy and it relieves it. I combine aromatherapy with reflexology for greater

results. Deborah Lynch


Have a Great Day, Nancy Sanderson

Thought for the day:

"God has a thousand ways

Where I can see not one,

When All my means have

reached their end

Then His have just begun."

Don't expect the same results unless you are using Young Living Therapeutic

Grade essential oils and supplements. Also each person is different so they

may not work as well for you as it does for others so try another oil or supplement

that would work better for you.

Essential oil testimonials are an effective way of learning and sharing. With this knowledge,

we can take control of our own personal health. However, we are required by law to state:

"These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and

techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or

prevent any disease." Information provided here is in no way intended

to replace proper medical help.


From Judy DeRuvo December 14, 2007

The lymph nodes under my arms were very painful to touch so I started applying essential oils every morning after my shower. I rotated the following oils using each combination for 3-4 days at a time. Rub 1-2 drops on the side of each breast and in the arm pit.

Palo Santo

Grapefruit and Tsuga

Frankincense and Lavender

Within 2 weeks all the pain and tenderness was gone.

Excerpted from

Irregular calcium deposits in breast

Three weeks ago a mammogram showed irregular calcium deposits in my right breast. The radiologist put great pressure on me to have a biopsy done immediately. I elected not to do the biopsy because it is so radical. I had blood drawn for the AMAS test for antibodies that detects cancer 19 months before a biopsy and sent it off overnight in dry ice to Oncolab in Boston. I started the regimen shown in the Essential Oils Desk Reference to deter cancer. I take 6 drops of Young Living Frankincense essential oil, 4 drops Young Living Ledum essential oil with Almond Oil in a 00 capsule daily. I rub Frankincense essential oil daily over the three middle toes on each foot. I rub 16 drops Frankincense essential oil, 12 drops Lavender essential oil and 3 drops Clove essential oil into each breast for 4 days and leave it off for 4 days. I have started Alkalime to get my Ph balance more Alkalime. I have started 10 drops of liquid Mineral Essence under my tongue each morning. I have had a lymphatic massage each week.The change in my breast tissue has been astounding. The thick tissue has softened with only a small hard area left. There has been no pain. I expect to go over the blood test results with my internist on Monday. I am lucky because he goes along with my alternative approach in lieu of a biopsy. I have started meditation and visualization. I am feeling great. I will not go through radiation or chemotherapy. Dorthy LittrellNovember 24, 2005

STOMACH AND COLON CANCER PROTOCOLFrom Stanlee Palmisano on Pine Hill Group:

Below is the protocol for stomach and colon cancer. To enhance the action of essential oils, cancer requires strong cleansing

and fasting programs.

Cancer is best treated in its early stages by alternating varying the essential oils used each week, so the cancer cells do not

build up a resistance to the treatment.

For a cancer preventative, mix up to 20 mg of these essential oils in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oils and put in 00 size capsule

and take one per day. The gastritis associatedwith H. pylori infection is closely associated with gastric cancers. Highly

antiseptic oils can kill Helicobracter pylori that causes the infection. These oils included Oregano, Mountain Savory, Tea Tree and Thyme.

Single oils to use are Clove, Frankincense, Ledum, Orange, Tsuga and Lavender.

EO Application Ingestion: 00 size, 2-4 times daily. Rice Milk 2-4 times daily.

Colon Cancer Regimen:

Day 1. 10 drops of Frankincense, 10 drops Tsuga in a capsule and swallow 3-4 times daily.

Day 2. 16 drops Frankincense and 3 drops Clove in capsule. Take orally 3-4 times daily.

Day 3. Mix equal parts Frankincense and Lavender in a capsule and take 3-4 times daily.

Day 4. Take Frankincense capsules 3-4 times daily.

Day 5-8. Repeat the above 4 day cycle.

Day 9. Rest for 4 days.

Day 13. Restart the regimen.

Dietary Supplementation:

Essentialzyme, ComforTone, ICP, Detoxzyme

Supplementation Regimen:

1. Begin with Essentialzyme to digest toxic waste.

2. Take 2 capsules ComforTone 3 times daily. Increase by one daily until the bowels move. Then begin reducing. If

diarrhea occurs, reduce amount ofComforTone used and increase ICP fiber beverage. Drink plenty of purified or distilled


3. ICP fiber cleanse: Begin with 1 tablespoon in water, 3 times daily. Increase to 2 tablespoons 3 times daily or as needed

until bowels are moving regularly. The above was taken from the EDOR.



In response to a request from a member for help for her husband who was diagnosed with colon cancer, some responses

came from Nancy Sanderson’s files: Colon Cancer:

Single Oils:

Frankincense, Lemon, Orange, and lavender

When taking essential oils internally, always dilute- 1 drop of oil in 1 tsp. of vgetable oil.

Esential Oil Program:

Day 1: Put 6 drops of frankincense in a capsule and swallow 3 to 4 times daily

Day 2: Mix 6 drops of frankincense and 3 drops cloves, diluted in vegetable oil, and put in capsule and take 3-4 times daily

Day 3: Put equal parts frankincense and lavender in a capsule and take 3-4 times daily

Day 4: Take frankincense capsules 3-4 times daily

Day 5: Rest for 4 days and restart program.

Supplement Program:

1. Begin with Essentialzyme to digest toxic waste 2. Take 2 capsules ComforTone, 3 times daily. Increase by one daily

until the bowels move. Then begin reducing. If diarrhea occurs, reduce amount and increase ICP. Drink plenty of

purified or distilled water.

3. ICP fiber cleanse: Begain with 1 Tbsp. in water, 3x’s daily. Increase to 2 Tbsp., 3x’s daily or as needed until bowels

are moving regularly.

4. Drink NingXia Red 6-8 oz’s daily



1.. ImmuPro

2.. Dried Ningxia Wolberries

3.. Essential oil of Balsam Fir

4.. NingXia Red




Oils are ranked according to their potency:

1.. Thyme

2.. Sandalwood

3.. Grapefruit

4.. Hyssop

5.. Tarragon



The link between cancer and inflammation ha been strengthened in recent years. It is well known that the salicylates in

aspirin which have highly anti-inflammatoryeffects reduce the risk of colon cancer dramatically. The natural salicylates

found in the essential oil of wintergreen are very close in structure to the acetyl salicylicacid found in aspirin. According

to Erica Leibert of Harvard University, wintergreen oil is 40% stronger than an aspirin equivalent with very

similaranti-inflammatory properties.

Clove has been researched as a potential chemopreventive agent for lung cancer, because of its powerful anti-inflammatory

effects. The biochemical alpha humulene,found in balsam fir essential oil and copaiba essential oil, has also

been shown to have significant cancer prevention properties through its anit-inflammatory action.

Boswellic acids found in Frankincense gum resin also have powerful anti-infammatory effecfs. Myrrh gum

has been studied for its ability to combat

various cancers, included breast cancer.



1.. Wintergreen

2.. Frankincense gum resin

3.. Myrrh gum resin

4.. Clove essential oil

5.. Frankincense essential oil

6.. Myrrh essential oil

God Bless, and Have a Great Day,

Nancy Sanderson



Our group has been pioneering many concepts in Young Living. The most important is the use of orange oil for helping

the body release cancer. When people are willingto ingest 10ml of orange oil every day (in capsules), this replicates the

amount of limonene in the studies that were done which showed regression of cancer.

Just recently while in Japan, a young woman of about 45 told me that she had been told last summer that her uterine

cancer had spread throughout her body and sheonly had a month to live. The doctors said that due to her condition, they

were not able to offer surgery or chemotherapy. After speaking with a Young Living leader there,she took 10ml of orange

oil every day, in capsules. She also rubbed orange oil, frankincense, myrtle, sandalwood, and tsuga all over her

elly every day, and shedrank 4-6 oz. of NingXia Red each day, as well. She is now cancer free! These kinds of stories are

starting to surface, and even though they are anecdotal, they will help us help others in the future! This is what keeps

me going every day!

A personal story from one of the leaders in my organization: ”My Mother-in-law had a grapefruit-sized tumor on her

only remaining kidney. Her other kidney had been taken to cancer 5 years earlier. The doctors could not treat her

because of her deteriorating health so she began to take 10 ml of orange oil in capsules. She took 2 full capsules every

2 hours for eight hours a day. After 3 months the tumor was gone. She continues to take 1-4 capsules of orange oil and

also drinks 2-4 oz. Ningxia Red every day. Her cancer has not returned.” C.D. Westwood, NJ

I am not a trained medical doctor, and I am not making any recommendations to anyone about anything. I am simply

passing along what I have seen and heard. People need to use the best of both worlds – allopathic and natural medicine.

If someone calls me and says that they have a lump in their breast, my response is, “Hang up the phone and call your

gyn and make an appointment. Then call me back and let’s talk about what we can do while you’re waiting to see your

doctor.” PLEASE – let’s NOT be irresponsible!

I cannot advise anyone about anything either. All I can share is what we know:

1. Limonene has been shown through research to not only inhibit cancer, but also to regress it.

2. Orange oil is 95% limonene. (This is why it is in our Longevity supplement, which I take every single day.)

3. In order for us to replicate the amount of limonene used in the studies, we would have to ingest 10 ml of orange oil

every day. For how long? I don’t know. Until it was gone, I guess.

Other studies have shown that frankincense (which is 12% limonene), myrtle, sandalwood, and tsuga all have

excellent inhibition of cancer cells. If I were using those oils, rubbed on my breasts (for prevention, which is what I do

from time to time) or over an area of concern, I would use them neat (without dilution) and liberally (6-8 drops of each…),

and often, perhaps even several times a day if I thought I had a problem.

I think it’s absolutely amazing that something as simple as orange oil, which is very inexpensive, might hold the key to

the challenges with cancer…

Hope you all are healthy, happy, and taking Longevity morning and night, like I do. It contains orange oil and frankincense!

Love, Vicki


This testimonial is based on information provided by Chris Smith, one

of our downline Members in Chicago, who has approved the write-up.

We have his information on file. Dated 11/1/00

Chris was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in June '98, and immediately

the doctors wanted to operate.

At that time, he did not know about YL, but he felt his attitude was very

positive; he passed on the surgery, and did a detox program and herbs.

He was periodically checked by doctors, and his PSA (Prostate Specific

Antigen) had dropped from 9 to 7 (it should be below 5) so they were

satisfied that he was improving. However, when he had a physical in

June of 2000, it had risen to 10. He made an appointment with a Urologist,

who again wanted to operate, and ordered a biopsy, CT Scan, Bone Scan &


By this time, Chris had just learned about YLEOs; he read through

the material and listened to the tape in the Naturopathic Protocol/Cancer

Victory packet we've put out. He has followed a holistic path for many

years, so it felt right to him. He asked for a postponement of the tests,

and went to work.

He did the YL Cleansing Program for a month, plus the protocol,which

he,followed exactly - including the rectal implants, Raindrop Technique,

Immune Tune, Exodus, JuvaTone, Alkalime, Sulfurzyme, and many oils.

He ate mainly vegetables, and seafood occasionally. Following that,

he did the Master Cleanse (see "Healing for the Age of Enlightenment" by

Stanley Burroughs). During this time, he continued to work long hours, but

is so disciplined, he still managed to stay with the program, and did the

implants every night.

He then returned to take the exams. By this time, he had been on the

YL products and protocols for approximately 4 months. In 1998, the

Biopsy confirmed cancer (adenocarcenoma). In 2000, ALL tests

showed NO cancer present. All that remained was evidence of chronic

prostatitis (which is treatable, and not life-threatening).

The doctor took 3 weeks to call with the results, because he had such

difficulty believing the change; he had sent them to an outside lab to

confirm there was no cancer present. He even asked Chris to have

another biopsy! Chris is continuing with the protocols and oils because

he feels that whatever caused the problem could still be lingering, and

because he also desires to further strengthen his body.

This is a wonderful testament to the effectiveness of this protocol.

Thank you for sharing, Chris. Prostate Cancer is becoming more

and more common,and you have shown that it is possible to bring it

under control - naturally. May your story inspire others to follow your


Submitted by Joy Linsley



Gary has talked the research on the 74 essential oil in the studies of cancer.

69 single, and 5 mixtures on Cervical, breast, skin, and prostate cancer cell


with a Non-cancerous 3T3 (mouse) fibroblast cells. I would like to share

part of this again especially for those that are new and haven't heard about the



Oils showing 50% or more cancer cell inhibition and 25% or less inhibition of


cell growth will be recommended for further study as potential anticancer



58% of the 74 oils showed general cancer inhibition of 50% or greater. 34% of

the 74

oils showed cancer-specific inhibition. Seven of those were active against two


more cancer cell lines

Of particular interest: Oils showing synergistic effects, Oils with significant


at the lowest concentration tested and Oils with multiple anti-cancer activity.


Essential oils have potential as anticancer drugs

Screening processes (such as the one used in this study) that are fast,

inexpensive and

useful provided good leads about which compounds should be further investigated.

Further research should be done on promising essential oils--this may lead to


cancer drugs. Many technologies available.


Stimulating apoptosis

DNA repair

Proflerative senescence

Immune protection and stimulation

Preventing metastasis


1. Researchers at the South Dakota State University found that the main

component of

Sandalwood oil, the alpha-santalol, protected skin from cancer.

2. Application of alpha-santalol to skin exposed to cancer-causing chemicals

dramatically delayed the onset of tumor growth in test subjects.

--C., Dwivedi et al,. 2003


Grapefruit EO in a 200 parts per million concentration inhibits skin cancer by

80.50 %

Hyssop 200 ppm by 75.90 %


Sandalwood EO 100 ppm inhibits Breast Cancer by 98.10%

Myrtle 200 ppm 95.20%

Tsuga EO (Hemlock) 200 ppm by 93.10 %


Sandalwood 100 ppm inhibits prostrate cancer by 84.10%

Canadian Red Cedar 50 ppm 82.60%

Myrtle 200 ppm 67.0%

Thyme 50 ppm by 56.70%

Dill 200 ppm by 56.50%


Cervical Cancer

Tsuga 200 ppm by 99.10%

Galbanum 200 ppm by 99.%

Patchouli 50 ppm by 98.80%

Sandalwood 100 ppm by 97.20%


Research on the Medline website lists Frankincense reduces the hormone Cortisol

(The death Hormone) by 40% just by inhaling it. (Caffeine, Chocolate, Cola's


Cortisol production) Cortisol triggers us to be always hungry, and prompts over


as well as establishing the body to store FAT, converted from sugars, and


and starches). This fat usually ends up in body locations that do not enhance

our good


Also Idaho Balsam Fir will lower the cortisol levels in the body.


Idaho Balsam Fir & Frankincense can kill all 7 Tumor lines

Protocol: By alternating the following on a tumor site, to keep Cancer in a

state of

confusion for it can develop a propensity to ward off constant EO use from a


application of the same oils with out changing the kinds of oils used.

Frankincense, sandalwood & Tsuga treat for 3 days

then switch to:

Frankincense, sandalwood & Ledum treat for 3 days then use

Frankincense, sandalwood & Lavender treat the tumor for 3 days then use

Frankincense, sandalwood & Clove for 3 days then use

Frankincense, sandalwood & Tsuga again, and repeat the above.

This must be done often daily and depending on the size of the tumor can take

up to 6 months to rid the body of it. Some take less time, some take more. Be

patient and keep the "Intent" clear on clearing the body from the Cancer and it

will work. Get the body in an alkaline condition and stay away from foods that

are acid forming. Because when the body is acidic that is when disease likes to

have fun. Keep the immune system up also and you may live a long healthy life

to 140 years or longer.


On February 22, 1999, Dr. Richard Petras, of Fairmont, W. Virginia, explained on a teleconference call how

he was able to help a female patient, Rosella, overcome terminal Breast Cancer using a protocol using essential

oils and essential oil based supplements. This protocol has been used on a number of cancer patients, including

Lung Cancer and Uterine Cancer. The turnaround has been rather dramatic, often in 11days to 2 weeks.

Cancer is acid and thrives in an acidic body. Normalize the body's pH. Boost the immune system and the body

will get rid of the cancer without invasive intervention such as chemotherapy, surgery or radiation.


· No animal protein (meat);

· No dairy (except fermented cheeses);

· No coffee;

· No soft-drinks;

· No tap water;

· Drink only alkaline water; can be done by adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to a glass of water or a drop of therapeutic grade Lemon Oil

to a glass of water;

· Eat only alkaline foods; raw or lightly cooked greens, grains, fruit, etc..

· Refrain from using shampoos, conditioners, creams, lotions, etc. that have chemicals such as Propylene glycol or Sodium Laurel Sulfate in


· Wear only natural fabrics such as wool or cotton; no synthetic fabrics.

· Stay away from electrical appliances that upset the natural frequency and resonance of the body; microwaves, cellular and portable phones,

battery powered wrist watches, etc. In other words, avoid electrical pollution as much as possible.

· Get rid of all toxic household cleaners which outgas into your home environment.

The Product Protocol:

1. Frankincense Oil (Therapeutic Grade only) - apply neat over the area of concern. Prepare a retention enema (rectal implant) of 8 to 10 drops

of Frankincense Oil (Therapeutic Grade) mixed with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of good quality vegetable oil (V6 Mixing Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil).

Administer by small syringe inserted about one inch into the rectum just before bed and hold during the night. This small amount will not cause

discomfort as it is absorbed very quickly through the Portal Veins in the rectum. This is to be done every night until disease free.

2. Lavender Oil (Therapeutic Grade only) - apply neat over the area of concern.

3. Exodus II Oil Blend - apply neat over the chest, under the arms (lymph nodes) and over the area of concern.

4. Ultra Young (spray neutraceutical) - use according to directions.

For male cancers also add Mister (blend) and ImmuPower (blend).

In some cases where the thyroid is also found to be dysfunctional, the supplement Thyromin is also added to the protocol.

Where digestion is weak, Essentialzyme is added.” A.Z.

renal cell carcinoma (from PineHill group)

Hello Fellow Oilers:

I need some help. A friend's husband just went to the doctor with lower back

pain and the tests show what they think may be renal cell carcinoma. She is

very open to the oils and has ordered some Frankincense. I would like to know

if anyone has any experience battling this kind of cancer and if so what

protocol did you use. I gave her the cancer protocol that switches oils every

third day and she's going to try that but I would really like to give her some

personal cancer triumphs out there to keep her spirits up. They were just

married last October I think. She is a massage therapist so is pretty

knowledgeable about the body and how it works. Thank you so much for any and

all information you can send my way. By the way, in case you're wondering I

looked in the EODR and could find nothing on renal carcinoma and the same with

oil-testimonials. On here I just found one lady wanting information on the same

thing from a couple of years ago.

Joan Luellen

Re: renal cell carcinoma

Posted By:

Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:31 pm

Dear Joan,

I am glad you're trying to help this woman.

My mom died of this type of cancer, and unfortunately, at the time, I could not

help her, because I did not know what I know now.

I collected a lot of info on my web site, and in healing stories.

The main thing is - no surgery or chemo. Surgery spreads cancerous cells and

puts a lot of stress on you. Chemo is just a poison.

The main thing - as you mentioned - taking care of emotions.

Here are my links:

Good luck!

Please let me know of her progress.


By the way, Ann Wigmore cured with wheat grass suppositories.

And, if your friend can go to a healthy nature place, that, compounded with the

oils, juicing, and cleansing, would make her feel much better.


posted at

Brain Tumors

Inhale Frankincense until nauseated and massage Frankincense on brain stem

and carotid arteries. Apply Frankincense on the roof of the mouth and

buccal cavity (inside cheeks) with your finger. Drink 6 -8 ounces Berry

Young Juice a day, 15 - 20 Super C daily. Maintain a concentrated carrot

juice diet - potassium is critical. Drink plenty of dandelion tea and

Yellow Dock Tea (iron). Mix 4 drops of Frankincense and 5 drops ImmuPower

and massage on the neck. Mix 15 drops Frankincense and 6 drops Clove in 1/2

ounceV-6 Mixing Oil and rub several times daily on the brain stem, temples,

mastoids (behind ears), forehead and crown.

Put 10 drops Frankincense and 1 drop Clove in diffuser. Sit in front of the

diffuser and breathe vapors for 1/2 hour 3 times a day. If you get a

headache or feel nauseous, reduce to what is tolerable, but do not quit.

Use 1 tablespoon AlkaLime in water 1 hour before or after meals to help

restore pH balance.

A fellow YL executive and Iridologist had a patient with brain cancer. I

called her and asked what she used. She said they used a lot of

Frankincense, Clove, ImmuPower, Lavender, Sandalwood, Lemon, AlkaLime and

Rose. The supplements used were ImmuneTune, VitaGreen and Rehemogen

Tincture. The first thing she put her on was the colon cleanse and Mineral

Essence, along with the oils and the Raindrop Therapy. The last report from

the MD on the brain cancer was negative. This is the most wonderful stuff

in the world. Love, docpam

Please note, that every person is different, and should be viewed/treated individually. This points, as well as Chinese medicine view of cancer is explained in presentation given by Jeffrey Yuen - read "Selected Aspects of Chinese medical aromatherapy" in The Healing intelligence of essential oils. The Science of Advanced Aromatherapy by Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D.

Post on the subject: Review of The Politics of Cancer Revisited

"Cancer is NOT a Disease" by Andreas Moritz - a MUST READ for ALL!

A very informative Cancer Prevention Coalition site:

More Testimonials

PSA Lowered Using Essential Oils

Author: Lisa Distin

My PSA wasa 4.95. My doctor recommended a biopsy, but I declined. Since this was so invasive, I wanted to put essential oils to work. My doctor said that I had six weeks, then he would retest the PSA. If the count was still high, he would strongly consider the biopsy. I followed the recommended oils from the EDR.

Since I am a Priest, I was happy that the oils recommended were biblical oils. I used a rectal retention consisting of 10 drops Frankincense, 15 drops Myrrh and 3 drops Sage mixed with 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil. I used this 3 times/week for 6 weeks. I also used this mixture on the vita-flex area on the foot inside the ankles every day. This was followed by diluting the same essential oils mixed with 50% olive oil (using 2-3 drops per application) and applied topically between the rectum and scrotum daily. I also took Pro-Gen daily.

Well, after six weeks, my PSA was 2.5! My doctor said that I no longer needed a biopsy. What a Blessing! I am continuing this regimen for another month or so. I felt that this message of my healing needed to passed on so I praised the essential oils to my parishioners.



Fr. Clarence Cerwonka

posted on