Extra on Chronicles

A few pointers

- Honour and appreciate the silence and the precious gem it nurtures inside. Silence is the palace that keeps our treasure…our golden chalice…we can find it there. In silence one can listen and hear…The void is the womb of pure potential where everything gets birthed from.

- It is natural to keep healthy boundaries and decide for ourselves what we will or will not have come into our personal space. We are under no obligation of being open and receiving to whatever wants to access us. We are free to choose what does and does not serve. We can be this discerning in every aspect of our life and there is no need to feel guilty about it.

- Although most people are not much aware of it yet, the pain & anger they carry is theirs...it has nothing to do with the person(s) it gets directed at...And so...the only ones troubled by it are them... (We all have a choice whether or not we receive the energies directed at and sent to us. We have a choice to not receive and turn the other cheek, not re-acting/responding. But this world has gotten used to rewarding anger with anger and hate with hate…This is the real meaning behind ‘An eye for an aye and a tooth for a tooth’, it means you reap what you sow, you get what you give. Like attracts like. Live by the sword, die by the sword –although its guns these days-).

- People busy being triggered and re-active, processing and releasing, mis-interpret many things...called judging...seeing things through their own limiting filters...

- Neutrality is not being re-active anymore...when all has been triggered and released...when judging has ceased, and unity, love, beauty and perfection is detected in all things...when all divided aspects have been integrated into One...The sovereign Human Being.

- The key is, one must first forgive oneself before one can forgive others. One must let go of the inner pains and torments and be loving and nurturing with oneself first and foremost. People carry so much hurt inside, they are so unforgiving towards themselves for even the smallest of things. They want to do right by everyone else, pressed down by the burdens of duty and responsibility. Humans carry so much heavy load they all but break under the weight of it all. They punish themselves for everything…and so they do unto others, transferring their inner torment. An endless cycle. (Overweight people may let go of their weight once they are ready to let go, drop the inner burden, and throw off the ballast of feeling bad and guilty, about themselves and everyone/everything around them. It is a choice –for many food has become a tool for control and/or comfort, whether it is eating a lot of it or little to nothing...Also: the fact that the human body stores energy in the way of fat reserves was caused by the fear-of-lack humanity installed upon itself eons ago. This notion of always having to fear not having enough to get by on made the intelligent human body respond by storing energy for times of shortage in times of plenty. Of course...this way of being created shortage...an endless cycle of cause and effect.-)

- Controversy gets the juices flowing and serves people to evolve, to let go of old perceptions and embrace new ones. Awareness.

- (In fact, electricity, cell phones, TV, internet, computers, aeroplanes etc, were all brought about by souls who dared to think more limitlessly and bring in new concepts. Everybody laughed at the brothers Wright when they wanted to fly, but it did not discourage them and today flying has become completely normal and integrated into the general consciousness. Where there is a will there is always a way. We are limitless in what we wish to create. Once one sheep has crossed the dam, more will follow).

- Although this may be a difficult concept to embrace for many, all humans on this Earth, in whatever situation they may exist, have chosen to be right where they are. They chose, and are choosing that particular experience. They are free to make different choices at any given moment.

- Humans are free to let go and change their perspective on things and embrace the divinity inside at all times, opening them up to a whole new experience. In fact, this is the test we all set ourselves up for coming to this planet. Our personal quest. We are limitless, not bound by any man made law…not even laws of physics. Metaphysics are already passing those by and will continue to do so…and then metaphysics will be passed by as well…

- All beings of creation are aspects of ourselves, in whatever realm/hologram they exist.

- God is all there is…nothing that exists cannot be God you see. Also the fear and lack, aka darkness, comes from God, we created it just like we create everything else. We breathe life into everything around us. Wherever we place our focus becomes a reality.

- There is no one responsible for the situation you’re in but you. You created it, from beginning to end, period.

- If only humans were to step back and turn inward into centeredness, they would know that if they don’t give any attention or fuel to undesired situations, and focus on the calm inner knowing that God provides all; solutions would present themselves as if by magic. If only they would get out of their own way.

- Humanity must learn to trust in ‘Manna from heaven’ again...surrender to not knowing…and trust in things unseen

- This is what the Ascension process of the Light Warrior is all about. We went first. We willingly walk(ed) through the forge, void or desert for a very long time, where we were stripped from everything material: money and loss of livelihood, loss of all you can think of, including health and relationships. The most important issues of the old world: finances, health and relationships. So there was nothing left to trust in and surrender to but Divine Providence…and thus we brought/bring back the Divine way of things on Earth. Remember the story about Abraham supposedly asked to sacrifice his son, his pride and joy…this was the voice of God saying; ’Trust me, surrender to me and it will be okay, I will provide all you need…so let go’.

- We can all surrender to and be embraced by the God inside. We are totally safe and cared for in Gods arms…always…without having to take any control or any doing…Humanity has gotten so caught up in doing, doing, doing all the time, afraid that if they settle down their world will fall apart…it doesn’t!

- There is just too much to share about this. But the bottom line is: Humans are the cause of everything around them…as they are God.

- Right now many humans worldwide are being stripped of everything they deemed important…they are being offered the opportunity, the contrast, to support them in surrendering all they thought they knew and needed…and acknowledge that what seemed such a big deal, is really of no importance at all. Humans are being pressured to let go. Things must be yanked from their cramping clutches to help them surrender to the divine way and order.

- A human that has risen above its ego, that has tamed it, and has reached the centre point within, knowing there is no need to give the power away to anything on the outside, can truly be called a Master, as he/she has mastered the ego-pain-body – and mind you, there are endless channelled messages of so called ascended masters and what not, flooding the internet but only a very small portion is accurate. A person cannot channel anything beyond its own personal filters and so the message is but a reflection of the channelers’ ability/vibration. The inner voice of intuition is also nothing but a channelling of your own God-Self/Spirit-

- The veil was placed so humans could expand, or learn if you will, through contrast, contrast of light and dark, duality. According to their own thought patterns, they would be offered a dark experience so that this unpleasant contrast to what feels good and loving, would help them make higher choices for themselves…raise their vibration level.

- Humans who fear attract the manifestation of all their fears.

- This is the planet of free will, free choice. Humans are free to choose their perspective on things and the experience they will gain from it. This Earth was designed a world of free –joyful- experience and creation. So if the human gods wish(ed) to suffer…so be it.

- We all know by now thoughts/intentions create things. Thoughts are vibrations we send out into the universe/the Divine, they are energies which attract like energies.

- Dark fearful thoughts are just as creative as light and joyful ones. We have the free choice which we wish to experience. This planet is not, and never was, a world of learning, but a world of free experience, expression and expansion…you can soar as high as you allow yourself to. We are as free as we allow ourselves to be.

- Fearing or not is a choice. Suffering or not is also a choice.

- People can do you a grave injustice, yes….but how you handle it and feel about it is your choice. It is your pain and so you should own it. You can keep your sovereignty and neutrality intact at all times. This is the way of the Master.

- Systems must be transformed as gentle as possible but there will be chaos and turmoil never the less. People usually do not change or learn unless the message is brought to them in a way they cannot overlook or ignore…by being pressured and/or shocked. Contrast.

- Humans tend to frantically hold onto everything for dear life. Death is nothing to get so upset about either, it is merely a transition as well…Nobody leaves before their time. Everything is always in perfect divine order.

- The imbalances in energies are the reason humans carry all kinds of diseases, physical as well as societal (The word already states it: dis-ease, a state of not being at ease. Humanity knows deep in its heart the way they live is not the way, it is not in alignment with who they are…with the God inside….and being out of alignment with Self, with God, causes dis-ease).

- God needs to create…from the Heart. Gods’ essence is love and joy. Joyful loving creation for the highest good of Self and the Whole. The human gods simply forgot this.

- One would think people would have learned by now that if one balance on the Earth, within nature, is disturbed, it influences a myriad of other deeply intertwined systems. The only one unbalancing this perfect organism called Earth, and the perfect organism called the human body, are the divine humans.

- Whatever the circumstances may appear to be, we can be at peace with all of it regardless. There is no need for fear, guilt, pain, anger or shame. Peace is a choice. All one must do is ride the beast that lives inside all of us. and tame it, break it in, like a horse…slay the dragon!

- When people direct energies of anger or worse at us, we can choose not to re-act/respond. This way we keep our power to ourselves instead of giving it away to the other person or any outside energy trying to come in for that matter. We decide what deserves to come in or not, what deserves to share our space. We need not accept all parcels delivered to our doorstep.

- Humans have such difficulty embracing themselves…the way they reject others is nothing but a reflection of how they reject themselves, always thinking someone else knows more, has more or is better than them. Humans should adore themselves, so beautiful are they…all of them uniquely in their own way.

- We are not responsible for the choices other divine humans make. Everyone’s responsible for their own choices and take on things. Everyone on this Earth is also always where they’re supposed to be, where they chose to be. There is no such thing as being in the wrong place at the wrong time…it is always the right place at the right time for the experience they chose to have…including the people around being influenced by what happens to others…no matter how horrid it may seem to the unaware. One can let go of suffering at any given moment.

- Things are always in perfect divine order. Certain dark experiences needed to be made in order for individuals to evolve the way they set out to do, to become who they need/set out to be and take on the role they intended to play.

- There are no real victims (victim hood is of a very low vibe, as is guilt…they are poison to the human organism), there are only Gods choosing their experience.

- Victim hood takes away personal empowerment and sovereignty. One can choose to own ones path. And although there is a general plan with which we arrive on this planet, a predisposition so to speak, we are free and may change it at any given moment.

- All one can do is change ones own perspective. There is no need or point in trying to convince or force others. One cannot change the world except by changing themselves. For the more they love and adore themselves, the more that vibe of theirs will spread throughout the globe. It is contagious and others will catch on. Others will see how this person is so abundant and joyful and will not only want to know how come, but will adjust their vibe to it, being inspired and triggered to change, even if they are unaware of it….it reaches their soul, touching them on much deeper subconscious levels …This way it snowballs.

- As we merge the polarising fields within ourselves, the left and right hemispheres of the brain, so do we merge them in the outside world, it is inevitable…from micro to macro.

- If only humans were to see the great divine organism from a whole different perspective…they would then know that the whole world and all of creation dances a waltz of perfect synchronicity…where the right thing is always delivered at the right time and the right location…people call it coincidence…but there is no such thing. It is perfect divine timing. All potentials/solutions are already set in place way before the desire or problem arrives. All one must do is let go…just be and allow.

- Life becomes so much more glorious once we get out of labelling and defining. The less definition we give, the more becomes possible.

- Lower vibrations must always adjust to higher vibrations once –globally- critical mass is reached…even Earth science states this. And this is what is happening in the world right now. People and systems are forced to change because the vibrations are changing…Nothing hidden and untrue can remain so…the veil is being lifted and all darkness rises to the surface to be seen and disposed of…due to only a handful of Light Warriors –way less than1% of the world’s population, only a few thousand were needed-. We did the work of several armies to clear the path for Gods bounty & grace to come flowing in unhindered.

- People no longer wish to be overruled and live in fear and lack…they are asking questions…they are taking radical steps for themselves…to get more life-quality and such.

- Stay in your centre at all times. What we focus on grows, so focus on your fears and they become real, focus on centeredness knowing the solution is already there, and solutions will reveal themselves.

- The Truth being: We are all here to live our essence on this Earth…our own unique God essence. We are immensely deeply loved. We are creators and we are free. There is nothing to fear, there is only love. All we are here to do is create our hearts desires and receive in joy and gratitude.

- Neutrality is not being re-active anymore...when all has been triggered and released...when judging has ceased, and unity, love, beauty and perfection is detected in all things...when all divided aspects have been integrated into One...The sovereign Human Being.

- God is the light within the dark and the dark within the light, the male within the female and the female within the male…when in balance these energies are neutral and non-reactive. What you see in the outside world is very re-active. Humans re-act immediately to everything around them, usually in anger and fear…lashing out at everyone. Or they diminish themselves, loosing themselves in worship and idolisation of energies outside of themselves. And they want to control everything….when the real treasure lies in the letting go. People should stop trying so hard…or at all.

Correcting (Ascension) Mis-conceptions

Getting stripped bare (like during ascension) is NOT a punishment from God or whatever entity....Being emptied out is merely a tool used to gain insight on oneself...which YOU (your God-spark) set up for yourself. There is no one to blame or curse at...this was your decision and your respons-ablity.

Secondly : The darkness itself is NOT a living breathing entity, bad spirit, demon, devil, extra-terrestial or whatever....The darkness is merely an energy all God-beings carry within themselves as a tool for experiencing, as Source itself does. All Gods children carry Gods imprint: light & dark, male & female, inner & outer.

From the highest perspective the Darkness is just as much a part of the Divine as the Light. When balanced they both make one beautiful Neutral Whole and act in total perfection...like the Divine Masculine and Feminine. It's the Darkness that challenges & guides us to the Light...as is the perfect Divine Design. Both are God...and come from Love. Both energies are in fact totally SAFE...not to be feared...but embraced in love, forgiveness & acceptance...As one does onto Self, so one must do onto others...to achieve Unity & wholeness. Know this and you know the totality of God...thus yourself. One must acknowledge, understand & accept the darkness, within Self and others, to take full sovereignty over it...Then one can let go completely and surrender...

The only dark forces on this planet are the ones created by Human beings and their old energy ways. There is no such thing as an “evil spirit”. The greatest evil power of your planet can be found in the minds and intentions of the humans who walk upon it. They can manifest darkness just like you can manifest light. Therefore you continue to create your own reality… evil and angelic. After all… you are the only planet of free choice! ~ Kryon.

Loss in this case is used to release oneself of all attachments....once this has occurred one should make the realisation that matter in itself has no true meaning to it. It teaches detachment of matter...as all form is merely a substance we play with as God beings...we are not to identify with it, nor become slaves to it.

Detachement is at the root of Truthful Divine Creation. With detachment one learns unity, oneness, acceptance, surrender to Divine Will (which comes from the God inside of you, centred in your own High Heart), thus co-creation with spirit in wholeness and with reverence for all living things.

Co-creation: " A natural process whereby a meld takes place between Human and divine consciousness. An unseen plan is manifested that represents the highest good for the individual and humanity - a plan that is complex, interdimensional, and which rises above the wisdom of the individual Human, but one that's available through this divine meld. It then can result in a joyful and peaceful life for the individual, who continues to change and grow spiritually as long as the meld is maintained."

It’s time to reexamine how you pray. Again, the prayer that we suggest is this: "Dear God, show me what it is I need to know." And then when you receive it, understand that it’s perfect for you. Don’t make up your mind in advance who you are, why you’re here, what you should be doing, and what must be the next step. This approach is so limiting! Consider that a grander plan is known by your Higher-Self, and that’s the goal... something that you can’t know or see, but something you can get to! ~ Kryon.

Divine Will comes from within. It is your Will but it is on a Divine basis that transcends duality. It transcends the human dynamics that you have been used to. It is directly linked to All-That-Is and to Spirit, but understand dear friends that you are Spirit. Divine Will comes from within. It provides answers and solutions and experience and new powers that you have never experienced before. It will be challenging. You will want to keep BOTH your free will and your Divine Will. You will want the wonderful attributes of free will while you take on the new Divine Will. We are here to tell you that it does not work that way. One must be released before the other can be experienced. ~ Tobias.

Being emtptied out/stripped bare teaches detachment from form...and from neutral detachment from form one learns detached creation...meaning creating from the heart, from a knowingness that abundance is ours ALWAYS.....From awareness that abundance is not to be found "out there" but" in here". Once one has been made to see that abundance is a natural state of being for all humans and beyond, it will no longer be fought over, thus all strife and warring over it will cease!

Strife and warring emerged with the male-female imbalance under the veil. The masculine became dominant...With a masculine dominated society came re-active/action based living...the need to control everything...the need to "posess" material things and fight over it, to force rules and opinions on others. These are all male qualities...without the softness of the feminine to balance them, they go haywire.

This also resulted in distorted sexuality...where the woman got subdued into, for instance, selling her body, using sex for money & manipulation (cause men got enslaved by their own sexual action-oriented body under the veil) ...or/and being abused and mis-treated by male energies. Still to this day women live under the illusion that a man is attractive as long as he's got money and power (control)...next to that men are still enslaved by the weird illusions of what masculinity is.

The male energies got to controlling everything that they deemed controllable...children, other people, money..etc.

So what is abundance? I will tell you: It’s “immediate sustenance”. It means that the NOW may always be taken care of. It means that you never have to think about anything but NOW. I’m not speaking about your ability to pay the rent in a week. I’m talking about NOW. Are you feeling loved right NOW? Do you understand what’s taking place NOW? Speaking of the rent, can you disengage from the worry about what will be the NOW in a week? The better you grasp the actual interdimensional energy of this concept, the more abundance will flow. ~ Kryon.

The Divine Human will not have needs. You will be without need for you will know that all things come to you as appropriate. You will not have wants. You will not fear what comes next. You, the Divine Human, will be now and present and not worry about the future. For you know that the divinity within you will provide you all things. ~ Tobias.

People under the veil for eons have adopted the notion to identify with matter...as they lived under the illusion of separaton from God. From that idea of separation they enslaved themselves to the material...as it was all they thought there was to experience. they attached to and identified themselves with it. And therefor felt the need to control it...as they felt naked and fearful without it. They enslaved themselves by idolatry, money and distorted spiritual and religious beliefs that said God was a entity outside of themselves that needed to be worshiped by ritual and sacrifice. Humanity under the veil enslaved itself to the material as they lost the awareness that they were the ones creating all things material! They enslaved themselves to form as the illusion of separation from the God-Self had made them feel powerless and afraid. They clung to the material as they forgot they were God....and only the material created the illusion of safety for them...They lost focus of themselves.

Another result was this created separation amongst humans themselves....They started speaking different languages, created separate countries with borders, created a chasm amongst cultures, races and skin-colours and they created separate religions, amongst other dogmas, for which they tortur(ed) and kill(ed) each other ....In fact...they created separation coming from separation. apart from that they created all kinds of complex systems and rules to ensure safety from others like themselves...they became very fearful of one another..so they invented "sins" as well as written and unwritten laws...to create fear and guilt...to keep everyone in line. Fear creates more fear.

Worry is the energy of the intellect without love. ~ Kryon.

In your days to come, when you feel the energies of fear around you, simply walk through them. Simply know that you can walk through these. When your mind challenges you and asks you who you think you are, let your mind know that you are One with Spirit. And remind your mind that it serves a beautiful purpose on this earth, but it does not guide and direct your life. The prayers that you pray when you need the strength should be directed to your Godself. ~ Tobias.

You have carried the energy of sin and guilt within you. It has been part of your human spiritual condition. As you open this up, you will realize that there was never a reason to feel guilty, that there was no such thing as sin. There is ONLY experience. ~ Tobias.

"The word ego is taken directly from Latin, where it is the nominative of the first person singular personal pronoun and is translated as "I myself" to express emphasis. The Latin term ego is used in English to translate Freud's German term Das Ich, which literally means "the I"....The ego is that part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world ... The ego represents what may be called reason and common sense, in contrast to the id, which contains the passions ... in its relation to the id it is like a man on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse; with this difference, that the rider tries to do so with his own strength, while the ego uses borrowed forces [Freud, The Ego and the Id (1923)]"

We all have an ego/personality...it is a tool that distinguishes "me" from "the other", which is why it was created and we all got one. Without it human life would be a boring experience cause we would all be the same. Under the veil the ego got the upper hand though and people identified with it. This is what will be neutralized with the process of ascension (among other things). Mind you: there is a huge difference between balanced healthy self-confidence and a vain ego.

People forgot that:

-You are not your adopted beliefs (the political and spiritual (new age) ego for instance)

-You are not your bank account (the economic ego)

-You are not your family or friends in form (the family ego)

-You are not your house

-You are not your car

-You are not your skin colour/race (the racial ego)

-You are not your country (the national ego as many Americans display very strongly for instance. Don't mention any American "flaws" to them or the National ego will get insulted and angry)

-You are not your job

-You are not your religion (the religious (group) ego which caused the inquisition...and religious extremism to this day)

-You are not your relationship(s)

-you are not your practices (sports or otherwise)

-You are not your body (including sexual ego) and physical appearance

-You are not your age

In other words: you are not your current life, change is possible at any chosen moment...by you...the future is not pre-destined...What will emerge after the big clean-up is the true you will naturally flow with the God inside.

Know that YOU ARE GOD! You define matter, matter does not define you! So let go whatever is going...detach from it, be it money, relationships or health....cause in the end/beginning it will HEAL YOU!

After the emptying out you will no longer identify with the material, the material will identify itself according to you. The outer material reality will adjust itself to your inner divine reality...to the God-vibration that is the True You. All illusions shattered. You will than attract matter/energies of matching vibration to your own...by default...and/or neutral/detached thought (as in casual, baring no importance or emotion)...you will than BE not DO. You will have a natural flow of giving and receiving....like natural blood circulation (as is the original natural inter-action between the men/male and women/female)....and eventually this will become the bloodflow of a whole new society and Earth, as Gaia flows with us. The heartbeat of the earthly realm will change into peace and balance.

"When am I going to find joy? I'm a sad person. I want joy. I deserve to have joy. I'm trying so hard!" Let me tell you about the chicken. A very concerned chicken sat on her egg and worried. "When is this thing going to hatch?" Other chickens around her hatched their eggs, and beautiful little chicks came out. But not this chicken. She was so concerned! "When is my chick going to hatch?" she agonized. "I'm sitting... sitting... sitting". She never took a break from sitting. She sat and worried, sat and worried. Finally, after a very long time, the mother chicken had to take a break from sitting. "I have to take a break!" she cried. "This is far harder than I thought" She got off the egg momentarily and immediately the egg burst open! A half-grown, very hungry small chicken popped out, looked the mother in the eye, and said, "What's wrong with you? I couldn't get out!" The Human Being that doesn't have joy is the one that's holding it back. Again, you create your reality. That's the truth. ~ Kryon.

In letting go/detaching lies the true key to creating and receiving.

Many will now experience drastic shifts in their personal relationships. Again, those people with imbalances in male-female energy will see the first and most pronounced change. As you evolve, raising your vibrational level as an individual, you naturally lose tolerance that you once had to vibrational mismatches. Intolerance in the area of unbalanced male-female reaches a critical level, and many relationships will feel this stress. Some will succumb to it and fall apart.

“As you evolve, your tolerance for bullshit goes way down." ~ The Group.

You are really two people. The “real you” is the high entity, whose power and knowledge each of you owns, and the “phantom” is the shell of humanism in lesson. The irony here is that you perceive the phantom as real, and the real you as the phantom. Many of you don’t perceive the real one at all! ~ Kryon.

How would you like to have a partner who had the full overview of the Universe? That’s your Higher Self – that’s the hand we want you to hold – not the hand of Kryon or any other channel. It’s the anointed one inside you. It’s the golden angel that resides in you that is your actual piece of God. ~ Kryon.

The biggest secret on this planet – the biggest one – is where the divinity really is. The place where it is hidden is inside every human alive. That’s where the power is. That’s where the fountain of youth is. That’s where eternal life is. That’s where you will find the Holy of Holies. That’s where the love of God is. I AM, that I AM – the circle of the words that describes the Human Being as God, is the truth. It is the ultimate secret. The very names of the I AM in spiritual history refer to the Human Being. The most divine scripture ever written came from Human Beings. That is where the divine has been hiding all along. ~ Kryon.

To ensure humans become aware of this ascension strips them bare...so they can come back to Truth. Because once all the material is gone...what remains is you...the real and true you....the God. As the true you emerges, the old illusion of you falls away/peels off...like a snake shedding it's skin.

One other important thing to know is: There is nothing or nobody responsible or to blame for the life you have but YOU! You set your own life up, you created it, so take responsability for it...OWN IT!

Other misconceptions under the veil:

- There is no need for vegetarianism or other food-restrictions....it's peoples free choice to eat whatever it is they want, whatever suits them best....there is nothing "evil" or unhealthy in eating meat so there is no need to judge others who do so. (There is also nothing "bad" in wearing fur or leather for that matter) As described below..the inappropriateness lies not in the harvesting of animal-(and plant) life for sustenance as is the Divine Intent, the inappropriateness lies in the way HOW!

Treating Gods good gifts with anything less but gratitude and respect is the flaw. (resulting from male-dominant analytical behaviour as it evolved under the illusion of separation) Treating other life-forms (meaning the whole of Creation, concerning Earth and beyond, Nature, Animal-, Plant- and Mineral Life, including Planetary & all Cosmic Life...The Whole!) cold & disrespectfully is a clear effect caused by disrespect for Self.

As one treats oneself so one treats others and vice versa. There are no "good" foods and "bad" foods (especailly while ascending one should eat what the body is asking/craving for). A balanced human system (emotional & physical body) will neutralize any toxins. If you have symptoms and are in doubt of your health than visit a doctor, just to ease your mind. (During the process I automatically ceased smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee...just naturally fell away one after the other...so don't worry about those either)

Animals are here on Earth for 3 reasons.

(1) The balance of biological life… the circle of energy that is needed for you to exist in what you call “nature”.

(2) To be harvested. Yes, it’s true. Many exist for your sustenance, and this is appropriate. The inappropriateness of today’s culture is how these precious creatures are treated. Did you know that if there was an honoring ceremony at their death, they would nourish you better?

(3) To be loved and to love. For many cultures, animals serve as surrogate children, loved and taken care of. It gives Humans a chance to show compassion when they need it, and to have unconditional love when they need it. This is extremely important to many, and provides balance and centering for many.

Do animals know all this? At a basic level, they do. Not in the way you “know”, but in a cellular awareness they understand that they are here in service to planet earth. If you honor them in all three instances, then balance will be the result. ~ Kryon.

In case you're ready to "lighten up" about the whole meat-eating thing, just watch this funny video one of my readers sent me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1nxaQhsaaw

- Many things on this Earth are done out of a fear of Death. Death is just another transition and not to be feared or fled...nor is it punishment. Let go of your fear of Death and you will LIVE!

Human death is not seen on this side of the veil as anything but a transition of energy and a freshening of expression. This is difficult for you to understand, for to you, death is pain, suffering, and grief. Can you even begin to understand why this is the setup? We see it as part of the “play of Earth”. In any play, even the Human with the knife in his chest gets up after the curtain comes down and has a party with the cast. The cast members all know that the adventure in the play is not real. But in the play of Earth, your reality says that life is everything there is. Therefore, it’s played “for keeps”. It has to be this way, to make the challenge and the test… fair. - Kryon.-

- There is no need for ritual, worship, "spiritual" traditions/practices, like meditation, or "healing" techniques....nor for joining any groups (groups assemble/herd together out of fear... opposed to healthy free community consciousness that is not bound by rules of compliance). There is no reason to chant, bow, beg or grovel to anything or anyone.

Beware of systems that require you to join and be and do. Instead, look for new ideas that have very little or no organization around them. These are the ones that will be of the NEW ENERGY – that provide for individual growth within a non-system that somehow has all the attributes of an organization without walls or rules or membership. ~ Kryon.

There's no higher energy or power on Earth than you. There's no higher power or energy in the Universe than what exists and flows through you in a divine way. You may want to put something on a pedestal and worship it. That's just an exercise. You may wish to pray to God, thinking that God is a higher entity - a Spirit that loves you like a grandfather - greatly treasured, honored, and wise. But you can't really pray that way, since that's not the truth.

"But Kryon, we want to do that. We go to churches where we worship entities and ideas that are higher than we are, symbolically, physically, and spiritually." Yes, you do, but the truth is the truth, and what you're doing isn't accurate. There's nothing higher than what surges through the blood in your veins and the consciousness you carry. It's shielded by what you've called the duality. It's segmented into a dimension that you only see a portion of. The truth is, you are God. Collectively, you make up what many are worshiping daily. Singularly, you're an integral part of Spirit, which is unique and necessary for this system to work. You're eternal in both directions. You always were, and always will be. There was no beginning. That's how old you are. ~ Kryon.

God has no agenda. God has no agenda like the human does. God does not understand “good” or “bad”, “light” or “dark”, “right” or “wrong”. These are human conceptions and terms. There is no agenda. Therefore, dear friends, we ask why do you judge yourself so harshly? ~ Tobias.

You are not here to heal or rescue anyone. You are here to facilitate their own healing process. You are here to be a compassionate guide, but not to do it for them. You do not get “brownie points” on our side of the veil for service to others. You get enlightenment when you come to your own sense of self-worth. ~ Tobias.

First know this: You are honored for whatever you choose to believe. Humans often "see" GOD as the benefactor in the sky...filled with judgment. Heaven and Hell are words used to control behaviour, and in order to gain early control many religions have you “born dirty” with no chance for redemption. To an old soul, this is reprehensible. God is so much bigger than any of this. The truth? You are GOD. You are sacred. The love of GOD is the love you have for all natural things, including nature, animals, and other humans. It is the energy of the universe and YOU are in control. While on earth, it all hides from you. Blessed is the Human who knows they are part of the grandness, all of which is God. ~ Kryon.

The difficulty in finding your own spirituality is based on your disbelief that it exists! Your perception is your barrier to God. You ask for lists and procedures, yet you don't yet understand that love has no list! The power of God has no manual. It is that it is. Where's your breathing manual? Where's the manual that instructs your heart to beat? Think of your spiritual abilities as intuitive ans automatic, juts like these body functions that you never have to think about, but which you depend on for life itself. Master-hood is alive and active within you. Now claim it. ~ Kryon.

So many of you have learned wonderful and very helpful techniques and modalities and programs, whether they are body work or whether they are types of energy sessions or the type of work that you are doing here. These are wonderful techniques but there also comes a point where you let the technique go. You leave it behind. Right now part of the problem is that you are still attached to your techniques. They are like a crutch for you. They give you confidence but one of the reasons for any blockages is because you’re still stuck on the techniques. You think that you have to work your hands or your energy in a very specific way. If you let go of that, you’re going to be able to move to some much higher levels and do – how to say – a more efficient type of energy work here, if you let go of those techniques.

Now it is a bit frightening for some of you because those techniques are your confidence and they are your foundation. To say that you’re going to go work with a client and let go of what you’ve learned to do is a bit frightening and also, obviously, you love working with your clients. You don’t want to do anything harmful to them. But it is time to take that deep breath and let all of those old techniques go and start tapping in directly to your own wisdom, your own what you would call healing or energy moving abilities, and also tapping directly into your clients, for what they need. Some of your clients don’t need the type of work that you’re doing. They think they do and you think they do, but they need something entirely different.

So let go of all of the techniques for all of you. I don’t want to get into the physics right now about what is actually happening because then you’re going to tend to go mental on it when right now it is a time to be totally intuitive and totally trusting in what you do. As you know, you have very strong energy balancing or what you would call healing capabilities, and it is time to go to the next step and make them your own. ~ Adamus

So, some of you have been experiencing this. The less you push, the more things happen. The less you worry about things and trying to force them, the easier it gets. The less you battle with things, the smoother your life goes. The less you try to do those little old hocus pocus things like imagination and mantras and verbalizations and mind games, the easier things become. You could simply make choices in your life and you could enjoy your life and watch how everything comes to you. It manifests~ Adamus

So there will be those who will stay in the old energy calling themselves lightworkers and calling you "wrong". They will not understand ascension status nor see the gifts that are available. The differences between the two of you will be obvious to anyone looking in from the outside. Those in the old energy who call themselves lightworkers will have lists of things that a person must do, and procedures and agendas in order for anyone to have an enlightened energy within. The NEW ENERGY features Human enablement and power. There will be very little structure and no ego developed around any Huamn hierarcgy that must be adhered to. It will be obvious who is in the old and who is in the NEW ENERGY to anyone who compares them. - Kryon.

In the New energy silence will be so golden. Silence is how you renew yourself. It won't be through saying mantras and doing chants, reading books, listening to tapes. It will be sitting in the moment. It will not even be about having a prayer or trying to do meditation. We have seen so many well-intentioned humans just messing themselves up with trying to do meditation! In the silence there is the breath....the breathing in and out....a knowingness that the life force continues...the knowingness that creation continues to expand. - Tobias.

- There is no need for "humility" or use of the word....nor to humble yourself down to anything or anyone. The only one you should humble down to is the God inside and the greatness that comes of it.

When you come face to face with the Higher Self, you will never be the same again. Your self-worth will soar! The ones who have found this higher one are the ones who can wake up feeling peaceful, no matter what, for they understand that there is a piece of God right inside. ~ Kryon.

- There is nothing holy or accomplished by celibacy and/or surpression of sexuality.Nor by using sexual freedom, spiritual or otherwise, as an excuse to fornicate with whomever crosses your path. Sexuality is a sacred part of life (yet not obligatory) and God...IT IS A SACRED GIFT, to be treated as such.

The inappropriateness is the abuse of sex for power, making money/business, or mere physical satisfaction (getting off). This is not how sex was intended and has nothing to do with love.

The illusion of separation resulted in all kinds of sexual abhorrent behaviour (including men thinking they are naturally inclined/pre-dispositioned for having multiple partners or "cheating"...as if it is nothing but mere biology/mechanics and they are nothing but animals (mammals)...it has nothing to do with that....). Although humans are free to use sex any which way they choose...thye are God thus are free to choose their experience. To me personally however the sexual behaviour on this planet always felt "off" and ugly.

People in the old world have gotten used to treating sex with the same disregard and disrespect they treat any other living energy: Earth, the animal-, plant- & mineral kingdoms....and not to forget their fellow human beings (This too was a side-effect from the illusion of separation. Sex became a tool to try and fill the void within, for stress relief, especially men use sex in such a way, and for overpowering).

Sexual energy is to be treated with honour, reverence and deep respect....it is divine and sacred in nature.....With sovereignty also comes reign over ones own bodily re-actions/functions...you are not to be the slave of your physical/material desires/manifestations! A person that is in full knowledge, acceptance and understanding of itself is self-confident and has no need to express him/herself in such a manner, by using multiple outside energies for satisfaction and validation...and has no need to be secretive about anything.

During experience of sexual expression, you raise to a vibratory level that we live in all of the time. Although it is not a necessity, we ask that you do not discard this effective tool without consideration. Experiences of self-love through self-sexual expression can be used as a tool of creation that you have yet to fully discover. Some of you have the belief that you will evolve to a heightened state where sex will no longer be a part of your experience. Please know that as long as you are in finite form, you will have this valuable tool available to re-member Home and who you really are. ~ The Group.

- There is no reason or nothing to "repent".

You’ve let suffering become such a part of your belief system that, even when you released everything else, you forgot to release suffering. God does not want you to suffer. God does not want you to go through all of these difficult and challenging things. Spirit wants you to have joy – the opposite of suffering – joy in your life, and joy in your creations.

There is no God that wants you to suffer. There is no God that asks you to suffer. God asks you to be in joy and celebration. The energy of suffering is so deeply imbedded within you. It has been pounded into you through many lifetimes. And in this lifetime the churches helped pound it even deeper. You are not worthy, they say. You have to work your way back to God. You are a sinner. One day there will be judgment. Perhaps you will make it, perhaps not. Fear, suffering, and more suffering…you have it deeply engrained within you that the way to God is through deep suffering and pain. You do not have to suffer anymore. ~ Tobias.

Perhaps you feel that you have to have pain or must suffer to become sacred or help the planet. That simply isn't the way of it. Don't confuse this with information with what we've told you about those who have elected to sacrifice an expression [die in this lifetime] for the enablement of others. That scenario is different. We're speaking now about those who believe that they must remain in suffering and pain while remaining on Earth, and that it's just part of their "life lesson". The irony here is that the Human's real life lesson is really "how to get out of pain and suffering!" The whole idea of "suffering for God" is of Human origin. You'll never find that in any real channeling from Spirit from the other side of the veil. Instead, it's just the opposite! Humans have created this, even placed it within some holy scriptures, in order to produce control over other Humans. It never was a spiritual message of truth. ~ Kryon.

- There is no need for missionary work, to evangelize or convincing anyone...nor judging or ridiculing those who are still wired differently and still running on old energy tracks.

The master does not force energy on any Human. He just places it in the room for all to do with as they choose. Some will absorb it, and some will reject it. This is free choice. When you come into a room where there is water for you, some will partake and some will not. It’s about your own thirst and the appropriateness of what you need. But the water does not become indignant that you didn’t drink it, does it? It doesn’t follow you home, demanding that you taste it. No. It just sits there as nourishment for those who wish it. This is the way of it, even when the water is the water of life. ~ Kryon.

It is no longer that you are separate in any way. We tell you there are many out there teaching that there are good people who are going to ascend, and bad people who are going to stay. We do not agree with that point of view dear ones. This time either all of you go or no one goes, so it is now about helping everyone and being conscious.(By this they mean the whole planet goes 'up' yet it's every humans' free choice whether they wish to be part of the ascension or not. Some will not come along and go elsewhere. The ones that choose to stay on the planet however will come with, as far as they can go) It is turning around, seeing the neighbour who is driving you crazy and finding a way to say hello to him warmly and genuinely. It means finding a way to be responsible not only for who you are and what you do - but accepting responsibility for your own happiness. What about that, dear ones? No, that does not always seem easy either, but re-member it is perception. Do not give your responsibility to someone else. your responsibility has to first be you. Only then can you turn around and share that with other people. You generally experience the opposite of that on planet Earth right now. So, if you will reverse that which is currently in effect, - if when you hear the word responsibility your ears will perk up - then your energy field will start to move. You will see it and be able to use it from a totally different perspective than you have before.~ The Group.

- You are not dependent of astrology and celestial bodies. They do not decide/control your life. Nor is the future carved in stone, nothing is pre-destined.

Astrology is not a life-controlling aspect. It's a posturing aspect. That's much different. When you sit on a couch, it postures your weight and then folds itself around you. When you sit on it, you might say that you and the couch are together in cooperation for those moments of sitting. By agreement, you trust the couch. By agreement it supports your weight. That's posturing. It's not controlling, for you may leave the couch anytime you wish. You may also re-adjust your position or sit on another coach. Planetary alignments are the same. They are not controlling, but personal energy posturing. Astrology is this way. It provides a beginning posturing to your life, and it creates different kinds of Human behaviour. Why should that be? We've said this before: What kind of a test would it be if you were all alike? You're not, if you noticed. We also told you that you have the ability and the right to change how the planets affect you. Are you willing to start connecting these teachings and seeing the big picture? ~ Kryon

Instead of predestination, contracts are a predisposal (predisposition). They're only a starting place of energy. They're an opportunity for you to fit into a set of circumstances, predisposed to be there, and then using free choice to decide to stay there or not. You may say that there's a contract for this and that, but the reality is that you're constantly rewriting them. Every time you shift vibration, passions change. "What does that do to contracts?" you might ask. They change! You discover New Energies as the light is "turned on"in your life. Oddly, soemtimes the result is that all that you've gone through and everything you've done looks meaningless! You receive a new facilitation, a new passion, a new contract. Think of that. This has happened over and over to many lightworkers, and has brought them joy and not frustration! Why? There's nothing like being in your sweet spot. Others around yoy may shake their heads and say you're "wishy-washy". They say you can't decide who you are or what you want to do. Instead, perhaps they're the ones who are stuck, anchored in an old linear reality that says that a Human is only supposed to do one thing? Think about it. Who's flying here? Perhaps the "wishy-washy" Human is the one with the wings, flitting about in the joy of co-creation? The others are stuck in the mud, which they call "normal". - Kryon.

- Jesus (and Mohammed, Buddha or anyone else) did not come to be worshiped or to save you (nor will he). Jesus came to tell you you can stop worshiping anything or anyone and save yourselves!

Jesus was a real person. His birth and death were far different than they have been reported, but he walked the earth as an enlightened soul whose miracles and teachings were the beginning of a new dispensation. He taught unity, and the principle that all men could speak personally to God. He said, “You can be just like me!” and that is what our message is, also… that master-hood is within each of you. If you really want to know more about the real history, it’s very clearly in the scrolls, but it’s not in your scriptures! Jesus, as well as other masters who walked the earth, not only gave you messages of empowerment, but then “walked the walk” so you could see that a Human Being could actually do what he said could be done. Many of you are poised on the edge of realizing this same thing. ~ Kryon

- There is no need to take everything so seriously...not even, or least of all, yourselves.

Humor is one of the only energies passed through the veil completely untouched. The other is love. They are related, and one cries when they laugh and also in grief. They both affect Human biology too, and so they are catalysts for chemistry changes. Truly humour is saced. It calms the Human spirit and creates the chemistry of tolerance, forgiveness and even health. - Kryon.

For me...after I was stripped to the core and picked up this writing...I still had to detach myself from the notion that the writing was me, and had to have an oriented goal, that it had to be "successful", validated and acknowledged. I had to detach myself from the importance of it. Yes it serves and will serve a great purpose for many people for quite some time....but I am merely the servant bringing in Gods message.

I am not only a writer...there are many more things I love and am good at: singing, dancing, teaching, driving, watching movies, creative cooking, gardening, making jam, swimming, skiing, hiking, making love, being lazy, reading fantasy books, designing, decorating, being creative in any field, I love to make people laugh (wherever I go I'm the clown that makes people crack up, it's in my nature to joke around about basically everything) etc...I am all of it and none of it, detached from form. There are many many joys I have. My writing is just one of my many aspects/expressions which will be predominant for a while as long as the purpose asks/requires. I do not strive for perfection as imperfections are perfect in scope.

When I was younger I used to greatly frustrate all the "adults" around me cause my interest was so huge...I could never choose/stick to/settle for just one thing. (when everyone around me wanted me to choose one "study"/craft/profession for the rest of my life!). Why choose one thing when there are so many interests and talents you have...I wanted to use them all! Just doing one thing becomes a bore to me pretty easily. I have to flow and be diverse, it is in my nature.

So....I simply write down what needs to be written as spirit asks me...and whatever people take from it or do with it is irrelevant to me, it is their business. People can get upset..or delighted...it is fine either way. I just put it all out there and how it serves is not up to me...I am not goal or result oriented. I am not frustrated or dissapointed anymore when people totally mis-interpret what I say, accusing me of arrogance and ego-ism. It is merely their ignorance speaking. Life is not about scoring points. I do not identify/attach myself to any one aspect...I am many...

The ultimate detachment is letting go of "want" itself, in full knowingness that which is appropriate to you in the moment (the now) is yours already.

There will come a day when your science will honor the zero within your coming interdimensional math. Right now, you see the zero as nothing. Some have said, "Well, we know that zero doesn't really mean nothing. We think that an interdimensional zero will be infinity. That's what a zero is." No, it isn't. The zero is the potential of all that ever was, is, or can be. It's the "now" of universal math. It represents potential, or an energy of possibility. Therefore, the zero is variable depending upon the equation. You're not used to this. You're used to mathematical equations being empirical, and you wish that to remain. But it can't be that way when you begin to compute outside of linearity. Within that scheme is revealed the elegance of the math. The zero removes what is not needed, and reveals the solution. It becomes the facilitator of the reality of the puzzle itself, and is often the core number. We don't expect you to fully understand this. In fact, we don't expect any understanding at all. Not yet. ~ Kryon.

So let me add...the zero is what adds value to any number...add a 0 to a 1 and all of a sudden you have 10...the 10 fold of the 1 you began with. The void/emptiness/zero is the womb that holds all potential. from adding the zero/depletion/emptiness to the life you were leading up to this point....by emptying out completely....you will become your own true value....10 fold.

What is appropriate to us in the moment is already there. The key to total surrender to Divine Love is NOT to take action and try to/force to make things happen yourself, no matter how deep the urge (the voice of fear screaming you will perish if you don't do anything....as opposed to the voice of Inspired Action that comes from the heart and feelings of joy, love and abundance) but to trust something (sustenance) will find its way to you....this way one learns to BE not DO....hence: peace.

Assume the situation is already resolved and so it is...assume it is a problem and a problem you will have...be at peace (Ask for peace over the issue), let the control go, you are the one who decides, it is your choice to make! Whichever you allow for will be. If you allow the human-you to take control, then you are not allowing the divine-you to bring you a resolve, because you are in the way...so acknowledge the situation was created by you, own it...Decide what it is you would like the situation to be like instead, then detach from the situation, get out of the way, and let Divinity do what it does best: GIVE! God always knows your every need.

The important thing to remember is to always allow people to carry the responsibility for their own lives (allow them to go through their own trials and tribulations as they are the ones setting them up, for growth...so no need to meddle as they are in their appropriate place).

There is no need for anyone to "feed" off others and make others responsible for the situation they're in. When someone requests your help you must asess in each case whether you should oblige or not. (is it pity? guilt? a feeling of obligation? (the old toxic energy notion that one must feel sorry and sacrifice for another)).

Nobody is helpless/powerless and there is no need to "help" or "save" anyone (or send light for that matter) because everyone is perfectly capable of allowing for a resolve. Everything is always in Perfect Divine Order...one must only know how to surrender to it and totally trust it...have peace with it.

However...once one has gone through ascension one always carries the feeling of total abundance with them in every way....from a feeling of plenty it is easy to give without ever needing anything in return (this can be part of Inspired Action as I mentioned earlier, alongside other forms of Inspired (creative) Action). There is never any need to totally close off to your fellow man either...one must only be aware of healthy bounderies...for the highest good of all involved.

Don’t take responsibility for those who do not heal. Don’t take responsibility for those who DO. Celebrate those who heal, cry over the ones that don’t, but don’t take responsibility for anything but the integrity of the energy you put out. Shine the light and stay in place. ~ Kryon.

There is no greater power in the Universe than love. It is your solace and your shield. ~ Kryon.

Every Human who is an adult, has felt at one time beloved feelings for another Human Being. It is Human nature no matter what race, no matter what culture. Humans fall in love with Humans. What a glorious feeling! Do you remember it? Do you remember when you first felt it? Humans do odd things when they’re in love, you know? Do you remember? They jump up and down with joy. They make fools of themselves and tell their friends. Humans in love are fun to watch! What an energy between them! Your psychology doctors have said this about being in love: They say, "It is so amazing, it is like a temporary insanity." What an energy to be in love! And I bring this to you first, because so many of you have felt it and remember the feelings. Remember the first time you laid eyes on the one that meant so much to you, and all the emotion that followed beyond that time. Now tell me, is that a falsity or is that true? It is real or imagined? And what is it that happens with your body? There’s chemistry. Your very brain is affected. All of these things, together, create energy between the Human Beings that can be felt. And you know of what I speak. It's pure energy and it's thick with reality!

And is this also true with animals? How many of you are in love with an animal? I already know the answer, for I know who is here. Don’t you love the unconditional love you get back from an animal? When you look in their eyes, you see the preciousness there. Are you surprised that the animal feels this? So often the love is returned. How is it there can be love between a Human Being and a simple animal, some very small and some very large. Here’s a creature that has no intellect and cannot even speak your language, yet they have love. What if this energy called love was a universal property? I’m going to ask you some questions in a moment about that.

It’s a very energetic and powerful thing, this love. When even the animals of the planet can feel a Human Being giving it to them, do you think that there is actual energy being transmitted with the emotion of love? When the researcher who deals with water did his experiments, [Dr. Emoto] he asked the Human Beings to direct their thoughts of love into the water, and you saw the visual proof that the water changed. Indeed! What if nature responds to love? What I'm telling you is that there is a very strong field connected to this emotion. It can change the chemistry within a Human. It is a field that is felt by the animals of the world. Nature even responds to it. So is it a stretch of your imagination to think of what it might also be doing esoterically? What if love, and the emotion of love, were inter-dimensional? What kinds of effects might it also be generating around you? What if you could somehow direct the affects of this inter-dimensional love energy to a place? Would it make a difference?

Can you allow the thought, for even a moment, that the emotion of love might be able to change your own DNA? "Oh my!" you might say. "That's way too simple and trite. Here is Kryon saying we're going to love ourselves into health!" Well, it's a good beginning, and it's filled with profound truth.

What I’m asking you to understand is that the energy of love is absolutely universal, that it was global, and everywhere. Is this a basic rule that you have never even considered? What if, before you could do anything else, you had to learn to love? What if I told you that this love energy turns on a light that actually starts a process of higher vibrations. Did you know that? What if this love energy is the catalyst for almost every process of growth the Human wanted?

So many Humans want to touch God. They’ll climb as many stairs as they’re told to, to accomplish this. They’ll walk the miles, they will move into the odd positions, speak the words, sing the songs, say the prayers and do the chants. Then, at the end of the day, nothing happens. Then they will do it again, thinking that they were not worthy of God's attention.

I am telling you that the core of God's attention is much simpler than that, even simpler than the processes that men assign to it. It’s about the compassion of love! ~ Kryon.

A peaceful countenance is an attribute of an enlightened human being. ~ Kryon.

Let me ask you this: Is there anything you can imagine that God/Spirit cannot accomplish? Initially you might say, “no”. God can do anything. The answer is actually this: God is biased! God is biased in love. Therefore when there is a situation in the Universe that needs to be decided without this bias… within an unbiased and neutral playing field out of God-consciousness, there is a method. In this case, it’s called Earth.~ Kryon.

Let’s define power. In the language that this is being presented in [English], power does not mean force. Power, as we are saying it now, means enablement. Enablement means the ability to move beyond former restriction. That’s powerful for a Human, especially when the restriction has been one of Human perception… what is real and what is not. So an empowered Human is one who’s able to think past his own former reality, and perform tasks formerly thought impossible. ~ Kryon.

What is the master’s attitude about ego? There’s a big difference between ego and stewardship. Ego is vanity. Stewardship is energy in spiritual passion. Let us give you an example: If you have a truth that has been given to you in all appropriateness, one you feel is divine, and someone tramples upon it, or would say that their truth is higher than your truth, you might react. Others around you may say that you’re having ‘an ego flare up’. They assume that your reaction stems from vanity. But masters don’t do that. They weigh everything appropriately and react not with ego but with the authority of stewardship. They know what is true for them. They also know that there’s no other Human Being on Earth that can touch their truth. The master truly has no ‘ego buttons’ left. You can stand there all day with humanity shouting at you, and it will never change your truth. Therefore, whose problem is it? That should be obvious. It’s the shouters’ problem, not yours. They’re the ones who are upset! When a Human comes at you with a lower vibration and in some way violates what you believe, or violates your sanctity, you might take action. If you do, it is the action of the integrity of your stewardship. Instead of anger, there’s disappointment. Instead of vanity, there’s self-assurance. So when you see master Lightworkers being self-assured, don’t confuse it with ego. Look at them and what they’re doing. Lightworkers will not defend their positions. They don’t have to. Lightworkers will let the energy go by, often turning the other cheek when they know that their truth stands tall by itself, and that nothing the other is saying can touch it. ~ Kryon.

Experiences of self-love through self-sexual expression can be used as a tool of creation that you have yet to fully discover. Some of you have the belief that you will evolve to a heightened state where sex will no longer be a part of your experience. Please know that as long as you are in finite form, you will have this valuable tool available to re-member Home and who you really are. ~ The Group.

Again, everything that’s before you has been sanctioned by you and created by you. It often lies there begging you to work with it. Energy is like clay. It can be formed into a beautiful statue or just lie there on the floor. In both cases, the clay is still the clay. ~ Kryon.

And the reason I used so many channeled pieces of text is because I'm lazy and like things simple and easy....so I gladly use the material as already provided by my off-planet collegues, since they already explained it all quite eloquently. I rather cut & paste a little sometimes than write it all down in my own words, which would be pretty similar to theirs anyway once the angelic one inside takes over, which happens when I write and speak. - So thank you brother/sister Kryon and entourage ;) - One important thing to mention though, as with all channelings, some information provided by channels years ago already has an old energy imprint to it (one can only channel information at the vibrational level one's at...and the vibrations of Earth and many people have changed drastically...so information given years ago, to an extent, may have gotten old and is no longer completely correct...you must feel what is and what is not)

And I will say this again and again.....use discernment when reading channeled messages...don´t accept anything as Truth...use your intuitions, your feelings.....99 % of all channels, channel their own essence in the vibe it is in....when you deal with a channel that is convinced of conspiracy-theories, so will the channeled message reflect that...anyone can give any type of name to their channeled entity...Metatron, Michael, etc....but...the thing to remember is that a true channel will give a message that can be easily be understood by anybody...and that is loving and supportive...it will not tell you to do anything...not meditation or otherwise...no doom and gloom..nothing is carved in stone...when those channels tell about things that will/need to happen, it leaves little space for something else...people tend to follow the guidelines they're given, again placing all trust & power outside of themselves....

Don't ever think anyone else knows more for you, than you do for yourself!