The 11:11

There's a lot of information available on the internet on the 11:11 topic but let me explain my insights about this...and YOU decide for yourself whether this info is useful to you. Many people worldwide are seeing the 11:11 on clocks and such, some are aware of it, some aren't. Being aware or not does not change the working of the 11:11 code. The code is sending a vibrational message to your DNA-layers, both physical and ethereal, that it is time for the initiation. The initiation meaning the beginning of your journey out of the density of duality consciousness into unity consciousness aka the neutral zone (this is the term I use, also quantum field, scalar wave, zero-point field...) What does this mean?..It means that at some recent point in your life you were may have lost a job, a relationship, a home...or all of it. Occurences that really deeply affected you. Usually trauma/shock in our lives is the reason to start thinking and asking: "why?"...and from asking this question one starts looking inside and wonders if hardship truly is all there is to life, whether there isn't more and better to have and to be...and one asks for better from deep within the heart and the deepest of the soul...When we are down and out....the only way is up...out of chaos order arises..

Lucky you (it's no coincidence you're alive at this time) this is the moment of the ascension in the history of Earth and you chose to be here at this decided this before birth..

And so, when you ask for a better way for yourself, the universe responds, and all the invisible beings around you, who guide you in life, know it's time, and your journey through ascension begins...

Ascension waves are like giving birth, in contractions and short reprieves between contractions or expansion, you feel expanded and squeezed in oscillate between light and dark/bliss and misery. (Each person is wired differently and has its own timeline, and so many oscillate in different waves, although there are also group waves)...These waves come/are sent to us by and from collective intent, they are filled with intent/clearing themes and everyone receives them in a way that fits their unique requirements. This is why while some may be doing some heavy clearing, others may experience little or nothing at all...It is a major cleanup from old illusions. You are being made to face your worst fears (loneliness, poverty,...) until you've learned that these outside situations do not control who you are or how you feel. You will learn to follow your heart and what feels right and brings you joy, regardless of any outside circumstances or comments. You will learn to not give your energy away to things that you don't want in your world. Things can only exist if we give them the energy to be...we are the creators of our own lives, what we give our energy to shapes our reality...You will learn to trust just will learn to know that you're safe at all times...You will learn to be (instead of all the doing all the time. Life will become an effortless flow).

The ground rules are: what brings you joy and lifts you up/feels good, is of a high vibration. what makes you miserable is of a low vibration. The more you dare to ask for yourself, the more joy you allow in (the more love you have for yourself), the higher the vibration you invite in...which is great..but...lower vibrations can not exist in the same space with higher vibrations...being that love is stronger than anything else...the lower vibration will have to move out...and emotional and physical detox takes place...

Now, the point of the whole ascension journey, the whole cleanup of old duality based energies in our system, is to reach mastery/ the neutral zone/ Christ light...You will be pushed like a punching bag and you will learn to find your neutral peaceful centre after each punch..faster and faster until the punches no longer influence you and you remain in the neutral zone at all times...(Like an ancient tree, solid and firm, roots deep in the earth, branches way up in heaven)...and by being neutral/detached everything joyful can flow to you...

It's like watching the line of a vibration a sound makes...the higher the tone/vibration, the more/faster oscillation the line shows...untill it looks like one straight line...neutral.

That's where you're going. Darkness will be squeezed out (and no, it's no walk in the park) and light will fill those will be completely emptied out/stripped. What remains is only the true you, the you who does what he/she does best and which brings joy, whatever that may be for you. It is your pure Christ self that remains and that has come here for no other reason but to share itself and it's talents...for/with the whole.

And when unifying the dark/light, high/low vibrations, male/female polarities within into the neutral field of love, one may also attract the perfect counterpart/'s all about unifying/becoming ONE after all...

Through initiations/tests/challenges one reaches Christ light/the middle/ the neutral zone...Our old self most certainly dies...and the true self gets resurrected..emerges like a phoenix rises from the ashes..more amazing and alive than ever before...and it will feel like coming home...which it in the arms of the father/mother Source

Follow your inner voice at all times, find yourself a vision of your dreamlife, see it with your minds/hearts inner eye, feel it and hold on to it throughout all the will help you find back to your centre in the midst of chaos.

Once you've been activated with the 11:11 code you will start seeing all kinds of number sequences: double, triple and quadruple or more (111, 222, 333, 4444, 5555, 6666...), time codes (12:12, 22:22, 13:13...) mirror numbers (14:41...) and it will go on and on. same goes for letters as they carry a numerical vibration as well. (a=1, b=2,....i=9, j=1, k=2,....)

Don't even try to figure out what the numbers mean cause you will not find the correct answer (I know there are many (channeled) theories flying around the internet...remember always that a person can only channel the available information from the frequency he/she's vibrating at/on. Use discernment and feel whether the information provided fits you, if it feels "off" than it is!).

These number codes go way over our heads. with our current minds we can't grasp the meaning of their energy...surrender to "not knowing" just get used to seeing 11:11's, sometimes daily or more than once a day, followed by number sequences.

That's how it works: each 11:11 opens another doorway, than the number sequences triggering all layers of your DNA will follow...each journey from an 11:11 to another 11:11, with these trigger codes in between, will push your whole system (body and soul) up to a higher vibration, bump up after bump up after bump up (accompanied by lots of emotional and physical symptoms) in ever increasing frequencies. it kind of works like a rubik's cube, all the layers have to be turned back and forth, up and down, until the right sequence is reached, all surfaces match color and perfect balance is a manner we can't quite understand...yet. When one layer gets activated and shifted and twisted around, so must all the others adjust themselves to/align with the change of that one layer (as it is a quantum system).

These cube crop circles are basically flat images/representations of what are in fact multi-dimensional/quantum energies. This cube shows 3 fields of each 9 cubes/dots. Adding the sides one cannot see but are implied, one gets 6 x 9 dots = 54, which adds up to another 9, as 9 is complete within itself. 9 is the Alpa and Omega (= 1 (Alpha) + 800 (Omega) = 801, 8+0+1= 9), the beginning/end, as all is circular). When the cube has been all aligned, all fields matching, then one is complete within oneself...and non-linearity in action. The side one cannot see is a mirror image of the one at the front, like male & female. (The Ourobouros is an old symbol of a snake eating its own tail, this symbol very much represents the cyclical character of creation and God, who is complete within itself. What lies at the centre of every creation, be it an atom, body or realm, is a 9/God). The number-vibrations form geometrical patterns and serve to re-create/re-organize our geometrical (cellular) structures, both ethereal and physical and we become vibrationally aligned within and without. (Also changing the building blocks, the fabric, of our material reality structure)

These crop circles also hide cubes inside them....the one above on the left is also a 666 (also showing a triangle/pyramid, which has 4 sides and 3 corners in 3D image, 3x4=12=3), the one on the left shows a 'Star of David' and the one below on the right also shows multiples of 9 (3 and 6 not only add up to 9 but also hold many more connections between them) , and the one below on the left also speaks of electro-magnetic wave patterns, which hold the form. Basically all forms/material objects/bodies are held together by electro-magnetic wave patterns that are generated by rotating movements of energy. Cubes have 6 sides, that is why form/physicality /matter/human is symbolized in numerlogy by the number 6 (God created man on the 6th 'day').

The 11:11 code actually represents and carries the vibration of the male and female energies; (11 is the one half, consisting of 1 male and 1 female energy current...the other 11 is the other half...thus 11:11 as the symbol-activation-code...The 2 dots in the middle are the portal of harmonized energy between the 2 halves...through this portal runs the balanced flow). So the 11:11 code triggers the process of re-union, re-harmonising. Like the crop circle here below demonstrates as well.

See the masculine and feminine energies reflecting each other, like each others' mirror image or...11:11

The Word carries a vibration, so do numbers and geometries. Like colours and musical tones also vibrate. They influence us on many levels, some much deeper than currently acknowledged.

Crop circles also show a lot of triangles...and why number-sequence codes mostly come in series of 3 or 4. These are geometrical patterns/light activation codes that speak to our deepest levels.

3 times 4 = 12 = 3 again (12= 1+2= 3)

3 x 7 = 21 21 = 2 + 1 = 3

The 3, 6, 9 and 12 are very important for ascension (among other things). They each are a 3-step apart. 3+3=6. 6+3=9. 9+3=12 (= a higher octave of 3). 12+3=15, which makes a 6 again (1+5=6). 15+3=18 (which makes a 9 again) etc etc. All rooted in 12-based math.

The whole-making/healing of the multi-dimensional cube, which is you, goes in 3-steps....cubes and pyramid-shapes. A cube has 4 corners and 6 sides with each 9 dots, 3 in a row, 3 rows. A pyramid has 4 corners at the base, meeting in one point. So with each shift/jolt you climb higher on that pyramid. (A 6 is a double dimension of 3. 12 is a higher octave of 3 and a double dimension of 6) You do the math.

We're working in cubes/squares and pyramids/triangles here (a pyramid in fact has a square at its base, and looked at it flat, from the side, it forms a triangle)...all part of the sacred geometries...which are thus activated within each human.

Geometries carry creational energies/vibrations.

I'm not going into all this here...too much work...and I don't feel like much work right now...I'm gonna keep things nice & simple.

With each number sequence you see and integrate, your whole system gets twisted and turned into more multi-dimensionality. Your multi-dimensional geometrical fields/energies (multi-dimensional DNA-strands) get activated and sorted. A multi-dimensional rubiks cube, among other geometries. I will not go into detail in this article about how all those multi-dimensional geometries and numbers work.

(I recently received from Spirit the information about the 'Star of David' and how it is a flat representation of what humans call the 'mer-ka-bah', which is the rotating frequency/vibrational/geometrical structure or pattern that holds the human form (which also holds a dimensional cube within btw. (connect the points of the star and then make a 3D image of it). One triangle/pyramid of the star or mer-ka-ba connects to heaven/Spirit, the other one connects to Earth/Matter (Earth itself is held together by similar grids/geometeries as well). When one raises ones frequency/vibration by intent, the counter rotating pyramidal structures of the 'mer-ka-bah' , which generate the cube-shape within, increase their spin/rotation (this can even be heard by some as a roaring or humming noise/sound), one looses density by being 'centrifuged', resulting in the inner cube vibrating higher, 'liquifying' the form within, thus taking/transporting the body to a higher/deeper dimension as it looses in density. One becomes light-er. (This gradual moving up can be accompanied by dizziness/vertigo and nausea as the body reaches a higher state). Earth itself, as well as each planet individually, the solar system as a whole and the galactic body etc, also have similar geometrical vehicles. When one moves up, all move up. What happens within the geometry of each human ripples 'outward', thus changing/enhancing the geometry/vibration of Earth, which in turn enhances/increases the geometry/vibration of the solar system, galaxy etc. and vice versa. All bodies of form hold many geometrical patterns within. In Hebrew, Merkabah means "to ride" and the Merkabah is in fact the DNA Quantum Field. "This is why the ancients built physical structures in a Star of David shape and alignment, among other geometrical patterns), I was shown all about the number sequences and how they work, on what level etc. I found myself however in total dis-interest for these mental type of explanations, same way as I have gotten totally dis-interested in Earth's and humanities' past/history. I guess it is a simple 'side-effect' of living in the now/present, in simplicity and ease. I have no desire whatsoever to occupy myself with these things anymore and thus decided not to write about them. I am sure at some point someone else will step up to the plate and provide this information instead of me, I gladly leave it to them. These geometries will undoubtedly become a very significant, integral part of creating in the New Earth).

Stars of David...pyramids...and Cubes...

The inter- and 12-dimensional strands/12 layers of 'DNA' look like the intersecting/intertwined petals of the flower of life. They overlap, fold in & around each other and are connected on all levels...One can imagine them as (counter) rotating petals (pyramidal structures/fields) of light, all spinning and flowing in and around each other, the same way all realms/worlds rotate in and around each other, like wheels (or superhighways of variable frequential) of light, as explained in Interdimensionality. Our human body has its own flower of life going on within it (as does every atom and sub-atom etc.). The images below are of course must think of them as dimensional.

(The '12 tribes of Israel', the descendants of the 12 sons of Jacob (one of the 3 so called patriarchs), represent the 12 strand DNA and also symbolize the expansion/spread of the DNA from 12/3 original activated hosts. Israel was the title given to Jacob and means "persevere with God". One who knows the divine will within has all 12 layers of DNA fully aligned and functional. These old stories are not to be taken too literally but more metaphorically. The old scriptures and scribes made a mysterious, yet mostly confusing and inaccurate, mess of things. Noah, their forefather (who also had 3 sons btw), would have symbolized the prototype of the original clean, pure and fully activated primeval human. (the offspring did not do so hot in the peace departement). More about this in Bible Talk. The Israelians, or those who persevere with God, and see through the self-created illusions, like the Light Warriors, were always the 'chosen ones' that informed/reminded man of his divine heritedge (Jesus was of this bloodline as well, as were many others worldwide from as many different cultures). They were the messengers. 'Many are called, but few are chosen' indicates it takes a lot of strength and willpower to go against what is commonly accepted and trust ones own heart/God, regardless of what others do or say...and persevere in it without swaying or giving up and falling back into the old ways of the majority. There are currently (2011) many struggles going on in the region of Northern Africa and Arabia (12 countries/tribes) as this region correllates/corresponds with certain human geometric fields...(Each country/area on the Earth also carries its own unique energy/theme/traits, which is why each geographical area also knows its own language/dialect/culture etc.) As these fields are being cleansed and re-aligned within humanity and Earth (by means of the Light Warriors), so too then must these areas re-align...and so the people living in those areas experience a clearing and re-aligning of energies/ways of being/vibrating as well (The prototype/blueprint of the enabled advanced human being was originally 'implanted' (by Pleiadian intervention) in that exact geographical African-Arabian area, that is why that area has been in turmoil basically since the distortion happened...and why the oldest religious ideas stem from there. See Interdimensionality and Genesis). This clearing goes for many places of geometrical signifcance on the Earth...Which is why Light Warriors are spread all over the globe, each with its own unique task/trait for a certain area. (This may only be the personal field or a small area (the size of a house) for most, as well as the size of a street, village, city or even country or (part of a) whole continent for some (these have usually travelled around a lot)...depending on how enabled the Light Warrior...And of course the ones clearing smaller areas support the ones taking on a bigger portion...We may all be equal, yet we are not the same...our power lies in our versatility).

The ascension process unfolds differently for everyone...and at different speeds...depending on the template one comes in with...We all integrate the energies in a way that is uniquely befitting to each of us...We are all aspects of the one collective/entity...which does not mean the individual experience is also collective...If this were so, we would not need different personalities...We decide our own timeline...but we also work in concert with the collective...we push and pull each other an interlocking wheelwork (the way the whole of creation is in fact a giant interlocking wheelwork of universes, worlds/realms, galaxies, solar systems, planets, beings etc...One giant Flower of Life…(see interdimensionality). Some wheels are small, others big...but they all work together...small is not any less significant than big...nor is spinning faster any more significant than spinning slower...Some of the information given may feel like ancient history, long passed by for some...for others it is a future timeline to work towards...This is why this world contains both souls of future timelines as well as those of past timelines...all connecting together in this the wheelwork can do as it must...

These numbers are rooted in 12-based math, a system that is not currently known or used on this Earth. (that is why the sequences usually show up in sequences of 3 and 4....3 x 4 = 12 and 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. 3 being a very important number for Ascension/Christ light)...and basically for the whole of creation...

(Jesus was visited by 3 wise men from the East (=feminine virtue of wisdom and temperance) who gave him 3 gifts (all Christed ones have these gifts: abundance, health and peace). Jesus also had 12 disciples and supposedly died at age 33, he resurrected himself from the dead on the 3rd day, after 3 days in the grave. They supposedly died being 3 souls, Jesus and the 2 'criminals' at his sides. Jesus died on the ninth hour, which is 3 times 3, and the day went dark at midday (noon, which is 12 o' clock, 12 = 1+2=3. Plenty of number-symbolism here, all relating back to the holy trinity and a trinitized state of being, as in: father, son and holy spirit, or the masculine & femine at neutral status/balance within the form. In fact, my own journey out of darkness began at age 33...These are all significant number symbolisms)

12 is a deeper octave/tone of 3.

And everything in our system is based on 12....12 signs of the zodiac, 12 (ethereal) layers of DNA, 12 planets in our so(u)lar system, 12 months in the year (3 months per each of the 4 seasons), 2x12 hours in a day etc...

The 12-planet DNA

The climax of Earth Ascension takes 12 years, from 2000 to 2012. Where the dates 1-1-1 (January 1st of 2001), 2-2-2, 3-3-3, 4-4-4, 5-5-5, 6-6-6, 7-7-7, 8-8-8, 9-9-9, 10-10-10, 11-11-11 and 12-12-12 / 21-12-12 provide(d )certain intended portals where ever higher frequencies/intentions were/are flooding in and anchored on the Earth through the bodies of the designated Light Warriors...and spread out from there.

Logically, certain alignments of the 12 planets bring about certain gravities/energies/vibrations/geometrical patterns...which are caught by the Sun...which works as a reflector and sends those energies to Earth by way of electromagnetic particles/photones (solarflares/storms)...which are then absorbed into the Earth via the poles...and of course...the designated Light Warriors also function as the radio receivers: receiving, anchoring/grounding and transmitting these energies....

But all humans are affected by these energies in some they all have their own magnetic field.

Solstices, equinoxes, eclipses and other celestial alignments also serve to bring about certain intended effects/energies.

It all works as ONE...quantum.

Quantumness, which is your natural state, is without structure!

In that sense there are no chakra's, only intersections of energy/ there more beyond the 12? Of course there is! (The 13 strand DNA named by some). There is always MORE...I am not one for these types of definitions/determinations, as what is pre-defined cannot be anything else. To me it is all just simply neutral energy, usable in any way possible. Without names, labels and definitions, which are limiting to me. Humans like things named, labelled, ordered, boxed in, compartmentalized and counted...not me...I like to keep it all free! The possibilities are infinite!

I must add: All portals are also basically an illusion...they only work because we agreed beforehand they would...for our cause/purpose...No dates, numbers, planetary alignments etc. truly hold any meaning/working/effect by themselves either...We all create the illusion in any way it serves the/our purpose(s)..together with all off-planet sources in agreement...It is always our own (multi-dimensional) intention that fuels processes...nothing else...

For instance: It is only the belief/intent a retrograde planet holds a certain power/energy that actually gives it its power/meaning/ holds none by itself...Just like astrology only holds a certain truth depending on the eye of the the old days a certain event took place and then someone happened to look at the stars at that moment and saw how they were aligned and thus concluded that zodiac sign had caused that event by its energy...astrology is also nothing but a man-made invention/illusion/creation as well....

Same way a placebo works...Does it work? Absolutely!...but only by the intention/belief placed upon it...

Planets serve the Earths’ and cosmic balance, they do not decide/rule over humanity. They merely give the Earth and cosmos what the divine beings, such as humans, dictate, in support of the game. Planetary alignments (which create certain gravitanional changes) influence humanity as much as humanity influences them. The effect also being the cause and vice versa....Gods system is a closed circular cyclical sstem. (What came first, the chicken or the egg?)

(Diving even deeper down the rabbit hole: The whole human- and ascension-experience is basically an illusion we all agreed upon/to as well...a very persistant and convincing one...but illusionary never the less. Nothing truly holds any meaning or importance. Does God need to 'do' all this complicated stuff in this manner just to attain new levels of energy? Nope, not at all, God could achieve new energy in the simplest of ways...but where would be the fun or challenge in that? It would be uninteresting & uneventful..In other words: boring)

After 2012 the New cycle (of 'time') will officially begin, until then the planet (and the Light Warriors, retired or not) will be bombarded with ever higher frequencies...(But don't hang yourself and everything else up on the Mayan calendar, it was simply an indicator, not absolute science...and it's ancient history...We no longer ride in steam trains let go of that Mayan tool, it already served its purpose in creating awareness for the Ascension...I can't say this enough: Let go of all the old tools and ways! The future was/is not rigid, nor predestined and carved in stone. We have (in June 2011) already long passed by anything predicted by the Mayan calendar and the likes, even though the 36-year window until 2012 is still open. Flow with the cultural changes of the times and convert the instructions of old to fit your current situations, both technically and realistically. Don't revolve your life around ancients, ET's, ascended masters, channeled entities etc...Merely use those as an inspiration for development...They are not walking this Earth, you are!)

Also, due to the ever higher creational waves of energy coming in, ever higher codes of light, there will be many new developments and advancements in technology and science over the coming years (sort of a new 'industrial revolution, yet on a totally different level of developping unity consciousness)...many 'new' discoveries occurring. To me technology always felt very took me forever to start computering even...But I learned to make use of the best of all worlds, including technology & science...although it is not what I am here for...I am here for other bring back the pure magic, higher non-technological, non-mechanical ways of creating...To each his own...

The bottom line: Number sequences are light codes that communicate to your geometrical patterns/layers/fields how to align. This causes the release/clearing of many old patternings/ways of being/vibrating on many planes (emotional, mental, physical...). Sometimes one sees so many numbers it almost comes to a point of overwhelm...but you never crash, you can take it. The number sequences are light codes of high and harmoneous vibration causing you to loose density (heaviness from distortion fields) and re-align your geometric fields into one harmoneous whole. The geometries in turn speak/vibrate to your (ethereal) DNA layers which then transfer the vibration onto your physical vessel. These movements are quantum and interdimensional and thus non-linear but cyclical. Not one comes before the other really, it all takes place on all levels (mental, emotional, ethereal/spiritual and physical) simultaneously, working back and forth, forth to back and everything in between. (The physical body, being the densest of them all, is also the slowest to catch up). None of it would be achieved or activated however if it wasn't for divine intent to do so, divine intent lies at the root of all experiences. Spirit, in concert with all other Spirits (= the one spiritual entity/body) sends you the ascension waves and numbers and alerts you/makes you sensitive to them.

The above mentioned Ascension process is a huge and deeply profound clearing/cleansing process. It brutally blasts through all the –energetical- blocks humanity placed on itself, mentally, emotionally and physically, which is why it is so painful to go through. It all dies away, especially the preconceived age-old ideas of how things ‘are’ and are ‘supposed to be’. An old reality dies as a new one emerges.

A bit of my personal ascension story

Divine Counterparts and the 11:11